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This course covers topics in primary optometry, including horopter, fixation disparity, depth perception, neuroanatomy, and more. Learn through lectures, exams, and suggested text for a comprehensive understanding.
PRIMARY OPTOMETRY OPTO 6363 Fall Semester, 2019 Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 – 5:00pm Room: Health1 203 Instructor: Janice Wensveen, OD, PhD. Office number 2136, with office visits by appointment jwensveen@central.uh.edu 713-743-1699 Class power points will be on the intranet the day of class. http://intranet.opt.uh.edu/coursematerials Grade will be determined by performance on 2 midterms and one final exam. Exam 1: First exam week Wednesday Sept 18 1-3pm Exam 2: Second exam week Wednesday Oct 23 1-3pm Final Exam: Final exam week TBD If you need accommodations, please see me immediately. Suggested text: Foundations of Binocular Vision: A Clinical Perspective, by Steinman, S.B., Steinman, B.A., and Garzia, R.P. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000.
OPTO 6363 PRIMARY OPTOMETRY (Course Topics) 1.Introduction today 2. Horopter (not phoropter) 3.Aniseikonia 4. Fixation Disparity 5. Depth Perception and Stereopsis 6. Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology 7. Development 8. Strabismus 9. Graphical Analysis – second half of course
Course Introduction: Concepts to master today • Objective & subjective visual space. • Corresponding retinal points. • What is the horopter? • Physiological diplopia and Panum’sfusional areas. • What is crossed disparity and what is uncrossed disparity?
Objective and Subjective Visual Space: Subjective space panel shows what you would perceive. Objective space panel shows what is going on in reality = how objects and the eyes are physically situated.
Corresponding retinal points: • When each of the 2 eyes are pointed at an object, the image of that object falls on the foveas. The foveas are corresponding retinal points. • Corresponding retinal points project to an identical visual direction, and in the case of the foveas it’s the primary visual direction. • In general, any two retinal points that project to an identical visual direction are corresponding retinal points.
The Horopter (not phoropter): • The horopter is the map of corresponding retinal points projected into space. • We are usually going to be using only the horizontal horopter, but be aware that the horopter is really a 2-dimensional surface because the retina is a 2-dimensional surface. • Your perception of objects on the horizontal horopter is that they are in a plane parallel to your face.
Binocular Disparity Physical object R L Left eye perspective Right eye perspective
Free-Fusion Stereoscopy 2. When the images of the two half-views fall on corresponding retinal areas, the perceptions of fusion and stereoscopic depth can occur.
Free-Fusion Stereoscopy 3. Free-fusion stereoscopy, a technique of viewing stereograms without an optical aid, may be accomplished by either of two methods. a. Stereoscopic (aka., straight-eyed, relaxed, or orthoscopic) viewing - under-convergence to image the right half-view on the right eye’s retina and left half-view on the left retina. b.Pseudoscopic (aka., cross-eyed or chiascopicviewing) - over-convergence to image the right half-view on the left eye’s retina and left half-view on the right retina.
Free-Fusion Stereoscopy – Chiascopic Fusion of Thumbs • A method for learning free-fusion and for vergence training. • Obtain initial diplopia by looking at the bridge of your nose and change distance between your hands to obtain fusion. • During fusion, extending the distance between the hands inceases PFC – notice the change in distance and size of the fused thumbs – SILO (smaller in, larger out). Left Hand Binocular Percept Right Hand Thumb image from Qz.com
Free-Fusion Stereoscopy Pseudoscopic viewing
Free-Fusion Stereoscopy OS OU OD With pseudoscopic viewing – The observer will perceive the fused central images on corresponding points and the uniocularimages from non-correspondingretinal points.
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Introduction: Binocular Sensory Aspects of Vision Key Points: What did you learn?? Who wants CCNSBV? Are two eyes better than one? The functional requisites for binocular vision. Subjective vs. objective visual space. Binocular vision mechanisms - fusion, diplopia, vergence, stereopsis, fixation disparity. Marty Feldman - www.ibtimes.co.uk/
OPTO 6363 PRIMARY OPTOMETRY FALL SEMESTER, 2018 https://pixabay.com/