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Ecology. Ecology - dictionary. A adaptace - adaptation B biologie – biology buňka – cell Č část - part D distribuce - distribution druh - species E ekosystém – ecosystem energie - energy environmentalismus – environmentalism eroze - erosion evoluce – evolution F
Ecology - dictionary A adaptace - adaptation B biologie – biology buňka – cell Č část - part D distribuce - distribution druh - species E ekosystém – ecosystem energie - energy environmentalismus – environmentalism eroze - erosion evoluce – evolution F fotosyntéza - photosynthesis funkce - function G gen – gene genetika – genetics H hierarchie – hierarchy hypotéza – hypothesis CH choroba - disease I interakce – interaction J jednotlivec - individual jídlo – food K krmit - feed L lék - medicine M migrace - migration množství – amount N náhodný - random narození - birth následek - consequence neživý – non-living O ochrana – protection orgán - organ organizmus – organism P palivo – fuel podmínka - condition populace – population proces - process prostředí – environment průmysl – industry přežít - survive R regulace – regulation role – role rozbor - analysis rozmanitost – diversity rozsah – range rys - trait S skupina - group smrt – death T teplota - temperature tolerance - tolerance společenství – community U umřít – die V velikost – size vliv – influence výběr - selection vyhlazení – extinction vyrušit - disturb výsledek - result Z zachovat - maintain základní - keystone zemědělství – agriculture ztráta - loss Ž živina – nutrient životnost - lifespan živý - living
General discussion – itroduction to the topic What is ecology? Are you green? Do you recycle at home? What and how? What do you do to protect the environment? Do you like animals? Which? Do you like nature? Why? Do you make your own clothes? Have you ever planted a tree? Do you use public transport when you move in a town? Have you ever visited an ecological farm ? Have you ever made a fire in the forest? Do you think the Earth is in danger? Why? Have you ever been to a zoo? When and where? Do you drive a car? How often do you use it? Do you prefer living in the country or in a city? Would you like to work in a National Park? Have you ever been to a rainforest? Do you celebrate Earth's day? Have you ever cried after seeing a natural disaster? Do you ask for plastic bags when you go shopping? Do you think that preserving the environment isimportant for the people's future? How can we achieve environmental sustainability? What can the government do to lower CO2 emission? What natural recourses do we waste? Why? What do you know about endangered species? Describe one endangered animal. What eco-friendly products do you use? If you don’t, why? Have you ever been to a wildlife sanctuary? Why are they so important? Does consumerist lifestyle influence natural environment? Why (not)? Is organic food popular in your country? Why (not)? Talk about 3 things which, you think, are the most harmful to the environment. What’s your opinion on commercial forestry? Talk about irreparable damage caused by logging rainforests. How can we deal with a problem of overpopulation? How has climate change affected your country? How can we prevent soil erosion? What should we do to conserve water and energy?
Can you explain these words? BIODIVERSITY CLIMATE FOOD CHAIN ECOSYSTEM SPECIES CONSUMER EXTINCTION GLOBAL WARMING RAINFOREST ATMOSPHERE POLLUTION OIL ACID RAIN ENERGY SOURCE OZONE LAYER CHEMICALS PHOTOSYNTHESIS ENVIRONMENT BIODEGRADABLE WASTE DESERT HABITAT GAS DEFORESTATION TRASH DROUGHT CONSERVATION REUSE POPULATION FUEL What would you do in these situations? If you were dying of hunger, would you eat an endangered species? If you could be one extinct animal for one day, what animal would you be? Would you cut down a tree if it grew in front of your house spoiling your view and making your house dark? How would your life change, if you could only use solar power? What would you do if you were caught in the middle of an earthquake? If you could choose, would you rather be a mammal or a reptile? If you were the president, what would you do to protect wildlife? If we made people drink water they pollute, would they change their behavior? If you saw an old, sick beaver destroying a tree would you help the beaver or the tree? To save the energy, would you agree to use only candles at night? To fight overpopulation, would you let people have only one child? If you could help countries suffering from drought by taking a shower once a month, would you agree to do it? These are the 10 amendments of ecology – what do you think about them? Love nature as you love yourself. Actions speak louder than words. Protect the rain forest. Life on Earth depends on their preservation. Respect life – animal and plant. Don´t kill. Don´t pollute the air that you breathe. Don´t destroy the Earth by stripping it of its nutrients. Don´t kill or destroy for greed. Don´t reduce your environment to a litter dump. Don´t use up all the Earth´s resources. Life belongs to those who have not been born yet.
Ecology – links and resources • http://www.ecology.com/ - ekologie, zprávy a novinky • http://www.esajournals.org/loi/ecol - ekologická společnost USA • http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/earth_climate/ecology/ - novinky ze světa vědy a ekologie • http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/public-policy/our-position/ecological-issues/ - ekologické problémy • http://ecological-problems.blogspot.cz/ - články zaměřené na celosvětové a environmentální problémy • http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/education/teaching-ecology-newsletter/ - ekologický magazín pro výuku • http://www.ehow.com/info_7983943_ecological-activity-sheets-children.html - rady pro učitele ekologie • http://www.kids-activities-learning-games.com/ecology-for-kids.html - hry a aktivity pro studenty ekologie • http://kids.nceas.ucsb.edu/ - výukový portál pro menší děti • http://www.ecology.com/ecology-kids/ - portál pro děti vyučující ekologii • http://www.ene.com/history-and-future - budoucnost a minulost ekologie • http://www.bbc.com/future/sections/science-environment/ecology - budoucí ekologie • http://www.facingthefuture.org/IssuesSolutions/ConsumptionEcologicalFootprint/EcologicalFootprintTour/tabid/509/Default.aspx#.UfzYLl5IuMM – budoucí hrozby
Earth - dictionary A aglomerace - aglomeration atmosféra – atmosphere B biosféra – biosphere býložravec - herbivore bytost – being C cesta - road D dálnice - highway dusík – nitrogen džungle - jungle E energie - energy G galaxie - galaxy H hmotnost – weight hydrosféra - hydrosphere hvězda – star J jezero – lake jíst - eat K koryto - trough kyslík – oxygen L les - forest louka - meadow M masožravec – carnivore město - town minerál – mineral močál - swamp moře - sea N nepravidelnost O objevit - discover oblak - cloud obloha – sky obvod – perimetr oceán – ocean odliv – low tide organismus - organism osa - axis otáčet se – rotate P pára - steam pevnina – land, mainland planeta – planet plyn – gas podzemí – underground poledník – meridian polokoule – hemispehre potravní řetězec – food chain povrch - surface pozorovat – observe prales – virgin forest příliv – high tide přírodní katastrofa – natural disaster průmysl - industry R reprodukovat - reproduce rotace - rotation rovník – equator rovnoběžka – parallel rovnodennost – equinox rozložit – decompose růst - grow rychlost - speed S Slunce - sun Sluneční soustava – Solar system slunovrat - solstice sopka – vulcano strom – tree sucho - draught světlo - light T tajga - taiga teplo – warmth tundra – tundra tvar – shape U údolí - valley V vesmír – space vesnice - village vítr - wind vrstva – layer všežravec - omnivore výměna - exchange vzdálenost – distance Z zemřít - die
Discussion Where is the Earth? What colour does it have? Why? What parts of the Earth can you name? What kind of climate can people live in? What layers are there in and above the Earth? What are some problems of the Earth? How many people are there on the Earth? Is the number of animal species rising or decreasing? Why? Are you optimistic or pesimistic when it comes to the future of our planet? http://www.shutterstock.com/cat.mhtml?searchterm=earth&search_group=&lang=cs&search_source=search_form#id=118337104&src=OGvpIrcaMK5Rd_mpHQPiZw-1-1 Say a little bit about... LIFE IN THE OCEANS ______________________________________ LIFE IN THE DESERT ______________________________________ LIFE IN FROZEN PLACES ______________________________________ LIFE IN THE MOUNTAINS ______________________________________ LIFE IN GREAT PLAINS AND GRASSLANDS ____________________________ LIFE IN THE JUNGLE ______________________________________ LIFE IN THE CAVES ______________________________________ LIFE IN THE FRESH WATER ______________________________________ Ecosystems - dicussion What kinds of ecosystems do you know? What are their typical features? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
History of the Earth How old is your planet? How was it created? Are there more theories? Who were the dinosaurs? What happened to them? Can you imagine they wouldn´t become extinct? How long is human history? What are some stages of human development? How was the landscape created? How were mountains created? What was ice-age? Do you think another one will come? Why did some animals die out? How did vulcanoes affect the creation of the Earth? Do you think that the creation of the human kind was a good thing for the Earth? Use the following word in a sentence and comment it CLIMATE __________________________________________ DISASTER __________________________________________ ANIMALS __________________________________________ ATMOSPHERE __________________________________________ WATER __________________________________________ RECYCLING __________________________________________ WASTE __________________________________________ CLOUD __________________________________________ SUN __________________________________________ MOON __________________________________________ Choose whether the following statements are TRUE of FALSE Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. The surface of Earth is mostly land. Astronauts have landed on Mars. There are no planets beyond our solar system. The sun is a star. Astronauts weigh the same on other planets as they do on Earth. A planet creates its own light. An astronomer explores space with a telescope. The planets in our solar system orbit the moon. An astronaut goes into space aboard spaceships. Gravity keeps us from flying off into space. A moon is larger than the planet it revolves around.
