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Tuberculosis in North Dakota 2011

Tuberculosis in North Dakota 2011. Craig Steffens, MPH TB/HIV Surveillance Coordinator. 2011 ND TB Cases. 8 total active cases 5 pulmonary 2 were smear positive One with PZA resistant, though not M. bovis 3 extra-pulmonary 3 male, 5 female. U.S.-born and Foreign-born TB Cases.

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Tuberculosis in North Dakota 2011

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  1. Tuberculosis in North Dakota2011 Craig Steffens, MPH TB/HIV Surveillance Coordinator

  2. 2011 ND TB Cases • 8 total active cases • 5 pulmonary • 2 were smear positive • One with PZA resistant, though not M. bovis • 3 extra-pulmonary • 3 male, 5 female

  3. U.S.-born and Foreign-born TB Cases

  4. U.S.-born and Foreign-born TB Cases

  5. Race/ethnicity of TB Cases, 2007-2011

  6. Mean and Median Ages of TB Cases 2007-2011

  7. TB Disease Rate: U.S. vs. ND

  8. National TB Rates per 100,000, 2010

  9. Possible Causes of National Decrease • Better identification of active/ltbi cases • More stringent overseas TB screening requirements for immigrants/refugees • Limited resources, missing cases • Medical care less available, not enough health professionals • Not seeking medical care because of cost

  10. Program Updates • Website updated: www.ndhealth.gov/disease/tb • Blood tests for infection (IGRA) have become more available • New treatment (3HP) to be made available for latent TB infection

  11. TB Questions? csteffens@nd.gov 701.328.2377 www.ndhealth.gov/disease/tb

  12. HIV/AIDS in North Dakota2011 Craig Steffens, HIV Surveillance/TB Coordinator

  13. Cumulative HIV/AIDS cases reported in ND as of 12/31/2011, n=531

  14. Annual Number of HIV/AIDS Cases Reported in ND, 1984-2011, n=531

  15. New HIV/AIDS diagnosis, 1984-2011, n=304

  16. Annual Number of New HIV/AIDS Diagnoses in ND, 2007-2011, n=65

  17. New HIV/AIDS Diagnoses in ND by Gender, 2007-2011, n=65

  18. New HIV/AIDS Diagnoses in ND by Race/Ethnicity, 2007-2011, n=65

  19. New HIV/AIDS Diagnoses in ND by Age Group, 2007-2011, n=65

  20. Risk Factors Identified by New HIV/AIDS Diagnoses, 2007-2011, n=65

  21. Risk Factors Identified by New HIV/AIDS Diagnoses, 2002-2006, n=60

  22. Program Updates • New media campaign • Online risk assessment survey www.ndhealth.gov/knowyourrisk

  23. Program Updates

  24. You need to know. Get tested.

  25. HIV/AIDS Questions? csteffens@nd.gov 701.328.2377 1.800.70.NDHIV www.ndhealth.gov/hiv

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