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T erritorial D i mension of P overty and S ocial E xclusion (TiPSE)

T erritorial D i mension of P overty and S ocial E xclusion (TiPSE). Dr. Sabine Weck Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung (ILS). Population at-risk of poverty and social exclusion, 2011 Data is on NUTS2 or even NUTS1 level only,

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T erritorial D i mension of P overty and S ocial E xclusion (TiPSE)

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  1. Territorial Dimension of Poverty and Social Exclusion (TiPSE) Dr. Sabine Weck Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung (ILS)

  2. Population at-risk of poverty and social exclusion, 2011 Data is on NUTS2 or even NUTS1 level only, thus masking considerable disparities within countries or regions. We know little about processes and patterns at a micro-regional level across the European territory as regards poverty, and even less when it comes to social exclusion as a multidimensional process.

  3. TIPSE – Project Overview

  4. Case Studies • Set of10 Case Studies: • In-depthanalysis • Education • Access to services in rural regions • Unemployment • Segregation • Ethnic minorities. Stockholm Banskobystrický kraj Nuts 3 ….. Below Nuts 3 Porto Izmir Albacete • SocialExclusion Mapping: • Earning a living • Access to Services • Socialenvironment • Political participation Poverty Mapping: SpatialMicrosimulation

  5. Case Studies – Some Preliminary Findings • Urban - rural and central - peripheral trends and patterns • Common challenges – migration patterns • Consequences of the fiscal and economic crisis • The role of regions and cities • Need for standardised data on micro-scale level (being aware of their locally specific meaning and significance) Stockholm Banskobystrický kraj Porto Albacete Izmir

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