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REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA ENVORONMENTAL ADMINISTRATION CHALLENGES & PRIORITIES. Location-central part of the Balkan Peninsula. Landlocked country - area of 25,713 km2 Approximately 80% - mountainous regions.
Location-central part of the Balkan Peninsula. Landlocked country - area of 25,713 km2 Approximately 80% - mountainous regions. About 2% covered by water-35 large and small rivers, 3 natural lakes (Ohrid Lake, Prespa Lake and Dojran Lake), and 50 artificial lakes. Several climate zones-sharp winters, long and worm summers and a lot of sunny days. Population -around 2 million;60% in urban areas The overall density - 81 inhabitants per km2. The major urban centers are Skopje, Bitola, Tetovo, Kumanovo, Veles, Prilep, Stip, Ohrid, Strumica, Gostivar etc Republic of Macedonia
Environmental threats • Diversified and potentially sound economic base • Industry-dominant sector, accounting for 35% of Gross Social Product (GSP) • 39,9% of employment. • Industrial technologies-outdated and do not comply with environmental standards of the EU. • In spite of lower production levels, industries are the major polluters: -Old inefficient production technologies -inadequate waste control equipment -week environmental enforcement • Areas of significant environmental concerns are located near large urban areas
Current Situation • Present environmental issues related to : -past economic policies -weak environmental management • Crucial environmental issues: -poor air quality - Veles and Skopje -polluted surface water due to discharge of untreated wastewater -Inadequate solid and hazardous waste management system. • Reduced industrial production in the last 5 years decreased level of pollutants in air, water and soil
WAY AHEAD • Ongoing economic and social reform with favorable influence on the environment • Large industries-efficient & less polluting • Energy and other resource consumption should decline, promoting sustainable use of natural resources • The introduction of "polluter pays" and "user pays" principles in environmental policy will further reduce pollution • Willing to treat environment issues as integral part of the overall strategy for economic and social development during the transition to a market economy. • Harmonize environment policies with those of EU to promote closer integration with Europeancountries.
Environmental Administration 1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning 2. The City of Skopje 3.Local Government Units
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Structure of the Ministry (Law on Organization and Work of the Public Administration): • Department of Legislation and Standardization, • Department of Sustainable Development, • Department of European Integration and Environmental Information Centre - 2 Divisions: -Division for Implementation of the Lake Ohrid Conservation Project based in Ohrid and -Division for Implementation of the Dojran Lake Salvage Project based in Star Dojran, • State Inspectorate of Environment, • Office of Environment and • Fund of Environment and Nature Protection and Improvement. (80 full time employees and 18 part time)
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning DOCUMENTS : • Answers to the European Commission Questionnaire (General and Sector Policies) • Laws • Secondary Legislation • Licenses/Permissions • Conventions • Multilateral/Bilateral Agreements • Strategies • Other documents
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Laws: • Law on Environment • Law on ambient air quality • Law on nature protection • Law on waste Management
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Secondary legislation • Annex 2Decree determining the projects for which an environmental impact assessment shall be carried out • Annex 3Ordinance regulating the procedure for carrying out environmental impact assessment • Annex 4 • Decree for determining the installations requiring an integrated environmental permit and time schedule for submission of the adjustment plans • Annex 5Ordinance for regulating the procedure for obtaining the A integrated environmental permit and adjustment
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Licenses/Permisions • Application for A Integrated environmental permit • Integrated Permit
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Documents: • National Waste Management Plan (2009-2015) of the Republic of Macedonia • Waste Management Strategy of R.Macedonia (2008-2020) • Guidance for preparing a local waste management plan for the municipalities • National Environmental Health Action Plan Of The Republic Of Macedonian - NEHAP • National Environmemtal Action Plan - NEAP
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Projects: • Five years Implementation of Lake Ohrid Conservation Project-First experience of cross-border protection and management of natural recourses in the region -Project full with challenges, new approaches, achievements and some drawbacks.