Earth – links and resources • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006mywy - planeta Země • http://nineplanets.org/earth.html - informace o planetě • http://planetearth.nerc.ac.uk/ - planeta Země rozcestník • http://www.bbcamerica.com/planet-earth/ - planeta Země videa • http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-system/earth/ - planeta Země, prostředí, problémy, prehistorie a člověk • http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/collections/p00fxg1n - kolekce videí • http://syzygyastro.hubpages.com/hub/Evolution-of-Animals-and-Plants-Changed-Planet-Earth - vývoj zvířat a jejich vliv na vývoj Země • http://news.discovery.com/adventure/tags/ocean.htm - život pod vodou • http://animals.about.com/od/zoologybasics/a/howmanyspecies.htm - zvířecí druhy a jejich počet • http://planetearthherald.com/top-10-environmental-issues/ - problémy, kterým planeta čelí • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074sh2 - video jeskyně • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074tgb - video džungle • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074shj - video pouště • http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/habitats/Tropical_and_subtropical_moist_broadleaf_forests - deštné pralesy
Water cycle - dictionary B bažinatý - swampy břečka - slush D déšť – rain E energie - energy G gejzír- geyser H hurikán – hurricane CH chladný - cool J jezero - lake jinovatka - frost K kaluž - puddle kanál – canal kapka – drop kroupy - hail L led - ice liják – downpour lít - pour M mokrý – wet mokřina - wetlands monzun – monsoon moře - sea mrholit - drizzle N nádrž - reservoir náledí – black ice námraza - rime navlhlost – dump nepromokavý - impermeable O oblak - cloud oceán - ocean odvodnit - drain orosení - condensation P pára - steam pitný - drinkable povodí – basin promočit – drench pršet - rain přeháňka – shower překážka - obstacle příliv – tide přeháňka – shower překážka - obstacle příliv - tide R rampouch - icicle rosa – dew rybník - pond Ř řeka - river říčka - brook S sněhová bouře – blizzard sněhová vločka – snow flake sněžit - snow sníh – snow srážky - precipitation studna – well T tajfun – typhoon tekutina - liquid tok - flow V vařit – boil (ve vodě) vlhký – humid vlhkost – humidity vlna - wave voda – water vodopád – waterfall vypařování – evaporation Z záplava – flood zavlažit – irrigate zkapalnění - condensation
Use these words in sentences DEW RAINBOW TYPHOON OCEAN DROP RIVER STORM BLACK ICE EVAPORATE STEAM FLOW FLOOD LEAK HAIL FOG SURFACE WATER FRESH DRIZZLE http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-139536968/stock-vector-easy-to-edit-vector-illustration-of-water-cycle.html?src=K9KdI5p4a3gRbgJKVQRbwg-1-12 Discussion What forms of water do you know? What is the water cycle? Can you describe the picture? What verbs connected to water do you know? What is drinkable water? What kinds of bodies of water do you know? Which natural disasters are connected to water anyhow? How do people use water? What are some problems of the mankind connected to water? What is water industry?
Finish these sentences... or find out the beginning... Clouds are formed by _____________ Water droplets that are too heavy to float make _____________ Moisture that falls to the ground is _____________ Most of the water that evaporates on the earth comes from ____________ Water vapor that condenses on cool surfaces is _____________ Weather that is so dry that nothing can grow is called _____________ The water cycle is possible because of ___________ (planet / star) ________________ is the process by which water flows over the surface of the ground. The continuous movement of water from the oceans and freshwater sources to the air and land and back to the oceans is called the ____________ A man-made body of fresh water used as a source of drinking water is called a ______________ ________________ is the process by which liquid water changes to water vapor. ________________ is the process by which water evaporates from the leaves of plants. ________________ is the process by which water vapor changes to liquidwater. ________________ is the process by which water, in any form, falls from the atmosphere to the Earth’s surface. Say something about: The longest rivers... The biggest oceans... The biggest Czech dams... Weather in the Czech Republic... Problems that can be caused by water... Situation of rivers in the Czech Republic... Floods in the Czech Republic... Weather on the Poles... Water industry in the Czech Republic... The things that you can see underwater... Whale hunting... Melting of icebergs... The weather in the future... what is your opinion? Behaviour of icebergs and glaciers? And what is the difference between them? The future of water industry... Fishing industry...
