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Lets practice our “hunks and chunks”!. Sheep love it quiet S -H sh sh sh S-H sh sh Sh. Chicken’s love to Cha- Cha C -H ch ch ch C-H ch ch ch. This is a thorn And that is a thistle. T-H th th th T-H th th th. O-W ow there’s a cow going down D-O-W- N
Sheep love it quiet S-H shshsh S-H shshSh
Chicken’s love to Cha- Cha C-H chchch C-H chchch
This is a thorn And that is a thistle. T-H ththth T-H ththth
O-W ow there’s a cow going down D-O-W-N That’s how we get down Yea!
O-U ouou, O-U-T O-U-T Get out of here you bumble bee -O-U-T out, out, out -O-U-T out , out , out
The King of ing Loves to do a jumping dance. I-N-G inginging I-N-G inginging
A-L-L A-L-L all all all Throw that ball! A-L-L A-L-L all all all Kick that ball!
Car Car C-A-R You can stick your arm in a jar of stars. A-R ararar A-R ararar
O-R or or or O-R or or or I want more!!!!
Meanieoo O-O oo O-O oo
Sweetie O-O O-O oo O-O oo I like school.
You love fruit. I do too! U – iui
E-W ew Happy New Year!!
I-C-E I-C-E ice Ice Again!! I-C-E I-C-E ice ice
A-C-E A-C-E ace ace I can ACE this!!
Love birds O and A were floating on a boat. O said to a, “Oh I love you” and a said absolutely nothing. So when you see o and a you say O, o , o love boat.
Sometimes you say O, but sometimes you say Ow, when you see O-W at the end of a word! O ,,OW..snow.
You take a scaredy cat e and a scaredy cat a, put them together and what do they say eeeeeeeeeee
When you see a double e you say ee, it’s a bumble bee party eeee. Bumble Bee dance. Eeeeeeeeee.
I-G-H.. I-G-H, igh, igh, igh Don’t forget the t ightightight. Again! I-G-H.. I-G-H, igh, igh, igh Don’t forget the t ightightight.
A said to I get out of my way I’m gonna say a today. Ai-ai-ai make it RAIN!!!
Super EIGH! EI-GH eigheigh EI-GH eigheigh
ay ay ay Do you want to play? Swish Score Horay A-Y ay at the end of a word like may or stay or spray.
U-R ur in the middle of the word Surrrf Surrrf.
O-I oioioi O-I oioioi in the middle of a word. Make some noise oioioi.
O-Y oyoyoy O-Y oyoyoy At the end of a word. Boy!
A-W aw There’s a claw on your paw.
A-U au A-U au Au – au – au- beep! A-U au A-U au Au – au – au- beeeep
A-U-G-H-T aught aught aught, daughters in the class aught to say, “ That’s me!
O-U-G-H-T ought ought ought Look what I bought!
Drink that funky potion, and make that silly motion. T-I-O-N tiontion T-I-O-N tion
We have to mop the mansion! S-I-O-N sionsion S-I-O-N sionsion
When you’re writing WR,, don’t wake the W rr.. Don’t wake the W rr . Don’t wake the W rr
When you see KN you don’t say the K you say nnn When you see KN you don’t say the K you say nnn Knock!
When you see PH you don’t say PH youfff When you see PH you don’t say PH youfff Get the Phone!
Wh, Wh Who What When Where Why and Which
When you see ed at the end of a root word you say,ed, ed, ed, d ,d , or t
I-O-N.. I-O-N ion ion It’s a million pound onion!