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ISO/TC 224 Objectives. TO PROVIDE GUIDELINES FOR ASSESSING AND IMPROVING GOUVERNANCE AND QUALITY OF WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICESQuality of the service to the usersProtection of the environmentImproving the management of servicesImproving the dialogue among stakeholders in order to develop a mut
2. “Service activities relating to drinking water supply systems and wastewater systems”andSustainability
Jean-Luc REDAUD Ingénieur Général du GREF
ISO/TC 224 Chairman
ISO/TC/SC Chair Conference, Geneva June 2008
Quality of the service to the users
Protection of the environment
Improving the management of services
Improving the dialogue among stakeholders in order to develop a mutual understanding of objectives, functions and tasks
4. Agenda and participants
5. ISO/TC 224 ObjectivesA set of 3 standards about activities relating to water and wastewater service, published in 2007 ISO 24510 Guidelines for the assessment and for the improvement of the service to users (service oriented standard)
ISO 24511 Guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services (management oriented)
ISO 24512 Guidelines for the management of drinking water utilities and for the assessment of drinking water services (management oriented)
6. ISO/TC 224 ObjectivesCommon Structure for the 3 standardsISO 25410/24511/24512 Common introduction
Common “Terms and definitions” clause
Elements/components of the service
Objectives for the service
Guidelines for meeting the objectives (management)
Assessment and performance indicators methodology
Examples of assessment criteria and performance indicators
7. ISO/TC 224 Standards in a perspective of sustainable development of water services
ISO/TC 224 standards have been developed in the perspective a a sustainable development of water and wastewater services. They refer to ISO 9000 series and ISO 14000 series and take these management standards into account. They also consider security and emergency aspects as well as social issues.
ISO/TC 224 standards have been developed in the perspective a a sustainable development of water and wastewater services. They refer to ISO 9000 series and ISO 14000 series and take these management standards into account. They also consider security and emergency aspects as well as social issues.
8. ISO/TC 224 Standards in a perspective of sustainable development of water services Common introduction for the 3 standards The subclause “0.2 General objectives of water utilities” focus on the “contribution of water utilities to sustainable development” and mainly on
Aim of water utilities (users expectations, basic needs)
Governance aspects : management of water utilities shall be transparent to and inclusive of all stakeholders
Development of the communities: social cohesion, long term sustainability of the service, respect of the environment
Water tariff (aim at meeting cost recovery principles, at promoting efficiency in the use of resources, and at maintaining affordable basic access to water services)
9. ISO/TC 224 Standards in a perspective of sustainable development of water services Terms and definitions (clause 2) « Sustainable development » development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (definition similar to ISO 26000 draft)
The terms “sustainable development”, “sustainability” and “sustainable…” are widely used in the three standards(24 times in ISO 24510, 44 in ISO 24511 and 39 in ISO 24512)
Other definitions that are or might be relevant for sustainable development: Affordability, asset management, community, coverage area of water services, efficiency, rate of return, environment, stakeholder
10. SD - Governance issues considered Legal requirements
Involvement of all stakeholders
Promoting a good relationship with users
Transparency and democracy
availability of service information
communities activities
participation of the users
12. SD - Social issues considered Access to drinking water and wastewaters services for all
Protection of public health (quality of drinking water, health and safety of personnel, etc.)
Provision of the service (fair price, quantity of drinking water, continuity of drinking water supply, coverage and availability of services, etc.)
Management and billing (availability of a clear service agreement, accuracy of billing, response to billing complaints, clarity of billing, methods of payment, etc.)
Sustainable development of the community
Safety and emergency management (prevention measures, restoration of normal service, etc.)
13. SD - Environnemental and economic issues considered Environmental issues
Protection of the environment
sustainable use of natural resources
wastewater treatment
environmental impact of the service
Safety and emergency management
14. ISO/TC 224 and ISO 26000 Outline of classification of ISO/TC 224 SD aspects according to the seven cores issues developed in the draft ISO 26000 Social responsibility
15. ISO/TC 224 and ISO 26000
16. Example ISO 24510 - Assessment criteria given for access to water – social issues
Quantity of water available to users
Equity in access
Access in rural and/or poor zones
Access for low income households
Affordability of services
Public policy for access for vulnerable people
Availability of feasible and affordable alternatives
Sustainability of services
A présenter comme exemple : ensemble des critčres possibles donnés par la norme pour évaluer l’accčs ŕ l’eauA présenter comme exemple : ensemble des critčres possibles donnés par la norme pour évaluer l’accčs ŕ l’eau
17. Example ISO 24510 – Performance indicators given as recommendations –Governance aspects A set of classical PIs (water losses, efficiency in energy consumption,..).. but also specific PIs dealing with governance aspects
B.5.8 Availability of service informationPerformance indicator: coverage of service information (%)
B.5.9 Community activitiesPerformance indicator: users involved directly in activities with the drinking water or wastewater service(%)
B.5.10 Participation of the usersPerformance indicator: rights for participation of the users (yes/no)
18. Globally relevant standards
19. Some tricky issues Principles of democracy (Aarhus convention)
Access to information ++
Public participation ++
Access to justice --
20. Difficulties in involving stakeholders Participation of all stakeholders with different interests
Consumers’ representatives
Developing countries
Composition of national delegations
21. Transparency and democraty
22. Conclusion The ISO/TC 224 standards are original and ambitious,
Combining a service standard approach with a sustainable development approach,
A first global outline dedicated to the case of public services
These could be used as a model in other fields (example : the proposal from Consumers International to Copolco for the management of energy is inspired from ISO 24510).These could be used as a model in other fields (example : the proposal from Consumers International to Copolco for the management of energy is inspired from ISO 24510).
23. Potable water, a still scarce resource