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Brainstem responses to voice pitch in chinese newborns to four different mandarin chinese tones. Presented by: Kristen Mitchell. Introduction: Voice Pitch.
Brainstem responses to voice pitch in chinese newborns to four different mandarin chinese tones Presented by: Kristen Mitchell
Introduction: Voice Pitch • Voice pitch is an auditory perception that reflects the brain’s ability to discriminate between the different characteristics of pitch in speech • The different pitches of your voice can have different lexical meanings depending on which linguistic environment you are in • Tonal language • Mandarin Chinese • yi¹ vs. yi² vs. yi³ vs. yi4
Introduction: Innate Ability • According to Eimaset al. (1971) • Newborns have the ability to differentiate between the different adult phonemes • According to Kuhl (2010) • Without having any prior experience in a specific linguistic environment, newborns and young infants have the ability to discriminate between nonnative speech sounds
Introduction: Frequency-Following response • FFR is a scalp-recorded, electrophysiological measure that can be used to provide information about pitch coding at the level of the brainstem • Objective response • Non-invasive • Produced when low-frequency acoustic stimuli is presented to the auditory system • Synchronous electrical activity in each wave corresponds to the acoustic signal Gardi et al., (1979); Krishnan (2002); Jeng et al., (2010); Jeng et al., (2011)
Introduction: Why is FFR important? • Determine the neural plasticity of the pitch processing mechanisms at the level of the brainstem • Help make direct comparisons with adults • Help identify individuals with deficits in pitch processing • Autism spectrum disorders • Hearing impairment • Specific language impairment • Language-based learning problems Russo et al., (2008); Chandrasekaran et al., (2009); Jeng et al., (2010)
Introduction: Current Study • Aims • Determine if we can record the FFR of newborns to voice pitch using four different Mandarin Chinese tones • Hypothesis • We will be able to record the FFR of newborns to voice pitch using four different Mandarin Chinese tones • The responses to the four different Mandarin Chinese tones will be the same in the Chinese newborns • There will be no differences between the four tones
Methods: Participants • Forty-four participants • Chinese newborns • 18 females • 26 males • Normal hearing • Assessed by an automated auditory brainstem response screening tool • Free of any neurological disorders or newborn hearing risk factors through self-report
Methods: stimuli • Four different Mandarin Chinese tones that mimic the English vowel /i/ Flat pitch Rising pitch Falling-rising Falling pitch pitch
Methods: parameters • Recorded by a male Mandarin speaker • Neuroscan Acquire v4.5 software • Silent interval: 45 msec between onset and offset • Repetition rate: 3.39/second
Methods: parameters • Presentation • Stimulus to either the right or left ear • Using an ER-3A transducer and an ER3-14D2 infant ear tip • Intensity • 60 dB SPL • Polarity • Alternating polarity
Methods: Recording parameters • Recording took place at the hospital in Taiwan • Resting or fast asleep • Three gold-plated electrodes • Impedance < 3 kΩ • Amplified, filter and digitized
Methods: Data Analysis • Data analyzed using MATLAB • Band-passed filtered • Segmented into 295 msec in length • Sweep were rejected if voltages were >25μV • 4,001 sweeps collected for each infant • Frequency spectrogram • Used to estimate the f0 contours of the recordings
Methods: Data Analysis • Objective measures • Frequency error • Slope error • Tracking accuracy • Spectral amplitude • Pitch strength • RMS amplitude
Results: FFR indices Frequency error (top left), p = 0.170; Slope error (top middle), p = 0.000; Tracking accuracy (top right), p = 0.152; Spectral amplitude (bottom left), p = 0.005; Pitch strength (bottom middle), p = 0.001 and RMS amplitude (bottom right), p = 0.176. There were significant differences in slope error, spectral amplitude and pitch strength for all four tones.
conclusion • FFR is recordable in newborn infants that are less than three days old to four different Mandarin Chinese tones • The human brainstem has the ability to follow the f0 contours of the recordings • Supports the possibility that we are born with the ability to identify and track changes in voice pitch • Innate processing • There are significant differences in the FFR between the four different Mandarin Chinese tones • Future goals • Continue collecting more data • Compare English vs. Chinese
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acknowledgments • A BIG THANK YOU TO: • Dr. Jeng • My Labmates • My Classmates • My Family & Friends