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DIPOL Quality Practice in Training at İstanbul T echnical U niversity Maritime Faculty

DIPOL Quality Practice in Training at İstanbul T echnical U niversity Maritime Faculty . Dr.Banu Tansel. Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty (ITUMF) offers training in accordance with STCW convention (IMO) and ABET model= DIPOL Quality Practice. DIPOL Quality Practice.

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DIPOL Quality Practice in Training at İstanbul T echnical U niversity Maritime Faculty

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  1. DIPOL Quality Practice in Training at İstanbul Technical UniversityMaritime Faculty Dr.Banu Tansel

  2. Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty (ITUMF) offers training in accordance with STCW convention (IMO) and ABET model= DIPOL Quality Practice

  3. DIPOL Quality Practice Thus, a student-centered system was established in accordance with STCW requirements and professional quality outputs for technical training (ABET).

  4. ITUMF Department of Marine Engineering Program (MEP) DIPOL Quality Practice Two of the most important objectives of the established DIPOL quality system are as follows; To increase the quality of education/training within a systematic and continuously developing structure, To assure that the quality in education and training is maintained based on international standards.

  5. ABETAccreditation Board for Engineering and Technology The systems comprises a total of eight criteria, namely; • students, • program educational objectives, • program outcomes and assessment, • professional component, • faculty, • facilities, • institutional support, • financial resources and program efficiency.

  6. All of ABET criteria are defined by procedures and the assessment criteria are drawn up for performance results Of these criteria, the one regarding student outcomes defines the skills to be acquired by a student graduating from an education program, as stated below. These skills are standard program outcomes with which the objectives of every engineering program comply. (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability (d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (g) an ability to communicate effectively (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

  7. In addition to these outcomes, ME Department has created its own program outcomes by adding a specific outcome, namely. (l) an ability to operate and maintain any marine main and auxiliary machinery, as well as to ensure ship safety through diagnosing and remedying engine troubles to the outcomes a to k.

  8. In the Department of Marine Engineering Program DIPOL quality system, the process of undergraduate program is systematized in a quality cycle consisting strategic planning, practice, measurement and evaluation, and feedback stages.

  9. Education Process Correlation Algorithm

  10. The most important stage here is considered to be the measurement criteria and evaluation.

  11. 1-Undergraduate Program of the Department of Marine Engineering (ME) is renewed, so first step is taken to enable students to acquire skills conforming to the outcomes a to l. While creating a new curriculum in accordance with the DIPOL quality system at the MEP, courses or topics such as Engineering ethics, Leadership,Environmental awareness, Development of written and verbal communication and Design,are taken into consideration.In addition, in order to provide a multidirectional perspective of engineering education, human and social science courses such as psychology, sociology and environment and society as well as art courses such as cinema arts, photography and theater are offered as elective courses to the students.

  12. 2-Course introduction forms are developed for each course and academic staff arranged relevant data for courses given by them such as course objective, skills acquired by students, weekly course planning, course sources and evaluation system.3-All courses included in the undergraduate program are separately correlated with the outcomes a to l and a matrix is produced. Each academic member completes and carries out evaluations with that sense of responsibility throughout a semester.

  13. Correlation Matrix for Lecture and Program Outcomes

  14. In the MEP DIPOL quality system, the process of undergraduate program is systematized in a quality cycle consisting strategic planning, practice, measurement and evaluation, and feedback stages. Evaluations are carried out based on what the student learns rather than what is taught to the student.

  15. Thank you for your attention.

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