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Yacine Kadi (EN-HDO) Project Co- ordinator Mid-Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012

CATHI Marie Curie Initial Training Network C ryogenics, A ccelerators and T argets at H IE- I SOLDE. Yacine Kadi (EN-HDO) Project Co- ordinator Mid-Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012. Outline. T he ISOLDE Facility and it’s upgrade: HIE-ISOLDE CATHI and HIE-ISOLDE

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Yacine Kadi (EN-HDO) Project Co- ordinator Mid-Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012

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  1. CATHIMarie Curie Initial Training NetworkCryogenics, Accelerators and Targets at HIE-ISOLDE Yacine Kadi (EN-HDO) Project Co-ordinator Mid-Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012

  2. Outline • The ISOLDE Facility and it’s upgrade: HIE-ISOLDE • CATHI and HIE-ISOLDE • Scientific Overview • Networking • Administrative & Management Issues • Conclusions and Prospects

  3. ISOLDE: the ISOL-type RIB facility@ CERN Pulsed 1.4 GeV Proton beam Courtesy D. Voulot

  4. USERS & SCIENCE > 500 users (~5% of CERN’s total) 25 countries; 100 institutions 175 experiments (4 years)


  6. ISOLDE Today Offers the LargestRange of Available Isotopes Worldwide

  7. HIE-ISOLDE aims at increasing the energyof the RIB up to 10AMeV and their intensityby a factor 10 Energy Upgrade: The HIE-ISOLDE project concentrates on the construction of the SC LINAC and associated infrastructure in order to upgrade the energy of the post-accelerated radioactive ion beams to 5.5 MeV/u in 2014 and 10 MeV/u by 2016 Beam Quality Upgrade: RFQ cooler and buncher Solid state lasers for RILIS Higher mass resolving power HRS Intensity Upgrade: The design study for the intensity upgrade, also part of HIE-ISOLDE, started in 2012, and addresses the technical feasibility and cost estimate for operating the facility at 15 kW once LINAC4 and PS Booster are online.

  8. Courtesy F. Wenander

  9. Superconducting LINAC installed inThree Phases 3 stages installation 1.2 MeV/u 3 MeV/u Now 5.5 MeV/u 2014 10 MeV/u 2016 >2017

  10. NuPECC Long Range Plan 2010Timeline for RIB Facilities

  11. Outline • The ISOLDE Facility and it’s upgrade: HIE-ISOLDE • CATHI and HIE-ISOLDE • Scientific Overview • Networking • Administrative & Management Issues • Conclusions and Prospects

  12. CATHI and HIE-ISOLDE • CATHI – Cryogenics, Accelerators and Targets at HIE-ISOLDE. • The HIE-ISOLDE project at CERN is an ideal R & D opportunity to train young engineers over a range of disciplines relevant to the accelerator and nuclear industry. • CERN and the associated partners of CATHI can provide excellent hands-on and academic training. • ISOLDE provides a multi-disciplinary environment on a scale that encourages collaboration and teamwork.

  13. Research Training Themes (20 Fellows over 4 years)

  14. Steering Committee International Advisory Panel 1.1 Project Leader – Y. Kadi (EN/HDO) 1.2 Project Safety Coordinator – A.P. Bernardes 1.3 SC Linac Coordinator – W. Venturini BE/RF HIE-ISOLDE Project 1. Project Management 1.4 Design Study Coordinator–R.Catherall EN/STI 1.5 Installation Coordinator – E. Siesling BE/OP HIE-LINAC 2. Linac Systems 2.1 Cavity RF BE/RF 1.6 Detailed Activity Planning – E. Siesling BE/OP 2.2 Cavity Design manufacturing EN/MME TE/VSC 1.7 Budget and Planning – E.Delachenal EN/GMS 2.3 Beam dynamics BE/RF-ABP 1.8 Administration – A. Rasmussen EN/GMS 2.4 Cryomodules TE/MSC EN/MME 2.5 Beam Instrumentations BE/BI 2.6 SC Solenoid TE/MSC 2.7 Beam transfer line (magnets) TE/MSC 8.1 Safety Coordinator GS/DI 8. Safety 2.8 Linac Integration EN/MEF 8.2 Radioprotection DG/SCR 2.9 Vacuum TE/VCS 8.3 Fire & Gas Hazard GS/ASE 2.10 Survey BE/ABP 8.4 Access System GS/ASE 3.1 Civil Engineering GS/SEM 3. Infrastructure & Integration 3.2 Integration EN/MEF 3.3 Cooling ventilation EN/CV 3.4 Electrical systems EN/EL 3.5 Cryogenic system TE/CRG 3.6 Power converters TE/EPC CATHI Fellows represent 1/3rd of the manpower deployed on the project 3.7 Industrial Control system EN/ICE 3.8 Beam Control system BE/CO 3.9 Interlocks TE/MPE 4.1 Single cavity test BE/RF 4. Installation & Commissioning 4.2 Cryomodule test BE/RF 4.3 Transport & Handling EN/HE 4.4 Planning & Installation EN/MEF 4.5 Linac commissioning BE/RF-OP Design Study 5. Target Study 5.1 Target design EN/STI-HE 5.2 Front Ends EN/STI TE/EPC-ABT 5.3 Beam Diagnostics BE/BI 7. Injection & Beam distribution 7.1 Off line separator EN/STI 6.1 Layout upgrade EN/MEF 6. Target Area and Class-A Lab Integration 7.2 Separator areas EN/STI 6.2 Cooling and ventilation EN/CV 7.3 Experiment Hall EN/MEF 6.3 Electrical systems EN/EL 7.4 Beam lines BE/ABP 6.4 Vacuum TE/VCS 6.5 Survey BE/ABP 6.6 Civil engineering GS/SEM 6.7 LL Control system EN/STI