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning PROJECTS/PROGRAMMES : • Programme for Cleaner and More Cost Effective Industry in Macedonia-Application form for companies • Programme for bilateral cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Environmnet, Land and Sea (www.taskforcecee.com) • Building of local capacities for climate change-financed by the Norway Government. • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM);The Clean Development Mechanism was defined under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. It is an arrangement that allows the Annex I countries to invest in emission reducing projects in order to assist the non-Annex countries in achieving sustainable development. The Republic of Macedonia, being a non-Annex I country, can use only the Clean Development Mechanism, which has two primary goals... • Procedure for implementation of clean development in the Republic of Macedonia • Republic of Macedonia and Copenhagen Accord
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning The Climate change and Kyoto Protocol 1. The Republic of Macedonia, as a candidate for full membership in EU, bases its policy in climate change and harmonizes it with the general policies on European Union level. 2. As a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and non-Anex I country, and which in absolute terms is not major emitter of greenhouse gases, respects the principle of the Convention for common but differentiated responsibilities in stabilization of atmosphere concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 3. This commitment of the Republic of Macedonia is expressed on more levels: strategic, legislative, institutional, technical and of course under cooperation on bilateral, regional and global levels.
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning • Climate change addressed in the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the country, has influences on many sectors (energy, agriculture, water recourses, human health, bio-diversity…). Also, the second National Environmental Action Plan deals with climate change. • The second National Communication on Climate Change presents the condition in the country In aspect of emissions of greenhouse gases (Inventory of greenhouse gases), but at the same time represents a framework in which the state measures for reducing (mitigation) and adaptation to climate change are defined. The development of the components of the National Communication on Climate Change is also a law obligation pursuant to the Law of Environment. • The Republic of Macedonia, as a country which has ratified the Kyoto Protocol to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, recognizes the possibilities of achieving the goals of sustainable development by taking advantages for carbon funding through availing one of the mechanisms of the Protocol, so called mechanism for clean development. Pursuant to the first analyses, the potential for reduction is calculated on 4Mt CO2eq/year, which translated in potential for carbon funding (with averaged price from 6-9 Euro/ton reduced CO2eq reveals between 24 and 36 million euro per year.
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning • Advantages of the Clean Development Mechanism:the National Strategy for the Clean Development Mechanism-adopted February 2007 for the first period of obligations 2008-2012 based on the Kyoto Protocol. • Government completed all necessary pre-conditions for function of this mechanism - nominated the Ministry of Environment as body of state administration responsible for coordinating the activities for implementation of projects under this mechanism (so called DNA-designated national authority). In the amendments of the Law of Environment, an article especially for this mechanism was introduced. • Bilateral cooperation in the area of climate change and the Kyoto Protocol- the Ministry of Environmnet and Physical Planning signed Memoranda for cooperation with Italian and Slovenian Ministries of Environment, and with the United Nations Development Programe (UNDP) for carbon funding. • The possibilities for carbon funding are highlighted also in draft-National Strategy for Investment.
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning 13 Ratified Conventions 8 Protocols 4 Initiatives for ratification www.moepp.gov.mk
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning • State Environmental Inspectorate member of EU-IMPEL since April 20, 2006 (Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law) Network. • European Union Network for Environmental Compliance, Implementation and Enforcement Network for Accession of Environmental Law
1.Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Monitoring: 12 State Monitoring Stations: air pollution, radiation, Report on Earthquake in Japan- no radiation threat in Macedonia
The City of Skopje City of Skopje, the City administration has been organized in the following Departments, Units and Territorial Fire Brigade: • 5. Communal issues Department - Unit for communal works in the field of waste procurement and urban waist water management - Unit for communal works in the field of communal hygiene and park and greenery maintenance - Unit for other communal issues • 8. Protection of the environment and nature Department - Unit for air quality, noise prevention and prevention from non-ionizing radiation - Unit for protection and prevention from pollution of water and soil and nature protection • 13. Inspectorate of the City of Skopje • Unit for communal inspection • Unit for road and road traffic inspection • Unit for tax inspection and inspection for raising communal and other taxes • Unit for inspection supervision over the activities in the other responsibilities of the City of Skopje
The City of Skopje Responsibilities: • Implementation of the City Solid Waste Management Plan • Inspect enforcement of the Law on Environment • Act according to the National strategy for sustainable development • Monitoring and Inspection
Local Government Unit-Municipality- • Department for environment • Environment Inspector • Enforces the low for environment (fines) • Supports major cleaning actions Advantages : • Attract foreign investments • Healthy life healthy generations • Global contribution at local level
Challenges/Priorities • Sewage systems • Cleaning of River beds • Increase quality of Potable water • Soil/analyses and cleaning • Cleaning actions and disposal of old cars • Green areas • Waste water Treatment Plants • Waste management in rural areas • Preservation of National Parks • Preservation of natural and artificial lakes and rivers • Education and trainings in primary education
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