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Honors US History. Cause & Effect…. Rise of Military dictators during 30’s, US depression Dictators grew in power, created large armies & navies Drew the world into war. Facism. Political Theory: People exist to serve the military goals of the state.
Cause & Effect…. • Rise of Military dictators • during 30’s, US depression • Dictators grew in power, created large armies & navies • Drew the world into war
Facism... • Political Theory: People exist to serve the military goals of the state. • Places importance of nation over value of individual. • Individual rights and freedoms crushed.
Mussolini, Franco & Hitler took control…. • Also depression in Europe. • People dissatisfied, jobless. • Dictators play on people’s fears. • Democracy gives way to fear, repression, terrorism & intimidation.
Benito Mussolini • “Il Duce”-the leader, fought & wounded in WWI. • Organized fascists (black shirts) • terrorized opposition. • 1922-Prime Minister • 1924-total control
Hopes to restore Italy to glory of Roman Empire days…. • Oct 35-invades Ethopia • Year later signs pact w/Hitler • Creates “Axis Powers” • Japan later addition • Axis on which the world turns
Spain... • Franco involved in a civil war vs. democratic government. • Germany & Italy send weapons. • Franco wins!
Germany…also feels the effects of depression... • Blamed Versaille Treaty-reparations payments caused economic crisis
Hitler comes to power… promises to lead Germany to world domination. • Promises to destroy enemies of Germany (Jews) • says Jews are responsible for the troubles of Germany • 1933 Hitler is Chancellor of Germany • National Socialist “Nazi” Party
Mein Kampf Mein Kampf • “My struggle” ,basis for plans • written while in prison • strengthen military, expand borders to include ethnic Germans • Purification: Aryan race
Despite some German resistance…Nazism spread. • Hitler says Germans are the master race. Destined to rule the world. • By 1936, Hitler has re-armed Germany, illegally & sends troops into the Rhineland. • Violation of Versaille Treaty.
No resistance from France or Great Britain... • Hitler would have withdrawn if resistance. • Encouraged by success, invades and annexes Austria. • England & France protest, but do nothing. • Next step, Sudetenland (W. Czech.)
Had large German population • Hitler claimed ethnic Germans mistreated by Czech govt. • claim they want to be a part of Germany. • Czech’s have a good army, would have fought, BUT
Appeasement! • Sept. 1938, Hitler & Mussolini meet in Munich w/Chamberlain (British Prime Minister), & Daladier (French Premier). • Hitler promises to stop if he can keep the Sudetenland.
Prime Minister Chamberlain
Appeasement is... • Giving in to a bully. • WW II teaches us this doesn’t work!!!
Winston Churchill, member of the British Parliament says... • “Chamberlain & Daladier had to choose between war or dishonor, they chose dishonor, but will have war anyway.”
Munich Pact • E & F agree, don’t want war! • Sept 30, 1938 • Hitler keeps Sudetenland in exchange for promise to stop expansion. • 6 mo later, takes the rest of Czechoslovakia (3/39)
Kristallnacht • Nov. 9, 1938 • “The night of broken glass”. • Nazi’s burned synagogues & destroyed Jewish businesses. • A more terrible fait awaits them.
Mussolini invades Albania • April 1939 • Hitler now threatens Poland. • Appeasement has failed. • E & F will help Poland if it is attacked.
Hitler has a new surprise! • Negotiates “nonaggression” treaty with Soviets. • Pledge not to attack each other. • Secret section: Soviets occupy Baltic States, Bessarabia & E. Poland. • Sept. 1- Hitler takes W. Poland. • 2 days later, E & F declare war on G. • World War II has begun!
Day 2 World War II begins.
“Blitzkreig” lightening war • Hitler takes control of Poland. • E sends troops to fortify the Maginot Line. • Europe silent for 7 mo. After Poland defeat. • “Sitzkrieg” or sitting war.
April 9, 1940-Hitler unleashes army again! • Nazi’s attacked conquered, & occupied Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg & the Netherlands. • E forced to withdraw from France during Battle of Dunkirk.
340,000 troops evacuated!! • Civilian vessels pressed into action. • Churchill rallies his countrymen.
With Brits gone, Hitler takes Paris... • June 1940 • Revenge factor: Hitler forces French to sign surrender on same spot where Germany signed after WWI. • F watches while Jews are tortured & sent to camps.
Hitler in Paris
Britain now stands alone... • In less than 3 mo. Hitler conquered most of W. Europe. • British involved in a life and death struggle.
The Battle of Britain • Air assault began 8/40. • 1,000 planes bombed daily. • RAF battled around the clock.
Churchill encouraged the people... • “If we fail…the whole world will sink into the abyss of a new dark age.” By Oct., the British have prevailed.
Japan is eager to build an empire... • 1931 seized Manturia. • 1937 aggression in China. • 1940 controlled most of E. China. • Next, SE Asia, Dutch W. Indies. • Sept. 40-joins the Axis Powers. • Now ready to challenge the USA.
American involvement grows... • Shift in popular opinion. German aggression scary! • Selective Service Act passed. (draft) • 11/40 FDR re-elected (3rd term). • Lend-Lease Act 3/41- “If your neighbor’s house is on fire, you don’t sell him a hose, you lend it & take it back when the fire it out.” • The Great Arsenal of Democracy
Pearl Harbor "A day which will live in infamy!"
US/Japan relations had deteriorated after 1940. • US had broken Japanese codes. • FDR believed Japan would attack, but didn’t know when. • Tojo’s diplomats preparing for a meeting w/ Sec. Of State Hull when attack came.
Pearl Harbor Statistics: • Less than 2 hours. • 2400 US killed • 1200 wounded • aircraft carriers not in port:saved! • Nucleus of US fleet destroyed.
August 1941 • FDR & Churchill meet off coast of Newfoundland. • Discussed US entry to war, goals for war & help for the USSR. • USSR invaded by Germany despite Non-Aggression Pact.
Atlantic Charter Agreement was basis for the United Nations
“We look forward to a world founded upon four essential freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression…The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way…The third is freedom from want (need)…The fourth is freedom from fear.” FDR pg. 692
U.S. Troops called GI’s • Government issue stamp on all equipment.
Men from all ethnic groups fought in World War II • Mexican-Americans: 300,000 • Native-Americans:25,000 • Navajo Indians:300 • radio operators, code based on their language, Japan couldn’t break code! • Japanese-Americans:17,000 • African-Americans: 1 million • Women:275,000-no combat