Water cycle - links • http://water.org/ - informace o vodě, charita • http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/water - zprávy o počasí a vodě • http://earth.rice.edu/mtpe/hydro/hydrosphere/hydrosphere_what.html - hydrosféra • http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/hydrosphere/?ar_a=1 – hydrosféra – informace a video • http://www.geography4kids.com/files/water_intro.html - voda, informace pro děti • http://www.fcwa.org/story_of_water/html/3forms.htm - formy vody • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_pollution - znečištění vody • http://water.org/water-crisis/water-facts/water/ - fakta o problémech s vodou • http://www.globalissues.org/article/601/water-and-development - spotřeba a problémy vody – další odkazy • http://www.un.org/en/globalissues/water/ - voda jako mezinárodní problém • http://www.nestle-waters.com/media/featuredstories/water-in-natural-disasters - voda v přírodních katastrofách • http://sites.securemgr.com/folder19546/index.cfm?fuseaction=browse&id=3658&pageid=72 – kvalita vody při přírodních katastrofách
Mountains – dictionary B balvan – boulder batoh - rucksack břeh - bank C cesta - route cestička – path D dobrodružství - adventure F formovat - form H hora – mountain horizont – horizon horolezec - climber horolezení – mountain climbing horské pásmo – mountain range hřeben – ridge J jehličnatý les – conifer ježdění na kanoi - canoeing K kámen - stone kaňon – canyon kempování - camping keř – bush kompozice - composition kopec - hill L ledovec – glacier, iceberg les – forest lezení - climbing lov - hunt N náhorní plošina – plateau nepředvídatelný - unpredictible nízký - low O okraj - edge P paseka – glade planina – plain počasí - weather podmínky - conditions pohoří – mountains pole - field poplach – alert povrch – surface pozorovst - observe průsmyk – pass předhůří – foothills převýšení - elevation příkrý - steep S skála - rock sníh - snow sopka - volcano spadnout – fall speleologie - caving sráz – precipice stan - tent stěna – wall strom - tree svah – slope T terén – terrain tvar - shape tráva - grass U uklouznout – slip útes - cliff V vandrování - backpacking vrchol – summit, peak vulkanický - vulcanic výhled – view vysoký - high Z zábradlí – railing zátočina – meander zvíře - animal Ž žebřík - ladder
http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-72007540/stock-photo-happy-couple-riding-bicycles-outside-healthy-lifestyle-fun-concept.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-0http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-72007540/stock-photo-happy-couple-riding-bicycles-outside-healthy-lifestyle-fun-concept.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-0 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-94599454/stock-photo-man-hiking-in-a-mountains.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-5 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-69934384/stock-photo-young-woman-with-backpack-sitting-on-cliff-and-looking-to-a-sky.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-7 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-72142033/stock-photo-pretty-young-woman-on-snowboard.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-8 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-75203665/stock-photo-couple-camping-in-the-wilderness.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-1-82 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-54750832/stock-photo-male-rock-climber-on-a-granite-wall-with-magnificent-view.html?src=0OzYldfRS9mp6kOl7Y99XQ-2-20 People love outdoor acitivites – look at these pictures, comment them and say whether you like this activity or not and would you like to try it? • Find the right anwer and comment it • Where can I find Mount Everest? Would you like to climb it? • Where is Sierra Nevada? What weather would you expect there? • Where are the Dolomites? • Where can I find Mont Blanc? • Where is Mount Aconcagua? • What is Mount Etna famous for? • In which countries can I find the Alps? • Can you say something about Czech mountains? Choose two moutain ranges and compare them. Why do tourists go there and are Czech moutains popular with tourists and sportsmen? • Guess the right word • What is a huge mass of snow falling down the mountain called? ___________ • We sleep in it when we sleep in the mountains, we carry with it us. __________ • It´s a place from which we can see far away and we enjoy it. ____________ • It helps us to get up the hill, it has chairs and skiers use it too. ___________ • It´s a dark place in the mountain, prehistoric people used to live there. _______ • It´s a thing that helps us with orientation. It tells us where the south is. _______ • It´s huge piece of ice in the mountains. _________ • If you don´t drink enough, you might be ____________.
Have a look at the map below and try to draw the highest mountains and mountain ranges that you know and comment them a little bit. http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-53610733/stock-vector-detailed-high-quality-vector-map-of-the-world.html?src=p-91526105-7 • Try to find the correct answer • How high is Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world? • a) 9,933 meters b) 8,850 meters c) 6,011 meters • What is the longest mountain range in the world? • a) Himalayas b) Rocky Mountains c) Andes • Which of these mountains is also an active volcano? • a) Popocatépetl b) Mauna Kea c) Pobeda Peak • Which is the highest peak in the Western Hemisphere? • a) Mt. McKinley b) Aconcagua c) Annapurna • Mt. Ararat, long thought to be the traditional resting place of Noah's Ark, is located where? • a) Eastern Turkey b) Northern Afghanistan c) Southern Ethiopia • In which country is Mount Fuji located? • a)Japan b) Peru c) North Korea • In which country is Mt Kilimanjaro located? • a) Zimbabwe b) Australia c) Tanzania • Which of these mountains is the highest mountain in the United States? • a) Mt. Hood b) Mt. McKinley c) Pike´s Peak Key 1b 2c 3a 4b 5a 6a 7c 8b
Mountains - links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_formation - formace hor • http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/earth/surface_and_interior/mountain_formation - formace hor - video • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano - sopka • http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/environment/environment-natural-disasters/volcanoes/volcanoes-101/ - sopky – video • http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001771.html - nejvyšší hory • http://www.mountain-activities.co.uk/ - horské aktivity • http://www.volcanoesalive.com/ - sopky a informace o nich • http://www.ehow.com/how_2090523_survive-mountains.html - jak přežít v horách • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_world's_tallest_underwater_mountain - hory pod mořem • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-ocean_ridge - středooceánský hřbet • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tectonic_plates - tektonické desky • http://www.mountain-forecast.com/ - předpověď počasí různých hor • http://www.yumping.co.uk/adventure-sports-news/what-to-take-when-hiking-in-the-mountains--c660 - co s sebou do hor
Plants – dictionary and phrases A absorbovat - absorb B barva – colour bílkovina - protein buničina – cellulose Ccérní - vascular D dělení - classification dub - oak dužnatý – herbaceous dvouletá rostlina - biennial F farma – farm farmář - farmer fáze - stage G glukóza – glucose H hlína – soil hnít - rot houba - fungi CH chloupky – hairs J jehličnan - conifer K kámen - stone kapradina - fern klíčit – germinate kmen - trunk kopretina – daisy kořen – root květina – flower kvést - bloom L list – leaf M mech – moss N nános - sediment O obranný - immune obsahovat – contain opadavý - deciduous oplodnění – fertilization opylení – pollintion organický - organic ovoce – fruit P parazitický – parasitic pastvina - grazing podmínky – conditions potravina - food prostor - space půda – soil původ - origin pyl - pollent R reprodukce - reproduction rostlina - plant S semeno – seed sklizeň - harvest skupina - group stéblo - straw stonek – stem strom - tree struktura - structure Š šiška - cone škrob - starch T teplo - warmth teplota – temperature tkáň – tissue trvalka - perennial tvar – shape U úroda - crops V vařit - cook vejce – egg velikost - size vést – conduct vlhkost - moisture vrstva – layer výtrus - spore vyvinout – develop výživná látka – nutrient Z zachovat - store zakořenit – anchor zalévat - water zárodečný vak – ovule zelenina - vegetable zrno - grain
Parts of a plant and their function – explain the function and say what you know about it • What is a root? • What is a stem? • What is a leaf? • What is a flower? • What is a seed? • What is fruit? Plants and herbs used in the kitchen – look at the names of the plants and herbs and comment their use and place of origin OREGANO _____________________________________________ CELERY _____________________________________________ PERSLEY _____________________________________________ MINT _____________________________________________ GREEN ONION _____________________________________________ ROSEMARY _____________________________________________ DILL _____________________________________________ SORREL _____________________________________________ CORIANDER _____________________________________________ SCALLION _____________________________________________ Comment these statements In one year, the average tree gives off enough oxygen to allow four people to breathe for a year. Bamboo plants can grow up to 90 cm in one day. There is a flower called the Scarlet Pimpernel that can forecast the weather. If the flower is closed up, rain is coming and if it is opened up, the day will be sunny. A maple tree yields 2 pounds of sugar a year and can be productive for a century. There are 30,000 species of edible plants in the world. But just 20 of them, including corn, rice, and wheat provide 90% of the world’s food. No tree dies of old age.
