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Early C ivilizations – Phoenicians, Hittites, and Hebrews day 1. Warm-up Questions Notes Phoenicians and Hittites Chart/ Map/Vocabulary through chariots Reading/ Questions Hebrew notes Vocab through Diaspora Differentiation: Choose between reading worksheets or foldable (today Hebrews)
Early Civilizations – Phoenicians, Hittites, and Hebrews day 1 Warm-up Questions Notes Phoenicians and Hittites Chart/ Map/Vocabulary through chariots Reading/ Questions Hebrew notes Vocab through Diaspora Differentiation: Choose between reading worksheets or foldable (today Hebrews) Objective: SWBAT describe characteristics of the Phoenicians, Hittites, and Hebrews on a reading worksheet or foldable. What could happen if you leave alphabet soup on the stove and go out? Question
Warmup Questions, Day 1 Fertile Crescent Jericho Anatolia Iraq polytheistic 1. Indus Valleyor Fertile Crescent ? The area shaded in red on the map was known as the ______________. 2. Jericho or Stonehenge? was a Neolithic settlement located in the area depicted on the map. 3. Anatolia or Media? Catal Hoyuk was a Neolithic settlement located in 4. Iraq or Pakistan: The modern-day country located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers is _____________? 5. monotheistic or polytheistic? Most early civilizations practiced this type of religion _________________.
Early Civilizations – Persian Empire and Nubia day 2 Warm-up Questions Hebrews quiz Notes on Persian Empire Persia paragraph Nubia notes Finish Vocab Persian Empire and Nubia reading worksheets or foldable Objective: SWBAT describe characteristics of the Persian Empire and Nubia on a reading worksheet or foldable. Question:
Warm-up Questions, Day 2 Phoenicians Iron Abraham Hebrews Ten Commandments Torah • Which civilization were sea traders who set up colonies and invented the alphabet? • The Hittites had superior tools and weapons because they were made of ___ • Abraham or Jesus The monotheism of this prophet became the basis for not only Judaism, but also Christianity and Islam. • Hittites or Hebrews The descendants of Abraham became known as the • What set of laws did Moses deliver after he led the Hebrews out of Egypt? • Torah or Quran Which is the holy book or sacred writings of Judaism • Jericho or Jerusalem King David established this city as capital of Israel. It has religious significance for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Jerusalem
Prehistory to First Civilizations– Unit Review day 3 Warm-up Questions Timeline Notes Unit Review Finish packet Objective: SWBAT describe characteristics of the Paleolithic Era, the Neolithic Era and Early Civilizations on a Test Review Question:
Warm-up Questions, Day 3 Zoroastrianism tolerance Royal Road Imperial bureaucracy Egypt Upper Nile Iran • Judaism or Zoroastrianism What was the religion of the Persian empire? • toleranceor cruelty The Persian treated those they conquered with___ • Royal Road or Silk Roads What did the Persians build to improve communication across the empire. • Imperial bureaucracy or city-states What type of government did the Persians have? • Israel or Egypt Which civilization had the greatest influence on Nubia? • Upper Nile or Lower Nile Where was Nubia located? • Sudan or Iran Persia is located in present-day _____.
Prehistory to First Civilizations– TEST/Intro India Day 4 Warm-up Questions Test India Reading Wksheet Begin Notes Objective: SWBAT describe characteristics of the Paleolithic Era, the Neolithic Era, and Early Civilizations on a Test How did the students react when the electricity went out during a test? Question:
Warm-up Questions (8 questions), Day 4 Mesopotamia (Sumer) Anatolia 1 3 Tigris R Euphrates R Ur Label the maps Word bank Egypt Mesopotamia Anatolia Neolithic Settlements in the Fertile Crescent Aleppo Jericho 4 Egypt 2 Neolithic settlements in the Fertile Crescent
Warm-up Questions, Day 4 China 6 5 7 Hebrews (Israel) India: Indus Valley Jerusalem India: Indus Valley Persian Empire Hebrews (Israel) China Persian Empire 8
Early Civilizations (2000 BCE – 500 BCE) Phoenicians, Hebrews, Persian Empire, and Kush
PHOENICIANS • Great seafaring traders who founded wealthy city-states in the Fertile Crescent along the Mediterranean coast (present-day Lebanon). Phoenicia
set up colonies(lands controlled by a distant nation) • Carthage became the most powerful colony
Phoenician Accomplishments • First Alphabet (phonetic symbols stand for sounds) • 22 letter alphabet (vs. 550 cuneiform characters) • Basis of modern alphabets
Great shipbuilders and seafarers • Spread civilizationand the alphabet through trade. • Use of coins as well as the alphabet made trade much easier.
HITTITES • Settled in Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) • Learned how to smelt iron from ore.
Ironwas stronger, sharper, and less expensivethan other metals. • Iron weapons and chariots helped forge the Hittite Empire.
HEBREWS • Abraham settled in the Fertile Crescent between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordon River (present-day Israel) • His descendentsbecame known as Hebrews.
Abraham and the Hebrews were the first monotheists • Monotheism :belief in one god
Abraham’s monotheism became the foundation of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Moses • Led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt to the “promised land”(Israel) • Delivered the Ten Commandments
Beliefs of Judaism The Religion of the Hebrews (Jews) • One God • Torah • Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments • State both religious and moral conduct in that they require that believers both worship God and live justlywith one another
The Torah • Holy book of Judaism: contains the records and beliefs of the Jews • The first five books of the Old Testament of the Bible
Jerusalem Holy City of the Jews • King David united the tribesof Israel andestablished Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. • Today Jerusalem is a holy city to Muslims and Christians as well as Jews.
Western Wall • In 70 AD the Romans destroyed the ancient Temple of Jerusalem. • The West Wall of the Temple Mount is all that remains today. • Jews consider this wall their most sacred shrine (holy site). • They come from all over the world to pray at this shrine.
The site of the original temple is now occupied by a Muslim Mosque (Dome of the Rock). • Ownership of these and other holy sites has been a source of bickering between Muslims and Jews for centuries.
Exile • Jews were driven from their homeland by the Romans in AD 132. The state of Israel ceased to exist for 1800 years.
Diaspora • Scattering of the Jews • Jews migrated all around the Mediterranean Sea
PERSIAN EMPIRE • The largest empire in the world • It stretched from The Nile to the Indus River • Persia: Present-day Iran
Persian Rulers • Treated conquered people with tolerance • Developed an imperial bureaucracy • Built an extensive road system • Zoroastrianism (religion)
Tolerance • Persian rulers allowed the people they conquered to practice their own religions and follow their own customs.
Bureaucracy • A system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials • Darius divided his empire into provinces each run by a governor (satrap)
Persian Road System • Great Royal Road • United the empire (provided a means of communication, trade, and governmental control).
Zoroastrianism • Early monotheistic religion founded by Zoroaster • Belief in two opposing forces: good and evil, light and darkness, heaven and hell.
KUSH • Located on the upper (southern) Nile • Present-day Sudan • Also called Nubia
Kush and Egypt (Lower Nile) • Ideas and goods flowed along the Nile between Kush and Egypt Kush (Upper Nile)
Egypt dominated Kush for 1000 years Gifts for the King from a country called Nubia
Kush conquered Egypt and established its own dynasty on the Egyptian throne
Kush was eventually conquered by the East African Kingdom of Axum
Contributions of Kush • Meroitic script (writing)
Golden Age of Meroe • After the Assyrians conquered Egypt, Kush continued to prosper in the booming trade between Africa, Arabia and India