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HP CloudSystem certified hosting program

HP CloudSystem certified hosting program. HP Sales Rep training deck service provider recruitment. How to use this deck. This deck provides training for HP representatives on how to target and recruit HP CloudAgileService Provider partners to the HP CloudSystem Certified Hosting Program.

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HP CloudSystem certified hosting program

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  1. HP CloudSystem certified hosting program HP Sales Rep training deckservice provider recruitment

  2. How to use this deck This deck provides training for HP representatives on how to target and recruit HP CloudAgileService Provider partners to the HP CloudSystem Certified Hosting Program. It covers: Training objectives Sales opportunity Customer profile Sales approach Resources **Be sure to go to the link provided on slide #11 to see current promotions. Remove this slide before presenting

  3. Agenda Training objectives Sales opportunity Customer profile Sales approach Resources

  4. Training objectives • Describe a successful sales approach • Key service provider (SP) issues • How to engage with service providers • Transition from initial interest to qualified opportunity • Review the supporting sales kit • Initial qualification • Determining service provider needs and readiness to buy/join program • Review the extended set of sales resources • CloudSystem Certified Hosting SP Recruitment kit • Other resources

  5. Agenda Training objectives Sales opportunity Customer profile Sales approach Resources

  6. Sales opportunity: Challenges for Cloud Hosting providers Recruit service providers to the HP CloudSystem Certified Hosting Program Key issues for Cloud Hosting providers Adding revenue and margin • Need avenues for expanding their commercial and enterprise sales reach • Looking for ways to differentiate their services in the competitive cloud market • Need better efficiency to lower operations costs, raise margins Improving service levels • Looking to automate and enhance cloud solutions for their customers • Need to dynamically and rapidly create complete application environments, not just VMs • Want detailed reporting capabilities for charge-back and allocation of cloud resources for multi-tenancy • Need flexibility on hypervisors, operating system choices, etc.

  7. HP CloudSystem Certified Hosting HP’s technology and market strengths extend SP’s sales reach and hosting capabilities Market strength / experience Sales enablement / partnership Leading cloudtechnology Market Development funds/ Joint Investment Industry’s most cloud ready infrastructure • HP Converged Cloud—most complete, integrated, unified and open platform • HP CloudSystem, Cloud Maps, Cloud Service Automation • Market leadership • Enterprise experience • Industry partnerships • Customer relationships • Joint go-to-market funds/programs • Dual compensation • Customer/partner linkages • Incentives • Certification Offering/demo development funds Extensive GTM • *Boost cloud capabilities * Differentiate services * Speed delivery * Grow pipeline * HP & Channel Sales Engagement

  8. HP CloudSystem Certified Hosting—What is the program? Winning combination to help you build, differentiate and sell cloud services + • Host on HP CloudSystem— • End-to-end cloud delivery solution • HP Cloud System, Cloud Service Automation and HP Cloud Maps • Optimized utilization • Fast, automated application deployments • Single management view • HP best-in-class converged cloud infrastructure • Openness/flexibility on OS, hypervisors, physical & virtual servers, etc. • Reliability, availability, and security • Reduced operating costs • Scalability • Join Certification Program— • Partnership to expand/speed sales • Pipeline development with HP customers, sales reps, channel partners • Joint go-to-market activities; dual compensation; cooperation not competition • High-margin services • Linkages to HP enterprise customers • Leverage HP experience and relationships • US $10Ktraining and certification • Gain expertise, customer service/assurance • Reduced acquisition/ramp-up costs • Discounts up to 50% • Flexible financing

  9. What’s in it for SPs? Leverage HP technology edge and sales reach to grow capabilities and boost sales Boost ability to pursue the growing cloud services market • Differentiate cloud services with HP CloudSystem advantages to beat the competition • Rapidly deploy new applications and services to meet customer needs (via Cloud Maps, etc.) • Use open solution to meet customer choice of hypervisor, OS, virtual/physical servers, etc. • Address almost any customer requirement across multiple hosting options: colocation, managed hosting, cloud infrastructure • Count on HP Converged Cloud reliability, manageability, scalability, security • Extend sales reach with HP marketing and sales • Joint GTM/Lead Gen • $$$ for HP sales force & channel partners to drive CloudSystem Hosting business • Leverage HP customer relationships and experience; expand links to enterprise customers • Reduce costs for cloud acquisition and operations • Gain expertise and assure their end users with free training and HP Certification

