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Roman Literature

Roman Literature. A brief outline. The early authors (until the 2 nd c. BC). Like many warrior cultures, the early Romans were men of few words. This changed after they came in contact with the Greeks. Livius Andronicus (Greek Prisoner) translated the Odyssey and Greek plays.

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Roman Literature

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  1. Roman Literature A brief outline

  2. The early authors (until the 2nd c. BC) • Like many warrior cultures, the early Romans were men of few words. This changed after they came in contact with the Greeks. • Livius Andronicus (Greek Prisoner) translated the Odyssey and Greek plays. • Naevius (war veteran): Epic poem on the first Punic War. • EnniusAnnales(Poem on early Rome in dactylic hexameter) • Plautus and Terence: adapted Greek plays for the Roman stage • Cato On Agriculture; also an eloquent orator.

  3. The Golden Age (age of Cicero: 1stc.) • Cicero: Politician, orator, rhetorician, philosopher, lawyer. The father of Latin Prose. • Caesar: On the civil and the Gallic wars. • Sallust: Catilina, Iugurtha. • Lucretius: On the Nature of the Gods (poem with Epicurean philosophy). • Catullus: Lyric poet • Varro: antiquarian, grammarian, work on agriculture.

  4. The Golden Age: The Augustan Age (1st c. AD) • Virgil Aeneid. Georgics, Bucolics • Horace Odes, Epodes, Satires • The Elegiac poets: • Propertius • Tibullus • Gallus • Ovid: Metamorphoses, ArsAmatoria, Heroides, Amores.

  5. The Silver Age (Imperial period from later 1st c. AD) • Seneca (Stoic philosopher) • Petronius (Satyricon: Novel) • Tacitus Annals, Histories • Suetonius The 12 Caesars. • Pliny Natural History • Quintilian InstitutioOratoria • GelliusNoctesAtticae • Marcus Aurelius: The philosopher emperor (In Greek) • Statius Thebaid • Juvenal Satires • Lucan Pharsalia • Martial Epigrams

  6. Latin Christian Authors (from the 3rd c.) • Lactantius (the advisor of Constantine) • Tertullian • Ambrose of Milan • Jerome • Augustine of Hippo • PrudentiusPsychomachia (Christian Poetry)

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