  15. Outline • The ISOLDE Facility and it’s upgrade: HIE-ISOLDE • CATHI and HIE-ISOLDE • Scientific Overview • Networking • Administrative & Management Issues • Conclusions and Prospects

  16. Scientific Highlights (1/9)

  17. Key Technologies

  18. Scientific Highlights (2/9)

  19. HIE-ISOLDE Diagnostic Box

  20. Scientific Highlights (3/9)

  21. Linac & HEBT Magnets

  22. Scientific Highlights (4/9)

  23. Integration Studies Large dipole EPC racks Cable trays Collisions Transport zone

  24. Novel alignment monitoring system http://alignment.hep.brandeis.edu/ • Features: • Allows almost continuous monitoring of the position of cavities and solenoids • Allow reconstruction of positions of cold elements in the whole linac (not limited to a single cryomodule) • Radiation resistant and … It’s affordable

  25. Scientific Highlights (5/9)

  26. Scientific Highlights (6/9)

  27. Target and Front-End Design • Issues to be addressed • Targets • Target lifetime, material science, ion source optimization, geometry, energy deposition, handling, elimination pathway. • Front Ends • Material resistance, maintenance, optics, vacuum systems, remote operation… • Starting point • Fluka simulation of induced radiation • Necessary for both Design Study and High Energy project • Will provide input for shielding studies

  28. Scientific Highlights (7/9)

  29. Cooling and Ventilation System • Issues to be addressed • Air activation • Separation of ventilation systems • Separation of ventilated zones • Activated cooling water

  30. Scientific Highlights (8/9)

  31. New HRS Layout quads Special field shaping

  32. Scientific Highlights (9/9)

  33. Construction Phase Radiation levels impact on existing and new facilities Shielding RF cavities and secondary beam shieldings to be defined

  34. Scientific Overview • More details will follow in the individual presentations of the CATHI fellows • What’s next: • More on writing up specifications, production follow-up, installation and tests • Emphasis on secondment at associated partners • Publications and conferences

  35. TRAINING • Hands-on research training complemented by formal training: • CERN Training Programmes • Academic Training • CERN Seminars • CERN Accelerator School • Technical Training • International Conferences • LINAC, IPAC, SRF, ICIS, EMIS, RNB, IEEE Real-Time……… • Training during secondment • Up to 30% of contract duration • Complementary Training • CERN Management and Communication courses • Other external training courses

  36. Outline • The ISOLDE Facility and it’s upgrade: HIE-ISOLDE • CATHI and HIE-ISOLDE • Scientific Overview • Networking • Administrative & Management Issues • Conclusions and Prospects

  37. WORKING TOGETHER (1/2) • CATHI partners • Pre-existing relationships and/or collaborations • CERN services tailored to support international collaborations • EU funding covers People: • Researcher salaries + social conditions • Training & Mobility • ITN Management • Organization of workshops, conferences • It does not cover research project costs • That’s why CATHI research programmes have beenintegrated into approved HIE-ISOLDE project

  38. Supervisory Board (coordinator +MCSC chair +HR) Assoc. partners invited Management Committee Coordinator Work Package Leaders (Assoc partners invited) Administrative unit CERN HR and FI Departments Selection Committee WORKING TOGETHER (2/2) Supervisory Board (once per year) • Approve and oversee implementation of training programmefor scientific, technical and complementary skills;Co-ordination of the network-wide training activities; • Monitor/evaluate overall progress of research training program; Management Committee (At least twice per year) • Overall management of research programme; • Implement training activities with associated partners; • Management & follow-up progress of the individual projects; • Organization network-wide training (courses, workshops, etc); • Overview integration of Researchers into research team(s); • Review of the Personal Career Development Plans; • Dissemination of best practice and project results. Sharing information • Use of SharePoint tool (https://espace.cern.ch/Marie-Curie-CATHI/default.aspx) Deliverables 1. Annual S&T and management/financial reports 2. Prepare workshops & training events

  39. List of Participants

  40. New Associated Partners

  41. Outline • The ISOLDE Facility and it’s upgrade: HIE-ISOLDE • CATHI and HIE-ISOLDE • Scientific Overview • Networking • Administrative & Management Issues • Conclusions and Prospects

  42. Recruitment of Fellows: Time plan

  43. Administrative & ManagementIssues There are no deviations from the original contract In the process of re-scheduling the secondment period (new partners, late recruitment, etc…) Given the difficulty in recruiting ER1, task was covered by CERN staff => we may consider re-orienting ER1 future candidate on cavity and cryomodule test 3 ESRs enrolled on a PhD programme. More information will be provided by Seamus Hegarty next…

  44. Conclusions • The presence of the CATHI fellows is paramount for the HIE-ISOLDE project: • Replace missing staff deployed on other high-priority projects (LS1, LHC Upgrade, L4, LIU, etc…) • Represent 1/3rd of the total manpower of the project and almost 2/3rd in the case of the Design Study ! • Help establish or re-inforce existing collaborations • Keep up with the pace – maintain this good spirit and teamwork

  45. Thank you very much for your attention HIE-ISOLDE web site -> http://hie-isolde.web.cern.ch/hie-isolde/ CATHI-ITN web site -> https://espace.cern.ch/Marie-Curie-CATHI/default.aspx

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