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Student to Faculty Ratio vs Class Size

Student to Faculty Ratio vs Class Size. Faculty Senate January 16, 2008 Kathy Van Laningham. Calculation of Student to Faculty Ratio Benchmark Data on Ratio Reporting on Class Sizes Benchmark Data on Class Size. Student to Faculty Ratio.

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Student to Faculty Ratio vs Class Size

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  1. Student to Faculty Ratio vs Class Size Faculty Senate January 16, 2008 Kathy Van Laningham

  2. Calculation of Student to Faculty Ratio • Benchmark Data on Ratio • Reporting on Class Sizes • Benchmark Data on Class Size

  3. Student to Faculty Ratio • A broad, university-wide calculation measuring instructional resources against student enrollment • FTE students to FTE faculty

  4. FTE Student Calculation FTE Students = All Full-time students (enrolled in 12 or more hours) + 1/3 of all Part-time students enrolled in fewer than 12 hours). 2007 Full -time students = 14,003 Part-time students = 3,338 FTE = 14,003+(3,338/3) = 15,115.67

  5. FTE Faculty Calculation FTE Faculty = All Full-time instructors of record (100% appointment) + 1/3 of all Part-time instructors of record (99% and below appointment). Full-time administrators, e.g., Deans, Chancellors, count as part-time for this calculation. 2007 Full-time Instructors = 799 Part-time Instructors = 251 FTE = 799+(251/3) = 882.67

  6. Former Calculation of FTE Faculty for Student to Faculty Ratio • Until consultation with the Southern University Group representatives last fall, FTE Faculty was based on a definition of Faculty regardless of whether they were teaching. • Created problems with those on OCDA and LWOP as well as ignoring those in other titles, e.g., Dean, who were teaching but not holding a faculty title

  7. Calculating Class Size • To determine undergraduate class size, IR reviews section numbers, course method, course location of all undergraduate classes to identify “Organized” classes from ISIS data • Cross-listed and team-taught classes are merged to avoid double-counting of classes and undercounting the number of students in the class • Classes must have an enrollment greater than 1 to be included • Subsections include labs, drills, and practica that bear separate credit.

  8. Office of Institutional Research Web Site http://www.uark.edu/admin/uadata/

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