  10. HP CloudSystem Certified Hosting Program onboarding • Who is eligible for the program? The program is for HP CloudAgile Partners* who plan to offer cloud services that are: • Hosted on HP CloudSystem(s) • Defined for target sectors (i.e., by industry or customer needs like IaaS, PaaS or SaaS) What is required of partners? How do they get started? • Join the HP CloudSystem Certified Hosting program; take advantage of incentives and promotions • Define their market specialties; develop plans with their assigned HP rep • Order and deploy HP CloudSystem environment • Train and certify two of their engineers (Be prepared to cover initial cost prior to reimbursement by HP). • Develop and execute joint go-to-market programs with HP • Share their sales funnel and engage in co-selling • Leverage HP sales resources, tools, training and community to generate new business! * If the SP is not yet an HP CloudAgile Partner, they must qualify for and sign up to be an HP CloudAgile Partner prior to becoming an HP CloudSystem Certified Hosting Partner. If currently a Business level partner, must be planning to become a Select level partner within 12 months.

  11. Current promotions Check for current offers to help partners jump start their cloud hosting capabilities and sales See current promotions at the HP CloudAgile Partner Portal home page: http://www.hpcloudagiletool.com/

  12. Agenda Training objectives Sales opportunity Customer profile Sales approach Resources

  13. Target service provider profile Capability today • Medium to large, more established service provider with broader services portfolio • Offer hosted cloud services • Offer well-defined cloud services for target sectors (i.e., by industry or customer requirement like IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS) Growth path • Interested in expanding or further differentiating offerings; i.e. new XaaS services and/or to new segments (industry/use) • Need to automate and provide on-demand cloud infrastructure and applications/services • Seeking ways to automate deployment services and management Business model • Interested in collaboration with our HP sales force/channel • Ability to execute joint marketing/demand generation activities with HP • Seeking “Brand Name” recognition These “sweet spots” define the ideal prospect. Use these “qualification” attributes to identify them.

  14. Poor fit situations • “First Tier” service providers who have invested heavily in own cloud provisioning infrastructure • Not enough short term revenue or higher margins to get their attention • Happy with current cloud provisioning speed and service levels • May not have real focus on enterprise customers • Limited cost pressures • May have favored relationships and guaranteed hosting revenue stream • Not interested in collaboration with HP sales/channel • Already aligned to another vendor (VMware, IBM, Cisco…)

  15. Service provider roles • IT Ops Mgr CIO, CFO, EVP/SVP IT Inundated with ops effort, budget constraints, reluctant to deal with anything new • Under pressure to enhance IT capability to enable faster responsiveness, service delivery, yet control costs Enterprise Business Development & Marketing Decision Maker Blocker Can provide insights on plans, needs and issues and introduce us to Decision Makers and Problem Owners Sales Problem Owner Want to penetrate new enterprise accounts or upsell existing accounts with higher value hosting Influencer

  16. Key stakeholders

  17. Agenda Training objectives Sales opportunity Customer profile Sales approach Resources

  18. Ideal service provider criteria through brief questions that pinpoint solid prospects • These topics ensure you get an interested service provider • Interest in gaining access to HP’s customer base through collaboration and joint sales efforts • Interest in expanding/differentiating hosted cloud service offerings • Has needs that you can address: need for lower operations costs and lower ramp-up costs; need to improve cloud provisioning speed and efficiency, lack unified management view, detailed reporting, etc. • Sees value of HP training and certification • Interested in collaboration and joint sales efforts with HP • Has need to invest in cloud infrastructure; seeking reliability, efficiency, security, scalability You can take it to the next level • Explore their cloud services vision, needs and opportunities • Dominate a vertical, become the de-facto next platform for currently in-house applications • Explore explicit business and tactical/operational needs • Discuss HP CloudSystem Certified Hosting Program (and JumpSTART or other promotions available)