Can you name... all the kinds of berries you know? all the types of flowers you know? all the types of trees you know? plants you can see in the desert? plants you can see in the jungle? plants you can see in Greenland? plants you can see in the Czech Republic? plants you can see under water? Plant alphabet – try to find one or more plants for these letters of the alphabet A ________________________________________________________ B ________________________________________________________ C ________________________________________________________ E ________________________________________________________ H ________________________________________________________ L ________________________________________________________ M ________________________________________________________ O ________________________________________________________ P ________________________________________________________ R ________________________________________________________ T ________________________________________________________ • Match the plant with its seed / fruit • APPLE TREE 1) CHERRIES • CHERRY TREE 2) LEMON • HAZEL 3) CONE • LEMON TREE 4) GRAPES • GROUND NUT 5) APPLE • SPRUCE 6) PEANUT • GRAPEVINE 7) BEECHMAST • PALM TREE 8) COCONUT • OAK 9) ACORN • BEECH 10) HAZELNUT
Plants - links • http://www.biology4kids.com/files/plants_main.html - rostliny pro děti, vysvětlení a rozdělení • http://plants.usda.gov/java/ - databáze rostlin • http://www.mbgnet.net/bioplants/ - biologie rostlin • http://www.theplantlist.org/ - rozdělení rostlin • http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants-na - toxické a netoxické rostliny • http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/plants/plantae.html - zelené království - rozdělení rostlin a popis • http://www.plantcell.org/ - biologie – rozcestník • http://www.botany.com/ - biologie – všeobecná • http://www.pfaf.org/user/default.aspx - rostliny budoucnosti • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/5_6/growing_plants.shtml - biologie pro děti, cvičení • http://ec.europa.eu/food/plant/index_en.htm - rostliny vs. Evropská Unie • http://www.srl.caltech.edu/personnel/krubal/rainforest/Edit560s6/www/plants.html - rostliny deštných pralesů • http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/desert_plant_page.htm - rostliny pouští • http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/ - jedovaté rostliny
Food chain - dictionary A absorbovat – absorb adaptace – adaptation archebakterie – archea B bakterie – bacteria C cukr – sugar D dominantní – dominant dostatek - enough E efektivní - efficient elektron – electron energie - energy F filtrovat - filter fotosyntéza - photosynthesis CH chlorofyl – chrolophyll chloroplast – chloroplast chytit - catch J jídlo – food jíst - eat K kámen – stone konzumovat – consume kousat - bite kořist - prey krmit - feed kyslík – oxygene L lovit - hunt M membrána – membrane minerál – mineral množství - amount N nedostatek - lack nepřímo - indirectly O objevit se – occur odpad - waste organela – organelle organismus - organism oxid uhličitý – carbon dioxide P parasitismus - parasitism pohon – fuel polknout - swallow predátor – predator primární - primary proces – process P parasitismus - parasitism pohon – fuel polknout - swallow predátor – predator primární - primary proces – process produkovat - produce protein – protein přeměnit – convert přežít - survive přímo – directly půda - soil R reakce – reaction redukovat - reduce rostlina – plant růst - grow Ř řasy – algae S sbírat - collect sekundární - secondary sinice - cyanobacteria složka – compound slunce – sun snížit - decrease stravitelný - digestive světlo - light T tělo - body termální vřídlo – hydrotermal vent tok – flow trpět - suffer V vařit - cook virus - virus voda - water výjimka – exception vymření - extinction Z zabít - kill zakořeněný – embedded zdroj – source zvýšit - increase Ž žít - live život - life životně důležitý – vital žvýkat - chew
Discussion • What is the food chain? • Describe photosynthesis in your own • words. • Name things necessary for photosynthesis. • What is photosynthesis good for? • How does water take part in the • photosynthesis? • 6. Is light important in photosynthesis? Why? • 7. Is suger needed for photosynthesis? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-108116966/stock-vector-vector-process-of-photosynthesis.html?src=YSOW2tZh386J5Yn0MBLA5w-1-3 Can you name any decomposing animals or organisms? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ What food do these animals eat? Are they carnivores, omnivores or herbivores? DOG _________________________________________ OCTOPUS _________________________________________ TIGER _________________________________________ ANT _________________________________________ BEE _________________________________________ SHARK _________________________________________ WHALE _________________________________________ SNAIL _________________________________________ MOUSE _________________________________________ CAMEL _________________________________________ LLAMA _________________________________________ KANGAROO _________________________________________ MOLE _________________________________________ COBRA _________________________________________ COW _________________________________________
Do you know the answer? Describe what would happen if one link of a food chain were to die off. Where do plants get their energy from? Are there any animals that don´t eat anything? Is the toad a producer or a consumer? Is the lion part of the food chain? What is the food chain in Antarctica fragile? What is the position of worms in the food chain? Is there any special term for animals eating only insect? What kind of examples of the food chain can be found on the beach? Who eats snakes? What/Who is on the top of the food chain? Would anything change of all insect would disappear? What are primary consumers? What are secondary consumers? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-99719594/stock-photo-portrait-of-a-bald-eagle-lat-haliaeetus-leucocephalus.html?src=OwE3CSOIXKyXKvuDKpdDrQ-1-6 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-123266566/stock-photo-nice-fresh-squid-isolated-on-white-background.html?src=U54FNOaYOcw3YvkDEIWDqQ-1-4 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-95096329/stock-photo-giraffe-on-the-serengeti-tanzania-east-africa.html?src=Et2T3_o_bZ1vXGN77bovUw-1-23 Name these animals, talk about their food, environment, position in the food chain and some other features of their lives. Can you explain these words? Can you comment them as well? CHAIN ________________________________________________ CONSUME ________________________________________________ DIET ________________________________________________ EQUILIBRIUM ________________________________________________ FOOD ________________________________________________ INSECT ________________________________________________ DIE ________________________________________________ KILL ________________________________________________ PLANT ________________________________________________ PREY ________________________________________________
Food chain - links • http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/foodchain/ - potravinový řetězec • http://www.vtaide.com/png/foodchains.htm - potravinový řetězec, pyramida i rozdělení zvířat • http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/science/living_things/food_chains/play/ - hra na potravinový řetězec pro děti • http://biology.about.com/od/plantbiology/a/aa050605a.htm - fotosyntéza • http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/marssim/simhtml/info/whats-a-carnivore.html - masožravci • http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/marssim/simhtml/info/whats-an-omnivore.html - všežravci • http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/marssim/simhtml/info/whats-a-herbivore.html - býložravci • http://www.thestar.ie/star/more-must-be-done-to-predict-food-chain-problems/ - jak ochránit potravinový řetězec • http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/take-action/marine-food-chain/ - potravinové řetězce v oceánech • http://www.ecomare.nl/en/ecomare-encyclopedie/man-and-the-environment/ecology/ecological-processes/food-chains/ - potravinové řetězce v různých prostředích
