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History of Mountain-earrings By: drew arnold

History of Mountain-earrings By: drew arnold. The Andean People and the Sacred Apus. By: Thomas Ryan. Quechua. A language Apu : A powerful mountain deity Awki : protective ancestral spirit and mythical personage living in the highest Andean peaks A People Descendants of the Inca

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History of Mountain-earrings By: drew arnold

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  1. History of Mountain-earringsBy: drew arnold

  2. The Andean People and the Sacred Apus By: Thomas Ryan

  3. Quechua • A language • Apu : A powerful mountain deity • Awki : protective ancestral spirit and mythical personage living in the highest Andean peaks • A People • Descendants of the Inca • Highest demographic density at >3,400m.a.s.l • 1000s of years of adaptation to mountain environment

  4. The Apus • ApuSalkantay, ApuAwsanqati, ApuWillkaWiqi, HuaynaPichu • After death, souls of animals and humans are harbored in the highest mountain peaks • Male and Female • Spiritual and Pragmatic uses

  5. ApuSalkantay“Savage Mountain” -Principal deity controlling weather and fertility in the Cuzco region (surrounding Machu Picchu) -Worshipped & Feared ~ Source of life and death -Duality -20,600 ft.

  6. Coca ~Used to mitigate effects of altitude ~Chewed or drank in tea ~Suppresses hunger, thirst, cold, fatigue, altitude sickness ~Contains essential vitamins & Minerals essential to simple mountain diet ~Coca k’intu– 3 leaves blown towards the mountains

  7. Alpaca ~Considered ancestors of people ~Extremely adapted to high mountain environment ~Life not possible in the Andes without them

  8. Inca Mountain Sacrifice • Johan Reinhard (Mountaineer, Nat Geo Researcher) • Discovered more than 40 high altitude Inca ritual sites • 3 mummies found at 22,000 ft. on Llullaillaco • Over 115 Inca ceremonial sites found at >15,000 ft. on some 30 Andean peaks

  9. Machu Picchu ~Elevation - 7,972 ft. ~Citadel of mountain worship ~Highly advanced gravity-driven water system

  10. QuyllurRit'i ~Sinakaravalley in southern Peru’s Ocongateprovince ~On glaciers above 15,000 ft. ~Honor mountains and restore order to chaos for the coming agricultural year

  11. Why Mountains?Why Climb?

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