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2014-2015 COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey: Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Explore the findings of the NC State Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey conducted in 2015. Understand faculty experiences, satisfaction levels, and key focus areas for improvement. Peer comparisons and detailed reports available.

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2014-2015 COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey: Non-Tenure Track Faculty

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  1. 2014-2015 COACHEFaculty Job Satisfaction Survey:Non-Tenure Track Faculty Non-Tenure Track Faculty Community Meeting April 1, 2016 Nancy Whelchel, Associate Director for Survey Research Katharine Stewart, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

  2. Why COACHE? • To systematically collect information from our faculty to help NC State assess (and improve!) the quality of work life • Nature of work in research, teaching, and service • Resources to support faculty work • Tenure and promotion policies and practices • Leadership and governance • Department collegiality, quality, and engagement • Benefits, compensation, and work/life • Interdisciplinary work and collaboration • Mentoring • Appreciation and recognition • Get peer comparisons [pre-tenured/tenured faculty only] • Ongoing Assessment (participate every three years)

  3. When and Who? • Spring 2015 • Population: • Pre-tenure and tenured faculty • Non-tenure track faculty (no COACHE peer comparisons) • Not in a senior administrative position • Full-time • Hired prior to July 1, 2014 • Not in terminal year after being denied tenure • Excludes librarians and faculty with extension appointments • Response rates • Non-tenure track 43% (192 of 422) • Pre-tenured 53% (137 of 258) • Tenured 52% (596 of 1,138)

  4. Response Rates Females, whites, and NTT faculty from PCOM are slightly overrepresented, while those from COE, CNR, and CVM are slightly underrepresented *Due to a programming error 80 NTTs eligible for participation were not included in the survey population, and therefore not invited to participate. 23 of these NTTs were in DASA (21 in FYC and 2 in HES), while the rest were scattered throughout the colleges.

  5. Methods • About 150 individual items • Items typically ask for ‘agreement’ or ‘satisfaction’ with a particular statement or area of work • Responses based on a 5-point scale • Higher numbers represent more positive or favorable opinions • Reporting on average ratings • “Notable difference” between groups exist when the difference in averages rating is +/- 0.25.

  6. Reports on Results(See https://oirp.ncsu.edu/coache2015) • Executive Summary • Introduction, Research Methods, and Response Rates • Full Report: Peer Comparisons, Trends, Overall Satisfaction, Benchmarks, and Sub-Group Comparisons • [Lots more coming…]

  7. Profile of non-tenure track faculty Survey respondents

  8. NTT Contracts & Work Responsibilities • Length of contract • 10% 2 semesters • 36% 1-2 years • 35% 3-4 years • 12% 5+ years • 6% Other • Appointment renewability • 81% Fixed-term renewable • 1% Fixed-term nonrenewable • 9% Rolling • 4% Other • Primary Responsibility • 63% Mostly teaching • 9% Mostly research • 3% Mostly outreach • 4% Mostly department/program administration • 3% Clinical • 17% Equal amount of two or more • Administrative Service • 75% None • 23% Yes

  9. Personal Life • Marital Status • 14% Single • 70% Married/Civil Union • 5% Unmarried, living w/ partner • 8% Divorced, separated, widowed • Spouse/Partner Employment Status • 12% Not employed & not seeking • 7% Not employed but seeking employment • 14% Employed at NCSU • 66% Employed elsewhere • 6% in a relationship where they live apart or one person commutes more than an hour for work • Family Obligations • 18% Infants, toddlers, or pre-school age children who live with you at least half the year • 24% Elementary, middle, or high school age children who live with you at least half the year • 5% Children 18 or over who live with you at least half the year • 14% Children away at college for whom you are financially responsible • 8% Elders for whom you are providing ongoing care for more than 3 hours a week • 6% A disabled or ill family member • 41% None of the above

  10. Summary of results for non-tenure track faculty

  11. Overall Satisfaction Working at NC State • 94% would recommend their department as a place for NTTs to work (42% ‘strongly’) • 76% agree they are treated with respect by other faculty in their department* (44% ‘strongly’) • 75% are satisfied with their department as a place to work (31% ‘very’) • 72% are satisfied with NC State as a place to work (25% ‘very’) • 69% agree they would choose to work at NC State if starting over (37% ‘strongly’) • 53% agree they feel included in the informal network in their department* (23% ‘strongly’) • 28% intend to stay at NCSU for another ten years or more * NC State ‘local’ question