Animals – dictionary and phrases ANIMALS aligátor - alligator anakonda – anaconda babočka – peacock bažant - pheasant blecha – flea buvol - buffalo býk – bull cvrček - cricket činčila - chinchilla čáp – stork daněk – fallow deer datel - woodpecker delfín - dolphin dikobraz – porcupine gazela - gazelle gekon - gecko gibon - gibbon gorila – gorilla had – snake havran - raven hlemýžď – snail holub - pigeon hroch – hippopotamus husa – goose hyena – hyena jelen - deer ještěrka - lizard ježek - hedgehog kachna - duck klokan - kangaroo kočka - cat komár - mosquito koza - goa křeček - hamster krokodýl - crocodile krtek - mole krysa - rat kůň - horse labuť - swan lachtan - seal lev - lion liška - fox medvěd – bear mravenec - ant myš - mouse neropýr - bat nosorožec - rhino nutrie - coypu orel - eagle osel - donkey ovce - sheep panda - panda papoušek - parrot pelikán - pelican pes - dog pijavice - leech prase - pig racek - seagull ropucha - toad sépie - cuttlefish slepýš - blindworm slimák - slug slon - elephant sova - owl tuleň - seal tygr - tiger úhoř - eel varan - goanna velryba - whale veverka - squirrel vlk - wolf vrána - crow zajíc - rabbit zebra - zebra zmije - viper želva - turtle žirafa - giraffe žralok - shark TĚLO čenich - snout dráp - claw hlava - head jazyk - tongue kopyto - hoof kůže - skin ocas - tail oko - eye ploutev - fin srst – hair, fur šupiny - scale tlama – mouth, muzzle ucho - ear zuby - teeth žaludek - stomach
What is in the picture? Where do they live? What do they eat? What do they do all day long? What do they do during winter months? Can they swim? Why are they endangered? Are they dangerous? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-127754216/stock-photo-close-up-of-a-swimming-polar-bear-underwater-looking-at-the-camera.html?src=caiquass86X342_FhuMZbA-1-5 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-102358408/stock-vector-parrot-spread-wings-red-and-green-macaw-large-mostly-red-green-winged-bird-the-largest-of-the.html?src=207WCVPrRiWyEXu4ukYxkg-1-6 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-144126157/stock-photo-kingcobra.html?src=ez7FvIc8_PlTSWZj_3xgfw-1-83 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-44738329/stock-photo-killer-whale-jumping-out-of-the-water.html?src=GmK0HECsy6MX9dp7BqwUUw-1-7 What is it? What does it eat? Where does it live? What do you know about their reproduction? What are some special abilities of these creatures? Are they endangered? Can they talk? Would you like to have this animal at home? What kind of animal is this? Where can we meet it? How does it move? Is it dangerous? Why? Can you name any kinds of snakes? Why are people afraid of them? Do we have snakes in the Czech Republic? What do they eat? What do they do during winter months? Is their tongue anyhow special? Where is this animal? Does it live alone or in groups? What does it eat? Where can we see it? Can you name some parts of its body? Is it endangered? Why? How many „babies“ do they have? Do they prefer hot or cold water? Do they eat other big fish? How do they hunt?
Discussion Can you name any African animals? Can you name animals that love cold weather? Can you name any animals that live under water? Can you name any animals that have fur? Can you name any animals with big ears? Can you name any animals that live in Australia? Can you name any animals having a hoof? Which are some of the biggest animals of all? Which are some of the smallest animals of all? Which animals are almost extinct? Which animals can be found on the South Pole? Which animals can jump? Which animals drink people´s blood? Can you name any farm animals? Which animal has a long neck? Can you name dangerous animals? Why are they dangerous? What would you do if you saw a tiger? What would you do if you saw a lion running towards you? What would you do if a snake bit you? What would you do if a shark was coming closer to you? Would you eat insect? How would you feel if you had to be in one cage with a tiger? Would you ever eat alive animals? Guess the animal A______ I start with an Aand live in a colony.You can call me a workaholic. B ______ Once I was a caterpillarand now I am an insect.B is my first letter … B ______ I’m big and I have brown fur. I live in the forest in Alaska. I like eating salmon. D ______ I´m the men´s best friend. E ______ They say I am the biggest. I have a trunk, males have two tusks. H ______ I’m small and white or brown. I live on the farm. I lay eggs. H ______ I like bathing in the mudand my mouth is very big. S ______ I’m a very large fish. I have very sharp teeth and a triangular fin on my back. W _____ I can breathe through a hole on top of my head.
Animals - links • http://a-z-animals.com/animals/ - zvířata od A-Z • http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/ - zvířata, informace a videa • http://animal.discovery.com/ - zajímavosti o zvířatech • http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/animals - zprávy ze světa zvířat • http://www.oie.int/ - organizace pro záchranu zvířat • http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games_trivia_animal.htm - rozdělení zvířat a informace pro děti • http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/animals/ - videa zvířat ze všech koutů země • http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photos/underwater-creatures/ - zvířata pod vodou • http://www.adventure-caves-usa.com/cave-animals.html - zvířata v jeskyních • http://www.desertanimals.net/ - pouštní zvířata • http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/list-of-jungle-animals - zvířata v džungli • http://www.mountainprofessor.com/mountain-animals.html - zvířata v horách • http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/bugs/ - hmyz • http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/10/photogalleries/new-species-underground-creatures-missions/photo8.html - zvířata pod zemí
Environmental problems – dictionary and phrases A atomová elektrárna – nuclear plant B bahno - mud blesk - lightning bouře - storm E efekt – effect eliminace - elimnation epidemie - epidemy erupce – eruption existence - existence explodovat – explode exploze – explosion H hladomor – famine hrom - thunder hurikán - hurricane CH chemikálie - chemical chránit - protect chvění - shake K katastrofa – disaster klima - climate kontaminace - contamination kouř – smoke krize - crisis kyselý déšť – acid rain L láva - lava lavina – avalanche M masa - mass mrak - cloud N nedostatek - lack nemoc - illness nepředvídatelný – unpredictible nestabilita - instability O oběť – victim odpadky - rubbish oheň – fire ohrožený – endangered ochrana - protection P pandemie - pandemy písek - sand počasí - weather problém - problem prostředí – environment přelidnění - overpopulation přežít - survive příčina – cause příroda – nature Ř řešení - solution S sesuv půdy - landslide smog – smog smrt - death sopka – volcano sněhová bouře – snowstorm stupnice - scale sucho – drought suchý - dry svah - slope T tajfun – typhoon terén - terrain tornádo – tornado toxický - toxic trpět – suffer from tsunami – tsunami V varovat – warn vliv – influence vlna – wave voda - water vyhubení – extinction výsledek - result Z záchranář - rescuer zachránit – rescue záplava - flood zemětřesení - earthquake zkáza - destruction zničit – destory zodpovědnost - responsibility HLAVNÍ PROBLÉMY – MAIN PROBLEMS změna klimatu – climate change ochrana prostředí – conservation energie – energy zdravé prostředí – healthy environment genetické inženýrství – genetic engineering farmaření – farming nanotechnologie – nanotechnology přelidnění – overpopulation nukleární energie – nuclear energy znečištění – pollution krize zdrojů – resource crisis odpad - waste
Discussion Why is the climate changing? What is the greenhouse effect? What can you say about the atmosphere of our planet? How does the climate influence plants and animals? How does the climate influence people and their environment? What are some theories about the future of the planet connected to its climate? Do you think people do enough to protect our planet? What should they do? How can you personally help the planet? What is energy? Why do we need energy for our body? Why do we need energy for our life? What kinds of energy do you know? Is energy hamful? How do we get our energy? What do we use and destroy while „producing“ the energy we need? Which energy will be used in the future? How is our environment changing as we live in it? How does our environment effect us? What are some illnesses caused by the environment we live in? What is farming? How does farming influence our planet? What do people grow and breed at farms? What would happen if there was lack of food? Are there places where peope have no food? Why? What is nuclear power? What are the PROs and CONs of nuclear power? What is overpopulation? What causes it? Should there be limits for the number of children people have in order to safe the planet? How would you solve the problem of overpopulation? What is pollution? How does water or air get polluted? What are resources? Can you name any of them? What is recycling? What is it good for? What do you think about the future of the planet?
