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Historical Prešov. The town of prešov. The first written note about the developing town named Epuries is in the royal document from November 7 th , 1247. On the request of the German settlers , King Ondrej III. Grantedthe town rights to Prešov in 1299.
Thetownof prešov • Thefirstwritten note aboutthedevelopingtownnamedEpuriesis in theroyaldocumentfrom November 7th, 1247. On therequestoftheGermansettlers, King Ondrej III. Grantedthetownrights to Prešov in 1299. • Prešov gottherightsof a freeroyaltown in 1347.
Historical Prešov • Themedievaldevelopmentofthetownisassociatedwithguildsmanufacturing and trade. Thetownwassurrounded by thewalls. Thehistoricalsquareof Prešov wasdeclaredanurbanprotectedarea in 1950.
TownWalls • Started in 1374 and completed in the 30s ofthe 15th century. • Thebest-preservedparts are thenortheasternbastioncalledbaker´sbastion and somepartsofthewalls in Kmeťovo stromoradie.
Florian Gate • Atthe end oftheFlorianStreetisthelargestconstructionoftheoriginaltownwalls. • Itisdecoratedwiththepictureof St. Florian, thepatronoffire-man, by Prešov painter Max Kurth.
TownHall • Itwasoriginally a Gothicburgher´shousechangedintoawine bar. • Itschangeswereconnectedwiththe big fires in 1786 and 1887. • Itwasenlargedinto a two-floorbuilding and itgotitsPseudobaroquedecorationafterthelatterfire.
RákoczyPalace • Itwasbuiltoftwoburgher´shouses by Žigmund Rákoczyatthe end ofthe 16th century. • Thebuilding has a richdecoratedatticfacade. • Atpresent, theRegionalMuseumusesthebuilding.
Neptune´sFountain • Itistheonlypreserved tank oftheformer ten watertanksthatsuppliedthetownwithwater. • Atthebeginningofthe 19th century, theleadingJewishtradesman Marek Holländer had thesculpturalgroupofNeptunbuiltashisthanksfortheprivilege.
TheBlackEagle • Itwasbuiltofsomeburgher´shousesthatwerwadjusted in towninnafter 1561. • In 19th century, the new buildingof a concerthall and theatrewasadded to thecomplex. • Itisluxorialplaceofsociallife in Prešov.
Country House • Itwasbuilt in years 1769-1770 asanadministrativebuildingoftheformer Šariš County. Thebuilding has a richBaroque-Classicisticdecorationwithtwoportals and a triangulargable- tympanon.
Caraffa´ s prison • Itwasbuilt in years 1504- 1509 as a warehouse and repositoryofthetownmeasuringequipmentandscales. • Itisknownas a prison, too • Thebuildingwithfulcrumwallsis a typicalexampleoftheGothicarchitecture.