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Caption?. US secretary of state John Kerry gestures as he speaks in the US Embassy in Kiev on March 4
US secretary of state John Kerry gestures as he speaks in the US Embassy in Kiev on March 4 Source: DimitarDilkoff/AFP/Getty Images. “Ukraine crisis: Kerry says Russia ‘hiding hand behind falsehoods’ The Guardian, 4 March 2014. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/04/ukraine-crisis-shots-fired-crimea-airbase
Heavy smoke pours from the debris as the site of a building collapse at Park Avenue and East 116 Street. Source: Andrew Burton. Getty Images. http://www.slate.com/articles_news_and_politics/photography/2014/03/harlem_explosion_remarkable_images_of_the_blast_that_destroyed_two_buildings.html