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Chapter 13 and 14. Capitalization and Punctuation. Capitalization. Always capitalize the first word in every sentence. The first word of a directly quoted sentence is capitalized My teacher said, “Don’t forget to complete your homework.” The first word of every line in a poem is capitalized
Chapter 13 and 14 Capitalization and Punctuation
Capitalization • Always capitalize the first word in every sentence. • The first word of a directly quoted sentence is capitalized • My teacher said, “Don’t forget to complete your homework.” • The first word of every line in a poem is capitalized • Capitalize the first word in a salutation and closing of a letter. • Capitalize the pronoun “I” • Capitalize proper nouns. • Capitalize the names of persons and animals.
Proper Nouns with More Than One Word • Capitalize the names of persons and animals. • Capitalize geographical names. • Short words, such as prepositions, are not capitalized • House of Representatives • In a hyphenated street number, the second word (after the hyphen) is not capitalized). • West Thirty-fourth street
Direction • In a hyphenated street number, the second word (after the hyphen) is not capitalized). • West Thirty-fourth Street • Words such as east, west, north, south are not capitalized unless they name a particular region • I headed south on Pulaski. • The South has produced some of the greatest writers.
Brands, Teams, Businesses and Organizations • Capitalize the name of a brand, team, institution, government body, business, organization • Nike • The Chicago Bulls • St. Catherine of Alexandria • United Nations • Carson Pirie Scott • Modern Language Association • Names of types of products are not capitalized • Apple computer • Remember not to capitalize unimportant words (usually pronouns)
History, Holidays, and Nationalities • Capitalize historical events, historical periods, special events, calendar items, holidays, nationalities, races, people • Do not capitalize the name of a season unless it is a part of a proper name • The Chicago Winter Festival
Building, Monuments, Aircraft • Capitalize the names of ships, trains, aircraft, spacecraft, building, structures, monuments, memorials, and awards • Do not capitalize words such as hotel, theatre, or high school unless they are part of the name of a particular building or institution
Religions and Stars • Capitalize the name of religions and their followers, holy days and celebrations, sacred writing, and specific deities, stars, planets, and constellations • The words god and goddess are not capitalized when they refer to ancient mythology. The names of specific gods or goddesses are capitalized. • Athena was the goddess of wisdom. • The king of the Norse gods was Odin. • I believe in one God.
Proper Adjectives • Only the adjective is capitalized, not the entire word phrase • the English language • the Greek theatre • Do not capitalize school subjects unless is followed by numerals and names a language class • history, math, science, English, Spanish • History 101, Music III
Capitalize Titles • The title of a person is always capitalized • President Obama, Miss Sheeran, • Capitalize the title of a person when the title comes before the name • When there is no name, title is usually capitalized • Greg, the class secretary, wrote down the notes. • Is it serious, Doctor? • Capitalize a word showing a family relationship when the word is used before or in place of a person’s name • Aunt Kathy and Uncle Tim are here. • Both Mom and Dad work at a hospital. • Don’t capitalize a word when a possessive comes before it • Jenny’s mom and aunt • My mom and dad
Capitalize Titles • Capitalize the first and last words of all important words in the title of a book, movie, TV show, songs, play, newspaper article, etc. • Unimportant words • a, an, the (when not used as first word) • for, and, not, but, or, yet, so • Prepositions of fewer than 5 letters (for, by, on, with)
Punctuation • End marks: period, exclamation point, and question mark • Imperative • Declarative • Exclamatory • Interrogative
Abbreviations • Most followed by a period • S.E. Hinton • E.B. White • Mr. • Wis., N.Y., L.A. • St., Ave., Dr. • When before a zip code – do NOT add period • Chicago, IL 60655 • Acronyms do not use periods: FBI, CIA, UNICEF, CBS
Abbreviations • Abbreviations for units of measurement do NOT use periods • cm, ml, kg, g • Use a period after the abbreviation “in.” for inches • When the abbreviation is the last word in a declarative or imperative sentence you do not need two periods • My dog’s name is A.J. • Is your dog’s name A.J.?
Comma • Separates items in a series • Words, phrases, and clauses in a series • Katelyn, Tom, and Luke are going to the movies. • Separates two or more adjectives before a noun • She has long, shiny, blond hair. • Only between adjectives! • Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) only when it joins independent clauses • No one else was there, so we left.
Commas • Use commas when there is an interruption (or pause) in a sentence • Ms. Hudson, the principal, visited the classroom. • Michael Jordan, who retired from the NBA, was a great player. • My best friend, Caitlin, is my roommate. • In my opinion, that movie was awesome. • Yes, I understand the assignment.
Dates and Address and Letter • Valentine’s Day is Thursday, February 14, 2013. • Chicago, Illinois • Dear Friend, • Sincerely,
Semicolon (;) • Use semicolon between two independent clauses when they are not joined by FANBOYS • My parents settled the argument for us; they took us to both movies. • Some names of animals are misleading; for example, the koala bear is not actually a bear. • Most commonly used to prevent run-on sentences • Clauses have to relate to one another • You can choose dinner tonight; I like playing sports. • You can choose dinner tonight; I will choose tomorrow.
Semicolon • Also use a semicolon in a series when there is also commas • At the mall, I saw Mike, the chef; Lauren, the artist; and Kelly, the basketball player.
Colon (:) • Use before a list of items • We will bring the following items: a tent, food, firewood, sleeping bag, and blankets. • The questions is this: what are you going to do for your assignment? • After a salutation of a business letter • Dear Mr. Hunt: • Between hour and minute, chapter and verse of Bible • 12:15, Luke 4:6-10 • Use colon before a long, formal statement or quotation. • In Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, he expresses: “