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CATHI Marie Curie Initial Training Network C ryogenics, A ccelerators and T argets at H IE- I SOLDE. Andrea Polato (EN/CV-PJ)* WP7, ESR 13 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012. Outline. Background; EN-CV Mandates Activity at CERN; Project Status and Achievements;
CATHIMarie Curie Initial Training NetworkCryogenics, Accelerators and Targets at HIE-ISOLDE Andrea Polato (EN/CV-PJ)* WP7, ESR 13 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012
Outline Background; EN-CV Mandates Activity at CERN; Project Status and Achievements; Experience in the project; Training Activities; Outreaching Activities Conclusions.
Background 2006: master degree in Mechanical Engineering at “Universita` degliStudi di Padova”. From 2006 to 2009: Employee in the private industry. From 2008 activity in the field of residential and industrial ventilation and cooling systems. From 2009 to 2011: Employee in INFN-LNL (IstitutoNazionale di FisicaNucleare – Laboratori di Legnaro). As a part of the Project Team of the IFMIF Facility (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility) with headquarters in Rokkasho-mura (Japan), in charge of the HVAC and Cooling system requirements definition. From October 2011: Marie Curie Fellow at CERN working for EN/CV
EN-CV mandates • Engineering Department (EN): provides Engineering Competences, Infrastructure Systems and Technical Coordination for the design, installation, operation, maintenance and dismantling of the CERN accelerator complex and its experimental facilities. • Cooling and Ventilation (CV): in charge of procurement and operation and maintenance of cooling, ventilation and air conditioning systems for the accelerators and experimental areas. CV also operates the fluids distribution systems for the Laboratory (drinking water, compressed air, etc.). The group provides engineering studies and support for the cooling of experimental detectors and electronics.
Activity at CERN WP7 (ISOLDE Target Area and Class-A Laboratory Upgrade)
Activity at CERN It is the only access to the target area. New targets are prepared for their installation on the front end. Old targets pass this zone to be transferred to the cooling station. The lab performs also post irratiation examinations on the targets before dismantling. - No air activation - Aerosols contamination LAB A TARGET AREA • Is the zone where the proton beam from the CERN accelerator complex, impacts on the targets for the production of the isotopes • Air activation • Aerosols contamination Courtesy of V. Barozier
Project Status and Achievements WP7 (ISOLDE Target Area and Class-A Laboratory Upgrade) “D32: Report on similar systems at other facilities”: First reports on SPES and GANIL facilities; “M33: International market survey, call for tender documents”: Inside the Familiarization Phase, participation to the writing of the call for tender documents for the HIE-LINAC project; “I15: Internships at European Sites & Associated Partners” : The initially proposed internship wasn’t performed due to the importance of the integration in the Cooling and Ventilation group methods and practices. Internship experiences have been postponed to the second year of activity “TC14: Ventilation fluid dynamics training”: Participation to Nuclear ventilation courses and conferences. “D33: Design report on HIE-ISOLDE upgrade”: preliminary studies for the requirements definition (cf. next slide for additional details);
Project Status and Achievements D33 (Design Report on HIE-ISOLDE Upgrade) In the frame of the HIE-ISOLDE Design Study and as a member of the EN-CV (Cooling and Ventilation), the activity is focused on: • HVAC: • GPS and HRS ISOLDE Targets Dehumidification System Upgrade; • Class A Laboratory vs. ISOLDE Tunnel ventilation systems separation; • Tunnel Ventilation Upgrade; • Cooling: • Targets Cooling System Upgrade; Ongoing update of the document defining requirements, constraints, interfaces and preliminary design considerations (Design Study WP6.2, first issued in 2009). Once approved WP will become the base for the next phases of the design.
Experience in theProject Building 115 (new ISOLDE Class-C Laboratory Cooling and HVAC systems) Building 170 (Supervision of the works for the modification of the targets back-up tank filling and draining systems)
Experience in theProject Building 179 (Integration of the new hot cell of Class-A Laboratory in the existing HVAC system) Building 838 (Integration of the new robots for the targets handling with the existing ventilation system)
Training Activities Communication Training Technical Training • “Principes Genearux de la Ventilations des Installations” @ CEA Saclay • “ X Conference Internationale sur la Ventilation Industrielle “ @ INRS Paris • "AXEL: Introduction to Particle Accelerators" @ CERN; • “Radiological Protection Course”@ CERN; • “Self-Rescue Mask (Biocell)” @ CERN; French training (Level 1, 2 and 4 completed)
Outreaching Activities • The Cobram’s cup blog: chronicles from the summer bike ride from Munchen to Copenhagen of summer 2012 (http://cobramscup.blogspot.ch/ with links to CERN and CATHI) • “Get curious series - Marie Curie ITNs in a nutshell” video CineGlobe and Researchers’ Night volounteer
Conclusions • First reports of technical visits were produced. The activity of technical visits/reporting shall not be considered concluded; • Inside the Familiarization Phase, participation to the writing of the call for tender documents for the HIE-LINAC project; The activity of call for tender documents preparation will continue also in consideration of the works still ongoing (notably B-115, B-179 and B-838) • The “Design Report of the HIE-ISOLDE” is in the preliminary phase. The update of the Work Package (Design Study WP 6.2) document is ongoing. • The works on B-115, B-179, B-838 and B-170 are contributing to the on-field training, and on the experience acquiring process. • Training activities. Priority given to: • Communication training (French language); • Technical training (ventilation of nuclear facilities); Training activity will continue both on technical (Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cooling and HVAC related trainings, and Internships) and on communication (French and specific English trainings) fields
New planning proposal In consideration of the activity performed during the year and of the future developments of the project, milestones have been reorganized according to a new planning