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Internationalising Learning at Leasowes Primary School, Stafford

Discover how Leasowes Primary School is embracing international learning to celebrate diversity, teamwork, and children's rights while preparing for the Olympics.

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Internationalising Learning at Leasowes Primary School, Stafford

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  1. Internationalising Learningat Leasowes Primary School, Stafford By Sandra Fyfe and Chris Frodsham

  2. First steps • Introduced internationalising learning to all staff in February at an Inset Day • One focus of the Inset day was updating our behaviour policy and we used the UNICEF rights of the child to explore class charters • Our second focus was celebrating diversity at our school • Final focus was planning for the Olympics

  3. The Rights-Respecting School Award www.rrsa.org.uk

  4. Behaviour policy • Shared UNICEF Rights of the Child with all the staff • Agreed to produce a class charter agreeing rights and responsibilities for each class in line with our Behaviour Policy

  5. Reception • Our school motto is ‘Together we learn, together we grow’ and the children in Reception based their charter around a growing plant.

  6. Year 4 • 4G used ICT to design their display including Rights and Responsibilities.

  7. Year 6 charter • Rights on the flower • Reponsibilities on the sun

  8. Other examples

  9. Parental Involvement • Copies of the Class Charter were sent home to parents inviting comments.

  10. Letters sent to parents

  11. Playground Charter • Lunchtime supervisors worked with children, teachers and teaching assistants to produce playground charter • Playground charters were discussed at School Council with Deputy Headteacher • Meeting organised for this week to agree final playground charter • Playground charter to be sent home before Easter

  12. Diversity at Leasowes • Celebration of all children’s backgrounds • Identified children whose cultural heritage was other than English • Multicultural assemblies

  13. beliefs family hobbies me food work heritage Use different headings depending on the target audience

  14. Year 6 Celebrating Diversity

  15. Year 1 working with parents

  16. This is what they produced

  17. David from Nigeria

  18. Leasowes- a family of languages

  19. The Olympics • Shared the single story on inset day • Met with PE co-ordinator and planned sports day with an Olympic theme • Planned cross-curricular half term of work on Olympic theme, to be delivered in second half of summer term • Conclude with a planned International Day at end of topic

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