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ESS Employee Self Service System

ESS Employee Self Service System. Objective. The objective of introducing ESS – Employee Self Service To Empower Employees To Expedite Leave Application Process To Establish a Paper Free Process To Eliminate Errors and to bridge the Gaps. Current Annual Leave Application Process.

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ESS Employee Self Service System

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  1. ESS Employee Self Service System

  2. Objective The objective of introducing ESS – Employee Self Service • To Empower Employees • To Expedite Leave Application Process • To Establish a Paper Free Process • To Eliminate Errors and to bridge the Gaps

  3. Current Annual Leave Application Process The Annual leave application form is available on the intranet.

  4. Process for Availing Other Leaves Sick Leave Festival Leave & Maternity Leave – Annual Leave Form and Process applicable. Emergency Leave – Inform HR & Manager

  5. NEW Leave Application Process

  6. Link to access FSL Intranet ESS link is available on Freight Systems Website under Employee Corner

  7. Link to access Intranet Click on the Intranet option. A new window will appear. Enter the Package user name and password

  8. Link to access Intranet Click e-HR and a drop down menu will appear

  9. Employee Self Service Click on Employee Self Service for leave application

  10. Employee Self Service – Home Page The Home page is divided into two parts PERSONAL INFORMATION • Passport / Visa Details • Contact Details • Family Details TIME OFF INFORMATION (LEAVE) • Guidelines – Leave Application • New Request • Status of the request

  11. Employee Self Service – Home Page

  12. Employee Self Service • PERSONAL INFORMATION • Passport / Visa Details • This option allows you to view the issue and Expiry Date of your Passport and Visa. • Contact Details • All the Employees have to fill in the Local and Home Town contact details at the First Log in. In future if there are any changes, each employee is responsible for updating it on the system. • Family Details • All the employees are required to update the details of their family members.

  13. Employee Self Service – Passport / Visa Reflects the passport and visa details as per the records.

  14. Employee Self Service – Contact Details Home Town

  15. Employee Self Service – Contact Details Local The system will prompt you to feed both the address

  16. Employee Self Service – Family Details

  17. Employee Self Service • TIMEOFF INFORMATION (LEAVE) • Guidelines – Leave Application • The document explains the Leave Policy and Procedures. • New Request • Gives you summary of the leaves earned or Accrued • Allows you to apply for desired leave. • Status of the request • Reflects the status of your leave application.

  18. Employee Self Service – New Request Leave Summary reflects the no. of days Earned and Accrued . Click on APPLY option against Annual Leave.

  19. Employee Self Service – Annual Leave All Fields are mandatory. Populate all the fields for successful submission of the application.

  20. Employee Self Service – Annual Leave Remember to check against the applicable request, at the bottom of the screen. Click on submit.

  21. Employee Self Service – Annual Leave The popup is the confirmation for successful submission of the request. Click on OK. You will be able to view the available Leave Balance.

  22. Employee Self Service – Annual Leave After submission of the leave application, the Leave summary screen will be updated.

  23. Employee Self Service – Request Status This screen reflects the summary of current and the past requests, applied through ESS. Click on View.

  24. Employee Self Service– Request Status This screen reflects the details of the leave application.

  25. Employee Self Service – Sick Leave Click on New Request. Click on APPLY against the sick leave option to apply.

  26. Employee Self Service – Sick Leave Fill in the mandatory fields and click on the Submit Button. Remember - Sick leave application can be back dated by five calendar days from the date of application.

  27. Employee Self Service – Festival Leave Click on New request. Fill in the mandatory fields. Remember Festival cannot be back dated.

  28. Request Submission Confirmation Applicant gets a pop up confirming successful submission of the request. The Reporting Manager receives an auto generated Email.

  29. Auto Generated Email - Sample Manager will receive an email from – leaveapplication@freightsystems.com

  30. Leave Request Approval Screen Team Request Approval- This option is available for employees handling a Team.

  31. Team Request Approval Mangers will be able to view the type and duration of the Leave requested by their team members. Click on View for the details to be displayed

  32. Team Request Approval The leave details are displayed on the screen. It also reflects the previous leave approved for the employee, through ESS.

  33. Team Request Approval - Manager Once the Manager Approves the Leave, an auto generated email is sent to the employee and HR.

  34. Leave Request Approval - HR Upon receipt of the Manager’s approval, HR approves and processes the request. Following email will be sent to the employee with details of the request(s).

  35. Leave Request Declined If the Manager Rejects the leave application, an email will be sent only to the employee stating the reason for declining the request.

  36. FAQs • Will I be able to apply for Emergency Leave & / Loss of pay ? • You will not be able to apply. Please reach out to HR. • Will I be able to view my past Leave records? • All the Leave requests applied through ESS can be viewed through ESS. For past records reach out to HR. • Will I be able to apply for more than earned or accrued Annual Leave days? • A. Yes, you will be able apply however it is at the Manger’s discretion to approve the request. The excess will be adjusted either against Loss of pay or the next credit of leave days.

  37. FAQs………………………....contd • Can I Cancel my leave application through ESS? • A. No, leave application cannot be cancelled through ESS. Please reach out to HR. • Will I be able to apply for Sick Leave, more than the days allocated on pro-rata basis? • Every month all the employees earn 1.25 days of sick Leave. You will be able to apply only for the days allocated. For any deviation, Please reach out to HR. • Since sick leave can’t be planned, is there a window to apply for Sick Leave? • Sick leave application can be back dated by 5 Calendar days. E.g. – If I resume work on 10th Jan then the system will accept Sick Leave request from 5th to the 09th Jan.

  38. FAQs……….contd • During probation, will I be able to apply for Sick Leave through ESS? • Employees are not eligible to apply for Sick Leave therefore the balance will reflect as zero until successful completion of the probation period. • During probation, will I be able to apply for Annual Leave through ESS? • Employees are not eligible to apply for Apply Leave until they successfully complete one year of employment therefore the leave balance will reflect as zero.

  39. Any Questions

  40. Special Thanks We would like to thank the I.T. team who worked very closely with the HR team in designing and developing Leave tracking system. It wouldn’t have been possible to implement Employee Self System without their Expertise and Efforts.

  41. Thank You

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