Explain these words HUNGER ________________________________________________ DEATH ________________________________________________ NUCLEAR PLANT ________________________________________________ POLLUTION ________________________________________________ NUTRIENT ________________________________________________ WASTE ________________________________________________ POPULATION ________________________________________________ SMOG ________________________________________________ DEFORESTATION ________________________________________________ SEA LEVER RISE ________________________________________________ EROSION ________________________________________________ PESTICIDE ________________________________________________ ASTHMA ________________________________________________ OVER-CONSUMPTION ________________________________________________ EARTHQUAKE ________________________________________________ Write the name of the disaster to these statements Level of rivers rises dramatically _______________ The lava flows down the hill _______________ Houses are damaged and roofs fly in the sky _______________ People die under the snow _______________ A big wave comes to the coast and damages houses _______________ Everything shakes, houses fall and traffic colapses _______________ Huge mass of soil moves from one place to another _______________ Everything is extremely dry, plants and animals die _______________ Can you comment these natural disasters? The explosion in Tchernobyl The Tunguska Explosion Haiti earthquake 2010 Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004 Mount Vesuvius Use these words in sentences SNOW WATER MUD DEATH HUNGER ILLNESS VICTIM WITNESS ERRUPTION FLOOD DAMAGE FIRE PROBLEM WARNING ALARM HURRICANE LAVA EXPLOSION
Environmental problems - links • http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/earth_climate/environmental_issues/ - celkové zprávy týkající se stavu planety a prostředí • http://www.nrdc.org/issues/ - problémy vs. jejich možná řešení • http://environment.about.com/ - podrobné vysvětlení jednotlivých problémů • http://webecoist.momtastic.com/2008/08/18/most-important-environmental-issues-of-today/ - 10 nejdůležitejších problémů • http://library.thinkquest.org/26026/Environmental_Problems/environmental_problems.html - rozcestník s odkazy • http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes - jednotlivá témata a jejich vysvětlení • http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/a0701e/a0701e00.HTM - kniha - prostředí + dobytek • http://www.economist.com/topics/environmental-problems-and-protection - jak chránit Zemi • http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/tag/environmental-issues - zprávy ze světa životního prostředí • http://www.ecokids.ca/pub/index.cfm - ekologie pro děti • http://wwf.panda.org/who_we_are/wwf_offices/china/environmental_problems_china/ - problémy životního prostředí v Číně • http://www.indexmundi.com/czech_republic/environment_current_issues.html - problémy v ČR
Endangered species- dictionary and phrases B bezohledný - ruthless C celosvětový – worldwide D divočina – wild divoký - wild dopad – effect druh - kind E ekosystém - ecosystem F faktor – factor farma - farm G globální – global H historie - history hodnota – value K klesat - decline L léčivý – medicinal lék - cure les - forest lovec - hunter lovit - hunt M množení - breeding množství – amount N narušit – disrupt následek - consequence negativní – negative nemoc - illness nemocný – ill O obava – concern obchodní - commercial odlesnění - deforestation odhad - estimation odkázaný – reliant ohrožení – danger ochrana – conservation ochraňovat – protect omezení – restriction, limitation omezit - restrict organismus – organism oteplování - warming P pálit - burn polemika – controversy pomoc - help postavení - rank populace – population prostředí - environment průmysl - industry přemýstit – remove přežít – survive příčina – cause přítomnost – presence přirozený - natural přizpůsobit se - adjust půda - land R respect - respect riziko – risk rodný - native rostlina – plant rozsah – scale S suchozemský - terrestrial Š škodlivý - harmful T teplota - temperature tlak - pressure V vědec – scientist vodní - aquatic vyhlazení - elimination vyhubení – extinction výstavba - construction v zajetí žijící - captive Z zákon – law zánik - extinction záviset – depend zdraví – health zdravý - healthy zemědělský - agriculture zničit - destroy změna - change zotavení – recovery zranitelný – vulnerable ztráta - loss zvíře – animal
Discussion Why do some animals become extinct? Who/What causes the extinction of animals? What can we do to help them? Is it a good solution to put those animals into ZOOs and reservations? What do you think about ZOOs in general? Do plants also disappear from our planet? Why? What are the medicinal reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What are the agricultural reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What are the ecological reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What are the commercial reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What are the recreational reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What are the aeshetic reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What is in the picture? Where does this animal live? What do you know about them? Why are they endangered? Can they be helped anyhow? Are there any legends connected to whales? What do people do with their bodies? Do they spend their lives in one place? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-122431366/stock-photo-whale.html?src=Cv3hToc_ip7SIGu07HE_2A-1-21 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-119961538/stock-photo-silverback-gorilla-sitting-isolated-on-white-background.html?src=ZpVBXzEn4rgIOjBVz-TRfA-1-0 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-109249091/stock-photo-asian-or-bengal-tiger-standing-with-bamboo-bushes-in-background.html?src=Y5pt2Jhh1kWF3XTI3J9PYg-1-15 What is in the picture? Where does this animal live? What does it eat? Why do people kill it? How is it protected? What will happen if they disappear completely? Are they dangerous? How do they hunt? What is in the picture? Where does this animal live? Do they live in groups? What can you say about their life and activities? Why are they endangered? Do people help them or harm them? Why do some rich people want baby gorillas or gorilla heads?
What is in the picture? Where is it from? What does it eat? Do they live in reservations or in the wild? Do people kill them? Why are they endangered? Which country is their home? What does this animal do all day long? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-77625982/stock-photo-young-giant-panda-bear-in-tree.html?src=HhPhtBzehSP0RGh1wM7wQg-1-20 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-129468695/stock-photo-black-rhinoceros.html?src=h9Bu6cG4c9-5K6kHzAifoQ-1-3 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-142513180/stock-photo-black-backed-kingfisher-stick-together-on-the-branch-with-nice-green-background-ceyx-erithacus.html?src=QcodcBZPOu6nbWQ9uGeEfQ-1-78 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-140750500/stock-photo-shark.html?src=meR8v536MnYNhmKmeyQTYQ-1-11 What is this? Where is it? What do they eat? Why do people kill them? What is their natural habitat? Can we see them in the ZOO? Do you think it´s natural for animals to become extinct? This is a kingfisher bird – do you know it? Where does it live? How does it get its food? Why do you think birds become extict? Do you think that some animals are useless or do you think that all animals have their purpose? Why do male birds have colourful feathers while famale birds don´t? What is this? Where is it? Why do fish become extinct? Why do people catch fish that they know are endangered? Do people always catch fish for food? What do you know about sharks? What do they eat and how do they hunt? Are people afraid of the sharks? Why?
