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Living Organisms. What we Know About Organisms. What are some living organisms? How are they alike and different?. Plants Animals. I learned ________Now I know_______________________. Observing and Describing Seeds. What is a Seed? See Hear Feel Smell. Planting Our Seeds.
What we Know About Organisms • What are some living organisms? • How are they alike and different?
Plants Animals I learned ________Now I know_______________________
Observing and Describing Seeds • What is a Seed? • See • Hear • Feel • Smell
Planting Our Seeds • What do our seeds need to grow? • You will get 4 seeds and plant them in cups of soil • What are some predictions you can make about each seed?
Observing Woodland Plants • What do woodland plants need to survive?
Vocabulary • Woodland • Terrarium • Moss • Pine tree • Soil
Describe moss and pine tree • What do both need to survive? • Build your terrarium Label your Terrarium
Observing Freshwater Plants • Elodea • Aquarium • Cabomba • freshwater
What do freshwater plants need to survive? • Cabomba • Elodea • Draw and Label the Freshwater plant Label your Aquarium
How have our seeds Changed? • What is Alike and Different about each plant
Observing Freshwater Snails • Foot • Tentacle • Snout • Mantle Collar
What does a freshwater snail need to survive? • What do you find in a pond? • What is the snail doing? How does it move? • Draw and Label what the snail looks like • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://ed101.bu.edu/StudentDoc/current/ED101fa10/kzantay/IMAGES/Notopala_waterhousei_04.jpg&imgrefurl=http://ed101.bu.edu/StudentDoc/current/ED101fa10/kzantay/Freshwater%2520Snails.html&usg=__m8_EKfgSYn1D_HiqaDPCYYWgOTU=&h=600&w=600&sz=78&hl=en&start=2&zoom=1&tbnid=1pqsw_iewc5CCM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=135&ei=s28YT5XCIceEtgfz8riPCw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dfreshwater%2Bsnail%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&safe=active
Observing Guppies: How do they Compare with Snails? • Gills • Gravid spot • Lateral line • Fins
What does a guppy need to survive? Snails Guppies *Add to Aquarium
Observing Pill Bugs • Exoskeleton • Antenna • Segment • Isopods • Molt
What does a pill bug need to survive? • What type of animals live in the woods? • What does the pill bug look like? What does it do? • Draw and label the pill bug • Add to Terrarium
Observing Millipededs • Antennas • Chemical • Segments • Mandibles
How do Millipedes and Pill Bugs Differ? Millipedes Pill Bugs *Add to Terrarium
What is Happening??? In the Terrarium In the Aquarium How have the organisms changed?
How are they alike and different? Freshwater Plants Woodland Plants
Freshwater and Woodland Animals Freshwater Animals Woodland Animals
How are Plants and Animals Alike and Different Plants Animals What are the characteristics of plants and animals?
How have our seeds Changed? • What is Alike and Different about each plant
Taking a Look at Ourselves • What makes us similar of different to the organisms. • What makes an organism a living thing?