  19. Record explicit needs stated by prospects—Business needs Examples of service provider issues that direct sales can convert to deals • Business needs • “We need to beat our competition with better service levels and faster provisioning for our customers.” • “We are looking for ways to open new markets and expand our sales reach.” • “We are working on building our brand/reputation as a trusted provider of cloud services.” • “We need to pace our infrastructure investment with our business growth without spending too much upfront.” • “We need to start/expand our cloud offering without a huge upfront cost.” Operational needs • “We must lower our IT admin & operational costs by 20% or more within the next year.” • “We need to simplify and automate our IT management so we can use our resources better.” • “Our customers are demanding detailed reporting for their internal charge-back and allocation of cloud resources.” • “We need more unified and detailed management views for capacity balancing.” • “We have to cut our power & cooling costs.”

  20. Explore explicit IT needs stated by prospects Some examples of SP issues and next steps for converting to deals

  21. Show SPs how HP gives them greater sales reach Invaluable linkages open doors to new business HP brings our enterprise customers and channel partners to the SPs Joint compensation = new playing field, cooperation NOT competition HP HP HP enterprise customers CloudAgile service provider Enterprise market SP & HP Sales Rep Joint compensation Joint GTM HP sales reps HP channel partners SP & Channel partner Joint Opportunities Compensation for CP SME/SMB market

  22. Compensation for HP Sales Rep and SP Unlocking new business opportunities with win-win model • Compensated to sell together • Allows double crediting for CloudAgile partners* • Providing quota credit to both the End User Rep and the Service Provider Rep • Allows a partner environment where the sales reps do not compete for the business • HP Sales compensated on key CloudAgile offerings • Both sales reps get credit *For CloudAgile select and premier partners

  23. ...And get even greater reach through our channel HP pays our channel to co-sell CloudSystem • Financial incentives for channels • 2% agent rebate for Hosted CloudSystem or 3PAR opportunities delivered by CloudAgile Service Providers • CI Specialist Resellers are eligible for deal registration benefit • Details available on Partner Portal—Cloud Expressway HP channel partners CloudAgile service provider

  24. Explore how HP Cloud Maps help SP’s meet customers’ needs Explore SP’s current/potential service areas—highlight range of Cloud Maps Whether for IaaS, Paas or SaaS, SPs can choose from 150 cloud maps—including infrastructure provisioning, application deployment, and lifecycle management cloud maps—to provide what their customer needs.

  25. Other keys to sales approach • Advantages of the platform • Explore types of customers/workloads the SP is targeting; highlight versatility they gain from HP Cloud Maps • Highlight HP’s best-of-breed open, standards-based infrastructure, and ability for SP to manage across multi-hypervisor, multi-vendor environment • Highlight ability to address almost any customer requirement across multiple hosting options (colocation, managed hosting, cloud infrastructure) • Highlight the investment protection for the SP existing infrastructure • Showcase ability to speed service delivery and deployment of new apps/environments using HP Cloud Maps and Cloud Service Automation • Showcase the value of the whole HP CloudSystem ecosystem • Advantages of HP as a partner • Highlight win-win aspects of joint sales efforts • Highlight partners ability to leverage HP brand name, market strength and experience in key application areas • Point out value of HP certification and training—improves IT team expertise, enhances service levels to customers, end-user assurance with backing of HP

  26. How the HP Certified Hosting Programs helps you close • Choose your target—SPs planning to offer hosted cloud services • Their customers want: • Flexibility in environment, with reliability, security and speed they can count on • Ability to allocate accounts to multiple internal users (i.e., developers, business mgrs) • The HP Certified Hosting program gets SPs going quickly • Discount on CloudSystem including software • Discounted Training to become HP CloudSystem certified • Access to HP accounts and sales resources

  27. Agenda Training objectives Sales opportunity Customer profile Sales approach Resources

  28. HP CloudSystem Certified Hosting—SP Recruitment Toolkit Recruit Service Providers to the Certified Hosting Program • Quick reference card • Training (this deck) • Solution brief • Customer presentation

  29. Other resources • HP CloudAgile Partner Portal Hosting Page • http://hpcloudagiletool.com/CloudHosting.aspx

  30. Thank you c03961343, October 2013

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