Endangered species - links • http://www.fws.gov/endangered/ - ohrožená zvířata • http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/map.html – ohrožená zvířata - rozcestník pro děti • http://www.africanwildlifeconservationfund.org/projects/gonarezhou-predator-project/ - ochrana afrických zvířat • http://worldwildlife.org/species - světová organizace pro ochranu • http://www.earthsendangered.com/ - ohrožená zvířata v jednotlivých kontinentech • http://bagheera.com/ - informace o ohrožených druzích • http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/endangered-species-in-the-rainforest - ohrožená zvířata v deštném pralese • http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/laws/esa/ - ohrožená zvířata v mořích • http://www.epa.gov/espp/ - programy k ochraně zvířat • http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/endangeredspecies - zprávy a novinky ze světa ohrožených zvířat • http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/endangered_species/ - jednotlivé druhy a stádium jejich ohrožení • http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/endangered_animals/endangeredanimals_1.htm - amazonský prales a jeho ohrožené druhy • http://worldwildlife.org/species/directory?sort=extinction_status&direction=desc – celkový seznam všech ohrožených druhů
Natural resources - dictionary and phrases B bohatství - wealth budoucnost – future C cenný – precious cukrová třtina – sugar cane D diamant - diamond dřevo – wood důl - mine E ekosystém – ecosystem element - element energie - energy existovat – exist F fosilní - fossil G geotermální – geothermal H hodnota - value K kámen - stone konečný – finite konzumace - consuption kvalita – quality kvantita - quantity L les - forest lidstvo – mankind M materiál – material měď – copper minerál - mineral N nevyčerpatelný - inexhaustible O obnovitelnost - renewability organismus - organism P palivo – fuel peníze – money písek - sand plyn - gas pomalý – slow potřeba - need produkt - product přežití – survival původ - origin R recyklovat - recycle ropa – oil ropa - petroleum ruda – ore růst - growth S síra - sulfur složení – composition sluneční svit – sunlight solární – solar stříbro – silver sůl - salt surový - raw U ublížit - harm úbytek - depletion uhlí – coal uran - uranium V vápenec - limestone věda - science voda – water vodík - hydrogen vyčerpatelný – exhaustible vývoj - development vzduch – air Z zachování - conservation země – land zinek - zinc zlato – gold ztráta - loss zvíře - animal Ž životní prostředí – environment
Discussion What kind of natural resources can you name? What are the natural resources used for? Which are the most expencive natural resources? What is depletion of natural resources? What will happen when we have no petroleum? What kinds of energy do you know? Why is gold so expencive? What do you know about diamond mining? Can you comment the way diamonds are being mined? Which states are famous for having much petroleum? What is petroleum used for? Which natural resources can be found in the sea? Are there any natural resources in the forest? Name some renewable resources? Comment these facts Freshwater only makes 2.5% of the total volume of the world's water. Consider that 70% of that freshwater is in the form of ice and permanent snow cover and that we only have access to 200,000km3 of freshwater overall. By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity. Measured total global oil is 188.8 million tonnes (from proved oil resources at the end of 2010). This is only enough to oil for the next 46.2 years. There is enough gas only for 58.6 years of global production. As China and other developing countries continue to increase their appetite for coal, demand could finally outstrip supply. As it is, we have enough coal to meet 188 years of global production. Discussion Which natural resources does your family use? Which natural resources do you think you would miss the most? Do you recycle? Do you waste natural resources anyhow? Do you use your car every day? What kind of heating do you have in your house? Do you waste food? Do you protect the animals and the land anyhow?
Do you know the answer? • Name a fossil fuel that is in the form of a rock _________________ • Name the fossil fuel that in the gas _________________ • Petroleum is a key material for the production of _________________ • Name a fossil fuel that in a liquid _________________ • The process of searching for new reserves of resources is • called _________________ • Releasing of harmful staff into the environment is called _________________ • The process of turning used material into something new • is called _________________ • Energy from the Sun is called _________________ • Place where electricity is made is called _________________ • Energy produced in atomic fission is called _________________ Name some... Water resources _______________________________________________ Energy resources _______________________________________________ Fossil fuels _______________________________________________ Renewable resources _____________________________________ Nonrenewable resources _____________________________________ Mineral resources _______________________________________________ http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-100703203/stock-vector-green-planet-symbols-ecology-concept.html?src=YnUGn40w87I3j5uu-JTLRw-1-9 What do you see in this picture? Can you comment each picture?
Natural resources - links • http://www.nrdc.org/ - společnost pro ochranu životního prostředí • http://www.eisourcebook.org/561_CollierTheNaturalResourceTrap.html - problémy způsobené nedostatkem zdrojů • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_resources_of_Africa - přírodní zdroje Afriky • http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/africa-resources/?ar_a=1 – mapa přírodních zdrojů v Africe • http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/europe-resources/?ar_a=1 – přírodní zdroje v Evropě • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_most_important_natural_resources_of_Europe - nejdůležitější zdroje Evropy • https://www.commbank.com.au/corporate/industries/natural-resources/metals-mining.html - kovy a jejich těžba • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_some_important_natural_resources_for_Czech_Republic - důležité zdroje v České republice • http://www.landlearnnsw.org.au/production-chains/nrm - nakládání se zdroji • http://www.worldresourcesforum.org/ - budoucnost zdrojů • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_can_we_help_conserve_natural_resources_that_future_generations_can_also_enjoy_them - jak zachovat zdroje pro další generace
Global agriculture - dictionary and phrases FRUIT ananas - pineapple banán - banana borůvky - blueberries broskev – peach citrón - lemon grapefruit - grapefruit hroznové víno - grapes hruška - pear jablko – apple jahoda – strawberry kiwi - kiwi maliny – raspberries mango - mango meloun - melon meruňka – apricot oříšek - nut ostružiny – blackberries pomeranč - orange švestka – plum třešeň - cherry MEAT hovězí – beef jehněčí - lamb kuřecí – chicken ryba – fish telecí - veal vepřové – pork zvěřina – venison VEGETABLES brambora – potato cibule – onion česnek – garlic čočka – lentils fazole – beans hrášek – peas hlávkový salát – lettuce květák – cauliflower kukuřice - corn mrkev - carrot okurka – cucumber paprika - pepper rajské jablko – tomato zelí - cabbage C civilizace – civilization D dobytek – livestock F farma - farm H houba – fungi J jídlo – food M maso O obiloviny – cereal ovoce - fruit P pesticid – pesticide pěstovat – grow pole - field R rostlina – plant S sklizeň - harvest U úroda - crops Z zelenina - vegetables zvíře – animal ANIMALS dary moře – sea food husa – goose chobotnice - octopus jehně - lamb kachna – duck klokan - kangaroo koza – goat králík - rabbit kráva – cow krevery - shrimps krocan - turkey kuře - chicken kůň – horse losos - salmon ovce – sheep prase – pig pštros – emu, ostrich ryba - fish slepice – hen velryba – whale zajíc – hare
Discussion • Do you like gardening? • What is grown in the Czech Republic? • Is there a lot of money in agriculture? • Is it a good business? • What can you say about life of a farmer? • What can you say about Czech agriculture? • How does the EU influence our agriculture? • What is grown in Asia? Comment it. • What is grown in Africa? Comment it. • Is there lack of food in the world? Why? • How does weather influence the agriculture? • What happens when there is no crops in some area? • How does lack of water influence the crops? • What causes the decrease of fish in the oceans? • Do you agree with the use of chemicals in the agriculture? • Why are chemicals used? • What is genetical engineering and how does it influence agriculture? • What are the dangers of using genetical engineering in agriculture? • What is a rain-forest? • What is deforestation? • Does deforestation influence the climate anyhow? • How does agriculture influence ecosystems? • How does draught influence the crops? • How does mass-farming influence the soil? • Does agriculture influence the green-house effect anyhow? • Which animals are the most needed for the world population? • Does the number of animals influence the environment? • What is organic food? • What is sometimes done animals to that they grow faster and get bigger? • Do you always know the origin of the food you eat? • Would you pay money if you knew your food was produced without the use of chemicals? • Do people waste food? • Do supermarkets waste food? • Why are there countries where people have no food and countries where people waste their food? • What problems will arise in the future according to your opinion? • Can you comment the quality of food that you buy? • Why is the quality of food important for you?