  12. Overall Satisfaction Working at NC State cont. • Best thing about working at NC State? • 26% “Quality of colleagues” • 25% “Geographic location” • 20% “Support of colleagues” • 16% “Quality of undergraduate students” • 14% “Academic freedom” • 13% “My sense of fit here” • 12% “Quality of facilities” • 12% “Support for teaching”

  13. Dissatisfaction with NC State • Worst things about working at NC State? • 40% “Compensation” • 15% “Tenure/promotion clarity or requirements” • 10% “Too much service / too many assignments” • Reasons for leaving? • 16% “Improve quality of life” • 8% “Employment opportunities for spouse/partner” • 8% “Move to a preferred geographical location” • 7% “For other family or personal needs” • 6% “Pursue and administrative position” • (27% “There is no reason why I would choose to leave”) • What about your employment would you negotiate to adjust if possible? • 13% “Tenure clock” • 8% “Sabbatical or other leave time” • (47% “There is nothing about my employment that I wish to adjust”)

  14. Most Favorably Rated Aspects of Work(Average = 4.0 or higher) Nature of Work • Discretion over course content (4.31) • Time spend on teaching (4.27) • Influence over focus of research (4.08) • Level of courses taught (4.06) Departmental Quality • Teaching effectiveness of NTT faculty (4.25) • Intellectual vitality of pre-tenure faculty (4.16) • Intellectual vitality of NTT faculty (4.11) • Scholarly productivity of pre-tenure faculty (4.04) Department Collegiality • Meeting times compatible with personal needs (4.18) • Colleagues committed to diversity/inclusion (4.00) Facilities and Work Resources • Library resources (4.20)

  15. Least Favorably Rated Aspects of Work(Average = 2.75 or lower*) • Promotion • Clarity of NTT promotion process (2.59) • Clarity of NTT promotion standards (2.49) • Clarity of NTT promotion criteria (2.64) • Clarity of body of evidence for promotion for NTTs (2.67) • Clarity of whether will be promoted (2.63) • Department life • Dept addresses sub-standard performance (2.64) • Governance • Important decisions are not made until there is consensus (2.71) • Divisional leadership • Dean’s support in adapting to change (2.34) • Nature of Work • Availability of course release for research (2.65) • Mentoring • Mentoring of non-tenure track faculty in department (2.42) • Support for faculty to be good mentors (2.49) • Interdisciplinary Work • Interdisciplinary work is rewarded in merit (2.74) • Compensation/Benefits • Childcare (2.30) • Housing benefits (2.53) • Spousal/partner hiring programs (2.74) * 30 items w/ average rating <3.0

  16. Trends: Spring 2015 vs Spring 2012 NTT ratings have remained consistent over time, with just a few exceptions. Average rating have grown notably more positive for

  17. Trends: Spring 2015 vs Spring 2012 cont. Average rating have grown notably less positive for only one item, support for travel to present/conduct research

  18. NTT vs Tenure Track Faculty(Pre-tenure/Tenured Combined) NTT faculty gave notablymore favorable average ratings than pre-tenure & tenured faculty combined onabout 40 items, especially those related to….

  19. NTT vs Tenure Track Faculty cont.(Pre-tenure/Tenured Combined) NTT faculty gave notablyless favorable average ratings than pre-tenure & tenured faculty combined ononly a few items

  20. NTT Women vs NTT Men NTT women gave notablymore favorable average ratings than NTT men onabout 25 items, most notably for

  21. NTT Women vs NTT Men cont. NTT women gave notablyless favorable average ratings than NTT men on11 items:

  22. Sharing the results / discussion

  23. Sharing the Results • Presentations to • Provost • Faculty Senate • NTT Community Group • Deans’ Council (upcoming, April 21, 2016) • As invited! • Reports posted to OIRP website https://oirp.ncsu.edu/surveys/survey-reports/facultystaff-surveys/faculty-surveys

  24. Issues of Concern • Promotion: clarifying expectations and procedures • Benefits • Mentoring • Department life/fit/interaction with colleagues

  25. Discussion • Questions? • Comments? • Discussion? For more information contact Nancy Whelchel, Nancy_Whelchel@ncsu.edu Katharine Stewart, kestewa4@ncsu.edu

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