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Empower™ Reading Strategies for Enhanced Literacy Skills

Empower™ Reading program developed over 30 years by Learning Disabilities Research Program for struggling readers teaches decoding, spelling, & phonological skills. Students learn decoding strategies like Sounding Out, Rhyming, Peeling Off, Vowel Alert, Spy to enhance reading. Empower™ students show improved reading skills, confidence, and enjoyment. The program doesn't have a home component but encourages practicing strategies with reading books and worksheets. Celebrate student progress!

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Empower™ Reading Strategies for Enhanced Literacy Skills

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  1. EmpowerTM Reading Ensuring all our readers reach their full potential

  2. Empower™ Reading Spelling and Decoding • Empower™ Reading has been developed by the Learning Disabilities Research Program from the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, headed by • Dr. Maureen Lovett. The research took place over thirty years and involved over 5500 struggling readers from Canada and the United States. The program includes only those instructional features that their research found to yield the best long term outcomes for struggling readers.

  3. Empower™ in Action! 3

  4. Gr. 2 DRA Results Fall 2006 to Spring 2010 4

  5. Metacognition Goal: To enable students to become independent, flexible readers (and spellers) equipped with 5 decoding/spelling strategies along with a supportive framework (Game Plan) that guides them through strategy selection, use and evaluation. It is a journey that is modeled, fostered, and supported by the teacher at each step.

  6. Sounding Out Strategy Goal: To teach the phonological skills necessary for successful application of the Sounding Out Strategy. Phonological skills form the foundation and are prerequisites to the strategies that follow. Remediates a major core deficit. Strategy Dialogue First, I’ll Know the Sounds. Next, I’ll Blend the Sounds (slowing without stopping). Last, I’ll read the Word.”

  7. Rhyming Strategy Goal:Teaches students to use words they know to figure out words they do not know. • Addresses phonemic awareness at the level of onset and rime (both oral and print) • Teaches word identification by analogy space masquerade place has her made Strategy Dialogue “If I know _____, then I know ________.”

  8. Peeling Off Strategy Goal:To teach students to decode longer, multi-syllabic words (e.g., empowered, embellishment, combination, transformation, manufacture, etc.) • 3rd Empower™ Strategy introduced • Teaches affixes directly (64 affixes are introduced at a rate of one or two per day) • Students learn to identify, pronounce and separate affixes from the root or word part (root or word part must contain a vowel) • Students practice reading the beginning and endings on the “Peeling Off Tree” and on the Peeling Off Strategy student worksheets

  9. “Strategy Dialogue” “I Peel Off…at the beginning/end of the word The root is … The whole word is …” Peeling Off Strategy

  10. Vowel Alert Strategy Goal: Teaches students the variable sounds of the single vowels and vowel combinations and a flexible approach to decoding words. • Stop light analogy is introduced • Vowel Alert Strategy Dialogue • I’ll Stop. • Try both sounds. First I’ll try___ Then I’ll try___ • Then, Go

  11. Spy Strategy Goal: Students recognize small known words or word parts in longer, unknown words. It is most effective when reading compound words such as rainstorm, catfish, and bookmark. Students are also encouraged to find KEYWORDS within larger words (e.g. speakers). Spy Strategy Dialogue I SPY the word ______ I SPY the word ______ The whole word is ________.

  12. An Empower™ Classroom

  13. Empower™ students say… “I got teached what I needed to know.” “I like it a lot because I got better at reading.” “I feel good about EmpowerTM reading because I get to learn how to read. I went from 8 to 24.” “I like EmpowerTM because I like Sounding Out and Rhyming. I’m a good reader because I got used to doing the strategies.” “It is fun and language together.” “I’ve learned how to use strategies to figure out words.”

  14. … and continue to say “I didn’t like reading until this came.” “I like EmpowerTM… I read bigger books with bigger words now. I feel happy in my class when I read, I am the best reader maybe now.” “Before I only read small books, now I can read chapter books.” “I feel proud of myself now I can read better and harder words to read and learning more strategies and reading words that other people don’t know how to read.” “I read so much now I do it under the covers at night and my parents don’t know. My mom says I read better than my older sister.”

  15. At Home 15 • empower was designed with no home component so that it can work with all students • read the empower stories- when they get stuck on a word have them use Game Play- (ie. Select a strategy, Apply the strategy, Monitor and Evaluate- if it didn’t work have them pick a new strategy) • finishing any empower work sheets that are incomplete • reading home reading books that are sent home- have them use a strategy when they get stuck on the word • make sure they don’t fall back into old habbits

  16. Celebrate!!! 16

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