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Road to Secession Note Entry #2. Why Did the South Secede?. Growing influence of Abolitionists 2. Growth of Republican Party- new political party that is opposed to the expansion of slavery out west.
Why Did the South Secede? • Growing influence of Abolitionists 2. Growth of Republican Party- new political party that is opposed to the expansion of slavery out west. 3. Election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 (Republican)- southernfear that he will want to end slavery/their way of life. 4. Failure to Compromise anymore ….
What Compromises? • Missouri Compromise – 1818, Maine created as a free state, Missouri = Slave state • South of 36⁰30’ latitude in Louisiana territory would be open to slavery • Compromise of 1850 • California = free state • Utah and New Mexico = let people decide • Slave trade prohibited in D.C. • Fugitive slave law – what’s a fugitive?
What Compromises? (Con’t) • Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) • Created Kansas and Nebraska territories • Repealed the 36 30 rule • Citizens vote ----What is that called? • Popular Sovereignty - How might this act create more tension and even violence? • Bleeding Kansas! “If the people of Kansas want a slaveholding state, let them have it, and if they want a free state they have a right to it, and it is not for the people of Illinois, or Missouri, or New York, or Kentucky, to complain, whatever the decision of Kansas may be” – Stephen Douglas
Harpers Ferry- VA • John Brown leads 21 men to create an “uprising” at the federal arsenal • Instead, caught and put to death but… • “made the gallows as glorious as a cross” • North views him as hero • South views him and other abolitionists as threat • Start building an army!
Violence reaches senate…Charles Sumner vs. South (Preston Brooks)
Dred Scott vs. Supreme Court • Owner took him from Missouri (slave state) to Illinois and Wisconsin (free states) then back to Missouri. – So is he free or slave now? • Supreme court rules against him – he isn’t a citizen so he couldn’t even sue the federal court • Violates 5th Amendment…? • So…? Creates more tension! North thinks Supreme court is influenced by southerners, southerners excited the case guarantees extension of slavery
Lincoln Elected - 1860 • Slavery was immoral but did not expect people to give it up unless Congress abolished it with an amendment • Stop spread of slavery • Won less than half of popular vote and no electoral votes from south.
Secession! • South Carolina secedes 1st • Become the “Confederate States of America” • Capital = Richmond, Virginia • President = Jefferson Davis Notice how far the capitals are away from each other…
Battle of Gettysburg • July 1863, 3-day battle • Union Victory • “Turning point” • Over 51,000 deaths • Gettysburg Address – November • “Remade” America
War Ends • Union engages in “total war” - use of all political, military, economic energies to conduct a war • Sherman’s March to the Sea – “Scorched Earth” • South loses resources, men are hungry and demoralized • Lee surrenders at Appomattox – April 1865 • Generous terms of surrender – Why?
The war being at an end, the southern states having laid down their arms, and the questions at issue between them and the northern states having been decided, I believe it to be the duty of everyone to unite in the restoration of the country and the reestablishment of peace and harmony. – Robert E. Lee April, 1865
13th Amendment – December 1865 • …Neither Slaver nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist with the United States… • 14th (1866) – States can not deny rights and privileges to any U.S. citizen….U.S. citizen = any person born or naturalized in the United States • 15th (1870) – “no person can be kept from voting because of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
Lincoln Assassinated • 5 days after surrender – April 14, 1865 • Ford Theater • Shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth – Confederate Sympathizer • 1st presidential assassination