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D0 Detector: Status for Run 2 Wistful reminiscences Near term:

D0 Detector: Status for Run 2 Wistful reminiscences Near term: Roll in, detector status, next few weeks Latest from Beams Division Post-roll-in plan: Electronics status Access requirements, logistics Open/closed running Run, shift organization Closing comments Jon Kotcher

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D0 Detector: Status for Run 2 Wistful reminiscences Near term:

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  1. D0 Detector: Status for Run 2 • Wistful reminiscences • Near term: • Roll in, detector status, next few weeks • Latest from Beams Division • Post-roll-in plan: • Electronics status • Access requirements, logistics • Open/closed running • Run, shift organization • Closing comments Jon Kotcher D0 Collaboration Meeting February 7, 2001

  2. What Did We Roll In? • Installed: • Central Muon: • A-f counters • Cosmic cap scintillation (trigger) counters • All PDTs refurbished, installed • Front ends available, being installed • Forward Muon: • Trusses & platform installed • All MDTs and pixels installed, aligned, surveyed • Forward shielding in place, exercised • Front ends being installed, prepped • Calorimeters: • Filled CC, ECN • In-situ thermometry, purity systems commissioned • <0.5 ppm, test dewar • 1-1.5 calorimeters instrumented for Mar 1 • End detectors (mounted on faces of end calorimeters): • Forward Preshower (FPS) • See CFT readout • Inter-Cryostat Detector (ICD) • Front ends being delivered • Luminosity Monitor (LUM) • Run 1 electronics until later in year

  3. What Did We Roll In? • Installed (cont’d): • Bore of Central Calorimeter (CC) • Solenoid • Cooled down, powered, commissioned in DAB • Central Preshower (CPS) • See CFT readout • Central Fiber Tracker (CFT) • All CFT & CPS waveguides installed • 60/100 production VLPC cassettes installed • Analog front end not yet out to vendor • Both halves of barrel silicon, all 4 H-disks • Front end in hand, being installed • Interface region, high mass cables, adapter cards, etc. • Plus much infrastructure… • VLPC cryostats, VESDA, transformers, SMT water/power/interlocks, rack preparation, truss electrical, MDT/PDT gas, bus work, helium lines… • Detectors in varying stages of commissioning • Detector rolled in mechanically complete, huge amount of work… • Done on very contracted time scale, without killing anybody

  4. Roll in and Beyond • Rolled in Thu/Fri, Jan 25/26 • Week of Jan 29: • Position detector E-W (20 mils) • Exercise muon shielding, adjust truss elevation • Open end irons, CF iron • Install/cable BLMs • Open calorimeters, erect scaffolding • Install access/egress infrastructure • Resume SMT installation • Week of Feb 5: • Complete cabling over bridge • Begin shield wall assembly (air handlers, cable bridge, He U-tubes, etc.) • Test inner H-disks • Install outer H-disks • Connect cooling lines to silicon, extended testing prior to run • Begin cabling through EC winders • Week of Feb 12: • Install adjustable EC beam pipe supports • Survey & adjust tracker/EC positions • Continue SMT installation • Week of Feb 19 & 26: • Begin making up beam pipe couplings: position of large objects dictated by this activity • Close detector, final positioning of platform, align to TeV beam line • Mar 1: ready for beam

  5. News From Beams Division • Helium lines in magnet string contaminated with water last week • ~ 5 dipoles, 2 quads • Replace, “not on critical path” • BDiv putting forth two scenarios: • Scenario I: • Close up Feb 27 or 28 • Mar 24: 1X8 stores for few days • Detector timing • Apr 09: 36X36 for one week • Apr 16: begin considering detector-driven accesses • Scenario II: • ~ same as I, but delayed by ~ 10 days • In either case, beginning of run dedicated to accelerator commissioning • Accesses driven solely by their needs • Complicates, competes with completion of our electronics installation

  6. Readout Status on March 1 • Forward Muon: • Readout installed, ramping up • Central Muon: • Expect full front end available for both scintillation counters and PDTs • Gas in place for Central & Forward (no circulation) • 25%(?) of SMT hooked up, partially commissioned • Depends crucially on when run starts • If Mar 15, ~ 50% very feasible • All quadrants being prepped, installed • CFT/preshower readout: • Axial AFEs (AFE-8) arrive mid Apr • Required for both trigger & SVX (digitized) CFT/PS readout • Perhaps 5-10 prototype boards installed for Apr 1 (few % total) • Installation of AFE-8 production boards starts early May? • AFE-12 (preshower) late summer earliest • 1-1.5 calorimeters instrumented • System coming together