Comment these pictures – try to mention words connected to them, explain them and try to find a connection with the Czech Republic http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-113827846/stock-vector-set-of-icons-on-a-theme-agriculture-a-vector-illustration.html?src=FFk6QYKdAUSfl1MUAzuksg-1-7 Comment these pictures What is the person doing? What does he need for this activitiy? Where is this activity done? Why do people do these activities? Can you name any more acitivites connected with gardening, farming, agriculture? Which means of transport are being used in agriculture? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-83159053/stock-vector-man-people-gardening-work-watering-plant-flower-cutting-fertilizer-insecticide-grass-pictogram-icon.html?src=6kWmvdwHTXYF3GP5Nkod9w-4-89
Global agriculture - links • http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/agric_e/agric_e.htm - světové zemědělství • http://www.weforum.org/issues/agriculture-and-food-security - světové fórum ohledně světového zemědělství • http://data.worldbank.org/topic/agriculture-and-rural-development - statistiky a data světového zemědělství • http://www.globalagriculture.org/ - světové zemědělství – novinky a problémy • http://worldwildlife.org/ - zprávy ze světa zaměřené na planetu • http://www.un.org/en/sustainablefuture/food.shtml - zemědělství, hrozby a budoucnost • http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/The_EU_in_the_world_-_agriculture,_forestry_and_fisheries – statistiky EU v produkci • http://www.fao.org/statistics/en/ - Organizace spojených národů – informace a statistiky • http://uiuc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=4510&sid=28809 – rozcestník zemědělských odkazů a informací • http://realtruth.org/articles/130125-005.html - budoucnost zemědělství • http://monthlyreview.org/press/books/pb1218/ - historie zemědělství
Global problems - dictionary and phrases B bohatství - wealth bohatý - rich boj, nelehkost - struggle budoucnost – future C cena - cost Č čelit - face D dluh - debt E ekosystém - ecosystem eroze - erosion G generace – generation H hlad - hunger hladovění – starvation hubený - skinny CH chudoba – poverty chudý - poor I ilegální - illegal instituce – institution J jaderný odpad – nuclear waste K konzumnost - consumerism korálový útes – coral reef kořen – root (kořen všeho) krize – crisis L luxus - luxury M mezinárodní - international migrace - migration militarismus – militarism mrhat - waste N narození - birth nenávist – hatred nerovnost - inequality ničení – destruction nízkopříjmový – low-income O objevit se - occure ozon – ozone ozonová díra – ozone hole P planeta – planet podvýživa – malnutrition pomoc - help populace – population potřeba – need priorita - priority propast – gap (mezi lidmi, národy, apod.) příspěvek - donation přístup - access R recese – recession recyklace - recycling regulace – regulation Ř řešení - solution S smrt - death snížit – decrease sociopolitický - sociopolitical spalování – burning společnost - society spotřeba – consumption struktura - structure T terorismus - terrorism toxický – toxic U údaj - figure úmrtnost – death toll uprchlický tábor – refugee camp uprchlík – refugee utlačování - oppression V válka – war vyhnout se - avoid vyhynutí - extinction Z zaplavení – flooding zbraň – weapon zemřít - die zisk – profit zmizet - vanish znečištění – pollution zneužití – abuse zvýšit - increase Ž životní prostředí - environment
Discussion Can you name the problems the planet and people are facing? What do you know about Global warming and its effects? What do you know about millitarism and weapon industry? Who causes the extinction of sea animals? How are most products produced? Where do people get materials for production? What are the impacts of production on the environment, society and people? What is consumption? How does it influence people? What is mass-production? What is the difference between necessity and luxury? How do consumption habits change as societies change? What is poverty? What causes it? What are the poorest countries of the world? What is free trade and its problems? How do wars change our planet? Why don´t people protect our planet? What can you say about the future of our planet? What is acid rain? What is desertification? What is the ozon hole? What caused it? Do you think that new problems will arise? Can you use these words in sentences and comment them? HUNGER TERRORISM RELIGION PROTECTION SOLDIER WEAPON DESERT ECOSYSTEM FUTURE WASTE EXTINCTION RICH POPULATION REFUGEE MIGRATION CORAL REEF ILLEGAL TOXIC STARVATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Decide whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE Human population has reached 6 billion already. The most-populous country of the world is India. Tokyo is the biggest city of all with the population of 33 million people. The most widely spoken language of all is Mandarin Chinese. Around 100 million cars are used every day. War is a useful and quick way of solving disagreements. Key: 1T 2F (China) 3T 4T 5F (600 mil.) 6F Explain the word Starving ______________________________________________ Petrol ______________________________________________ Overpopulation ______________________________________________ Waste ______________________________________________ Green energy ______________________________________________ Drinking water ______________________________________________ Smog ______________________________________________ Financial crisis ______________________________________________ Capitalism ______________________________________________ Labour ______________________________________________ http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-52224955/stock-photo-poverty-grunge-background-in-black-harsh-tones.html?src=Fhwo8s2P5CO5tUV1afR0EQ-1-45 Look at the following picture, talk about the words you see, discuss them, explain them, use them in a sentence.
Global problems - links • http://www.globalissues.org/ - globální problémy rozcestník • http://www.radford.edu/~gmartin/global%20crises.htm – pojednání o globálních problémech a jejich řešení • http://www.cigionline.org/publications/2013/5/global-problems-african-solutions-african-climate-scientists-perspectives-climat - globální problémy v Africe • http://www.globalissues.org/issue/168/environmental-issues - globální problémy, témata a pojednání • http://www.nrdc.org/international/ - rozestník a pojednání o jednotlivých problémech • http://www.global-challenges.org/ - problémy 21.století • http://people.biology.ucsd.edu/msaier/earthessays/01_Greatest_Problem.html - lidstvo a problémy, kterým čelí • http://greenliving.lovetoknow.com/Top_30_Environmental_Concerns - 30 největších problémů lidstva • http://www.overpopulation.org/ - přelidnění • http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/famine - hladomor • http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/terrorism - stránky o terorismu • http://wws.peacecorps.gov/wws/stories/stories.cfm?psid=2182 – Mírové sbory a jejich aktivity
The Czech Republic - dictionary and phrases Č Čechy – Bohemia D déšť - rain E elektrárna – powerplant exhalace - exhaustion export – export F filtr – filter G globální - global H hlavní město – capital hora – mountain horko - heat hrad - castle hranice – border CH chráněný - protected I import - import integrovat – integrate investice - investment J jaderná elektrárna – nuclear plant K komín - chimney kopcovitý - hilly kotlina – basin M Morava – Moravia mrznout - freeze N nadmořská výška – elevation nemoc - illness O obyvatel – inhabitant ochrana – protection ohrožený - endangered P papír - paper plyn – gas počasí – weather počet – number podmebí - climate pole - field potrubí – pipeline pověst – reputation porodnost – birth rate povodně – floods problém – problem procento – percentage průměrný – average přejídání - overeating původ – descent, origin R rakovina - cancer recyklace – recycling respekt - respect respirační - respiratory režim – regime Ř řeka - river S Slezsko – Silesia sníh – snow smog - smog sněžit - snow sousední země – neighbour country spolupráce - cooperation srážky – precipitation stupeň - level T tání - melting teplota – temperature tolerance - tolerance továrna - factory tradice - tradition turismus – tourism U úroda - crops V vnitrozemský – landlocked vrchnol – peak výbuch - explosion Z zámek – chateaux znečištění - pollution Ž železnice - railways