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Different Types of Business Softwares

Different Types of Business Softwares. By: Raffaela Iovieno & Wynn Brabazon. Software Package Comparison by Per User Cost. Document Outline. Introduction - Business owners learn the importance of purchasing a type of business software. Software’s depend on the business size

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Different Types of Business Softwares

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  1. Different Types of Business Softwares By: Raffaela Iovieno & Wynn Brabazon

  2. Software Package Comparison by Per User Cost

  3. Document Outline • Introduction- • Business owners learn the importance of purchasing a type of business software. • Software’s depend on the business size • The numerous amounts of software’s that will be explained so business owners can make the right choice. • First Paragraph- • Quicken 2007 Software • Small business software • Five outstanding features that the provides to the users • Second Paragraph- • Cost of the Quicken 2007 Software • Fundamentals for a new business owner to learn from • Third Paragraph- • Peachtree Software • Medium size business • Seven different feature that are offered • Cost of the Software • Fourth Paragraph- • Microsoft Money 2007 • Six different types of features • Cost of the software per user

  4. Document Outline • Fifth Paragraph- • Hyperion Software • Five software features • Businesses that follow in Hyperion’s footsteps • Businesses that use Hyperion software • Sixth Paragraph – • Four more features • Large size business • Seventh Paragraphs- • Everest Software • Where it originated from • Small to medium • Eighth paragraph- • Fourteen features • Cost • The companies that use the software • Ninth Paragraph- • Target • Problems • How Everest helped them

  5. Document Outline • Tenth Paragraph- • Fischer Skis • Problems • How Everest helped them • Eleventh Paragraph- • Animalmania • Problems • How Everest helped them • Twelfth Paragraph- • Microsoft Small Business Accounting 2006 • Small Business • Seven Features • Thirtieth Paragraph- • More in-depth about the features • Easy connection • Online banking • Conclusion- • Business owners learn from these valuable software’s and will hopefully purchase software that’s beneficial to their company.

  6. Quicken Software 2007 • An Instant view on a business progress • Categorize the business easily • Personal expenses for reporting taxes • Simplify tax preparation & hidden deductions • Create reports, and graphs easily

  7. Peachtree Software • Features: -General Ledger -Payroll Solutions -Accounts Receivable -Accounts Payable -Inventory -Time & Billing & Job Costing -Fixed Assets

  8. Microsoft Money 2007 • Features: -Effortless Invoicing -Design Professional invoices -Payroll is made easy -Financial Reports -Simplify Taxes -Manage Accounts Payable

  9. How Will These Software’s Benefit A Business Owner -Quickens: Important Values -See visuals -Categorize information -Prepare taxes -Manage invoices -Has an additional feature to organize data. -Support system

  10. Con’t: Benefits On These Software’s • Peachtree: Important Values -Financial records are stroed on the core of the computer. -Calculate payment for the employees. -Amount of merchanizes the business can sell. -Fixed Assets help daily operations.

  11. Con’t: Benefits on These Software’s • Microsoft Money 2007: Important Values -Professional made invoices -Custom designed templates -Payroll is downloaded to calculate & print checks -Fills tax forms -Tracks the taxable expenses -allows multiples bill to be paid at one by using different checking accounts.

  12. These Software’s Will Help Him!!!!!

  13. Everest Software Features: • Accounting • Purchasing • Inventory • Marketing sales • RMAs

  14. Everest Features Continued • Point of sales • CRM groupware • Management • Shipping and receiving • E-commerce

  15. Target Wholesale • Not being windows based • Lack of inventory • Incapable of sub-grouping a mammoth requirement • Handling more makes and models • extending the business on-line • doubling the growth every year

  16. Microsoft Small Business Accounting 2006 Features • Management accounting tasks • Does quotes • Invoices • Purchase orders

  17. Microsoft Small Business Accounting 2006 Features Continued • Manage inventory • Keeps track of payroll and time sheet • Forecast the cash flow • Online banking from multiple bank accounts

  18. Continued • Microsoft Small Business Accounting 2006 helps manage employee data, calculate payroll, print checks, run payroll reports, and file taxes.

  19. Hyperion • Hyperion is a multi-million dollar software company that provides firms to teach the business owners the software capabilities.

  20. Hyperion Features • Eliminates data integrity risk • Allow the employee to trust the numbers and low compliance cost • Data preparation server • Financial data quality managements

  21. Users • Citibank • City of San Jose • Chevron • Miami Dolphins • Northface • Yale University • Continental Airlines

  22. Works Cited Page • Bibliography • Works Cited • Everest Software.2006.Everest Software Inc.11, November 2006. http://www.everestsoftwareinc.com/ • Hyperion-The new release.2006.Hyperion Solution Corp.15, November 2006 • http://www.hyperion.com/products/ • Microsoft Money 2007 Home & Business.2006.Microsoft Corp.26, October 2006. • http://www.microsoft.com/money/ProductsDetails.aspx?pid=001&active_tab=Features • Microsoft Small Business Accounting 2006 Overview.16, May 2005.Microsoft Corp.12, November 2006http://www.microsoft.com/office/accounting/prodinfo/overview.mspx • Peachtree Complete Accounting.2005.Compu Financial Systems Inc.24, October 2006 • http://www.peachtreebuyers.com/prodinfo.asp?number=PTCSU07 • Quicken: Home & Business 2007.Intuit Inc.24, October 2006 • http://quicken.intuit.com/small_business.jhtml?priorityCode=3734500000

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