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Weeds. By; Casey Day How Weeds Spread How to Kill them Other Interesting Facts. Likes moist areas Leaf blades that are crinkled part way down are one way to identify the Annual Bluegrass. Annual bluegrass. bulletin.ipm.illinois.edu. Spreads by seeds Starts to Germinate in Late Summer
Weeds By; Casey Day How Weeds Spread How to Kill them Other Interesting Facts
Likes moist areas • Leaf blades that are crinkled part way down are one way to identify the Annual Bluegrass. Annual bluegrass bulletin.ipm.illinois.edu Spreads by seeds Starts to Germinate in Late Summer The problem is that it creates poor footing for athletes on turf fields, and spreads rapidly because the weed grows 100 seeds and will grow them shortly after mowed. Likes moist areas. Needs to be constantly irrigated to survive One of the most invasive weeds Clean ALL equipment after using it in infested areas to stop spreading To get rid of them you can hoe them out or hand pull them. Do this frequently to prevent re-growth. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7464.html http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7464.html
Broadleaf Plantain • broadleaf perennial that tolerates many conditions such as; dry, wet, & heavy soil. • Crowds native species of plants and can cause clumps that are bad for traction on athletic fields • This plant spreads by seed • This plant can be invasive if not taken care of fast enough • Use a long handle tool and dig out the plants tap root, it is most effective this way. • Preen Weed Control is a weed killer and preventer that works great on wide spread out breaks. pestweb.com • Tap root and whole plant removed www.grassstitcher.com Seeds
Buckhorn Plantain Buckhorns are in the plantain family just as Broadleafs They reproduce by seeds and roots Like the Broadleaf, it likes moist places and is a cool season peranial Can be invasive if not taken care of To kill or prevent this weed; Apply postemergenceherbicides in mid spring early summer or mid to late Autumn. To remove this with out chemicals pull as much as the tap root out as possible. Treatment with chemicals can be done by your self or with a pro. Self; use herbicides Pro; they use stronger chems and only they can purchase them www.fertilome.com • Buckhorn is similar to the Broadleaf Plantain but have longer and skinnier leaves • Buckhorn leaves are 1 1/2 “ wide and up to 8” long. oregonstate.edu http://www.turf.uiuc.edu/weed_web/descriptions/buckhorn.htm
Chickweed Reproduces by seeds and roots This weed is invasive so deal with it as soon as possible Winter annual Growing is done end of winter early spring and is the best time to dig it out. REMOVE ENTIRE PLANT!!! removal and prevention can be done chemically; herbicides, glyphosate or triclopyr are very effective mint.ippc.orst.edu • Spreads fast and grows in every state • Prefers shady, cool, and moist environment's www.fs.fed.us http://mint.ippc.orst.edu/chickweedbiol.htm http://www.na.fs.fed.us/fhp/invasive_plants/weeds/common-chickweed.pdf
Crabgrass • Can grow in dry and wet land • Summer annual • Spread by seed • Crab grass is invasive • To kill this weed use preemergence or postemergenceherbicides • Use chemicals in late April or early May www.floralawn.com • Can grow in any situation www.espositogardencenter.com http://www.uri.edu/ce/factsheets/sheets/crabgrass.html
Dandelions • As you can see from the life cycle picture this plants changes and spreads by seeds that are loose and blow away. • Are an Annual • To kill with out chemicals dig out the Dandelion before it gets seeds. • Killing with chemicals use; 2,4-D, You'll probably find it mixed with other broad- leaved weed-killers such as MCPP (Mecoprop) and Dicamba elevateideas.com • Dandelion life cycle www.ehow.com • Flowered Dandelion http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7469.html http://www.gardenguides.com/75721-life-cycle-dandelion.html
Henbit • Grows in un-managed areas • Last week of February and start flowering the first of March. • Winter annual weed that you can count on showing up every year • It can be a pest in wheat fields as well as lawns and wasteland. • Spread by seed • Is invasive • Henbit is most effectively controlled with herbicides in the fall while plants are small and immature. Products containing dicamba, MCPP and 2,4-D have demonstrated effective control in the fall and early spring. In dormant bermudagrass, glyphosate, diquat or metribuzin will control henbit. familytreetreeandturf.com www.thehorse.com http://www.hpj.com/archives/2007/feb07/feb26/Timetocontrolhenbit--dontle.cfm
Nutsedge http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/WEEDS/nutsedge.html • Tubers and Rhizomes • Perennial • Nutsedges grow mainly from tubers formed on underground, horizontal creeping stems called rhizomes • Spreads by Tubers and rhizomes • To kill without chemicals; pull out the Tubers and Rhizomes. • Kill with chemicals; dichlobenil (Casoron), metolachlor (Pennant), and dimethenamid-P (a component of Freehand). Metolachlor and dimethenamid-P www.oblawncare.com http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7432.html
Oxalis • Spreads fast by seed • Invasive • Perannial • Identified as a clover • To kill with out chemicals; pull out the large tap root while plant is still small • To kill with chemicals; preemergenceherbicide, then spot treat glyphosate. en.wikipedia.org www.ehow.com http://www.sunset.com/garden/garden-basics/how-to-control-weeds-00400000043681/page7.html
Purslane http://www.wildmanstevebrill.com/Plants.Folder/Purslane.html • Summer annual • Spreads by seeds and sometimes stem fragments • Biological Control; Purslanesawfly. Eats and reproduces on weed. • Chemical Control; Chemical control is generally not necessary • Preemergent control; The herbicides dithiopyr, pendimethalin, or combinations of benefin and trifluralin or benefin and oryzalin oregonstate.edu www.absolutelybushed.com
White clover www.naturespot.org.uk • Annual • Not invasive • To kill, hand pull is the best way
Fun facts • Puritans brought broadleaf plantain to New England as a medicinal herb.