  7. Readout Status on March 1 • Trigger (talk by Blazey): • Level 1: • L1 CAL: 2 trigger towers, more coming • L1 muon: 2 central octants, simplified triggers • Comb. production & pre-production cards • No L1 CFT • Possibly a few prototype boards mid Apr, hit-based trigger • No Level 2 • Progress being made, but not for Mar 1 • Difficult to predict availability • Level 3: • 8 Hz to start • 50 Hz mid Mar (end Mar) • 200 Hz end May (mid Jun) • 1 kHz end June (mid Jul) • Rely primarily on min bias trigger • LUM detector, electronics installed

  8. D0 Access Needs After Mar 1 • Two primary considerations: • Silicon installation, commissioning • Parts in hand, driven by us • Could use 2 months to advantage now if we had it • CFT/PS front ends • AFE-8 (CFT axial): final boards not yet ordered • Specs very rigorous (7 fC), electrical/cryo testing continues • Pushing to get this order out the door Feb 19 • Arrive mid Apr, start install early May • Other components (DFE, mixer) Mar arrival • AFE-12 (PS): earliest end summer • Remaining calorimeter electronics less of an issue; muon looks good • Access considerations for CFT/SMT very different • SMT: inter-cryostat gaps, CF cathedral • CFT: platform only • Trigger not an access issue (Counting House) • Time estimates for completion: • SMT: about 6-8 weeks • CFT: similar (?) • CFT/SMT installation don’t necessarily overlap in time

  9. Current Post Roll-in Plan • Open vs. closed running: • Open: CF, muon shielding retracted, EFs open, end cals open, scaffolding in place • Offers immediate SMT access, but has limitations: • A-layer muon (rates), triggering, running solenoid requires CF closed, commission toroids, geometry of data set, etc. • Periodic closed-detector data sets beneficial • How much time will we really need to ask for? • Not clear accelerator will start on Mar 1 • Will there be 1 or 2 two-week periods without our having to ask for them? • Other, shorter accesses? • Productivity of brief accesses? - integrated time not only consideration • Closed-detector running: cost to close, reopen,… • D0 will begin run in closed configuration • Use every bit of remaining pre-beam time with detector open to allow SMT hookup • Close up as late as possible • Logic of making up beam pipe couplings • Start closed, watch accelerator progress • Open if/when it makes sense • Efficiently exploit short accelerator down times • Remain flexible in order to optimize available time

  10. Getting Experiment Online, Running • Significant focus, effort will be required to get to physics quality data-taking • Will need well-organized shifts, efficient use of access time • Shift logistics, structure, evolution set by Kotcher, Yu, Begel • Day-to-day control room, shift operations run by Yu & Begel • Lead Experiment Operators (LEOs, or DAQ Experts, or…) • D. Alton, M. Begel, H. Fox, L. Groer, S. Mattingly, A. Nomerotski, T. Nunnemann, S. Snyder, J. Yu • Critical set of people – instrumental in getting us data • Need more: requires significant knowledge, expertise, training • On call 24 hrs to keep exp’t running • No formal requirement specifically for data-taking shifts • Part of overall shift-taking requirements • “Physicist shifts” • Hope we generate enough momentum without it • Sign up – it’s needed (Begel)

  11. Shift Structure • Scaled-down 24-hour operation starting next week or two, shifts will gradually evolve into following: • Shift Captain • Implement shift run plan, use of luminosity • Coordinate control room, final decision-making authority • Some training required • Captains approved by Kotcher • DAQ Shifter • Run experiment (DAQ), keep it afloat • Less expertise than LEOs • Some training required • Detector Shifters • Representatives from major sub-systems: Si, CFT, CMU, FMU, etc. • Experts fewer in number, will be on call when not present • Training needed for less experienced • Global Monitor • Monitor data quality – EXAMINEs, event displays, etc. • Can be commuters, little or no training • Operations Shifter • Likely covered by technical FNAL support staff • Captain should be on top of this as well

  12. Concluding Remarks • D0 rolled into Collision Hall mechanically complete • Hard work, dedication of talented support staff, physicists made it happen • Trigger & CFT/SMT readout systems are late, in various stages of evolution • Latter two make accesses an important concern, working on this • 24 hour shifts beginning soon • Tending the experiment, making it work are critically important tasks • Need more dedicated personnel here • The next year be challenging, difficult at times • One year ago, hardware people would have laughed (and did!) at suggestion we’d roll in mechanically complete device in Jan ’01!

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