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Efficient Verification of Timed Automata Kim Guldstrand Larsen BRICS@Aalborg

Efficient Verification of Timed Automata Kim Guldstrand Larsen BRICS@Aalborg. The UPPAAL Model = Networks of Timed Automata + Integer Variables +…. m1. l1. Two-way synchronization on complementary actions. Closed Systems!. x>=2 i==3. y<=4. …………. a!. a?. x := 0 i:=i+4. l2. m2.

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Efficient Verification of Timed Automata Kim Guldstrand Larsen BRICS@Aalborg

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  1. Efficient Verification of Timed AutomataKim Guldstrand Larsen BRICS@Aalborg

  2. The UPPAAL Model= Networks of Timed Automata + Integer Variables +…. m1 l1 Two-way synchronization on complementary actions. Closed Systems! x>=2 i==3 y<=4 …………. a! a? x := 0 i:=i+4 l2 m2 Example transitions (l1, m1,………, x=2, y=3.5, i=3,…..) (l2,m2,……..,x=0, y=3.5, i=7,…..) (l1,m1,………,x=2.2, y=3.7, I=3,…..) tau 0.2 If aURGENT CHANNEL

  3. Timed Automata in UPPAAL • Timed (Safety) Automata+ urgent actions + urgent locations+ committed locations+ data-variables (with bounded domains)+ arrays of data-variables + constants + guards and assignments over data-variables and arrays…+ templates with local clocks, data-variables, and constants.

  4. Declarations in UPPAAL clock x1, …, xn; int i1, …, im; chan a1, …, ao; const c1 n1, …, cp np; Examples: clock x, y; int i, J0; int[0,1] k[5]; const delay 5, true 1, false 0; Array k of five booleans.

  5. Timed Automata in UPPAAL location invariants clock assignments n x<=5 clock assignments clock natural number and x<=5 & y>3 a clock guards x := 0 data guards m y<=10 g4 g1 g3 g2

  6. Urgent Channels urgent chan hurry; • Informal Semantics: • There will be no delay if transition with urgent action can be taken.Restrictions: • No clock guard allowed on transitions with urgent actions. • Invariants and data-variable guards are allowed.

  7. Urgent Locations Click “Urgent” in State Editor. • Informal Semantics: • No delay in urgent location.Note: the use of urgent locationsreducesthe number of clocks • in a model, and thus the complexity of the analysis.

  8. Committed Locations Click “Committed” in State Editor. • Informal Semantics: • No delay in committed location. • Next transition must involve an automaton in committed location. Note: the use of committed locationsreducesthe number of • clocks in a model,andallows for more space and time efficient • analysis.

  9. Logical Formulas Safety Properties: F ::= A[ ] P | E<> P Always P Possibly P clock comparison atomic properties where P ::= Proc.l | x = n | v = n | x<=n | x<n | P and P | not P | P or P | P imply P Process Proc at location l boolean combinations

  10. Train Crossing Stopable Area [10,20] appr, stop [3,5] leave Crossing [7,15] go River Queue empty nonempty hd, add,rem Gate

  11. Beyound SafetyDecoration TACAS98a B:=tt l l X:=0 n n B:=ff Leadsto: Whenever l is reached then n is reached with t Decoration new clockX booleanB A[] (B implies x<=t)

  12. THE UPPAAL ENGINEReachability & Zones Property and system dependent partitioning

  13. y y x x ZonesFrom infinite to finite Symbolic state (set) (n, ) State (n, x=3.2, y=2.5) Zone: conjunction of x-y<=n, x<=>n

  14. 1<=x, 1<=y -2<=x-y<=3 y x y y 3<x, 1<=y -2<=x-y<=3 x x 3<x, y=0 Symbolic Transitions 1<=x<=4 1<=y<=3 y delays to n x x>3 conjuncts to a y:=0 projects to m Thus (n,1<=x<=4,1<=y<=3) =a => (m,3<x, y=0)

  15. Fischer’s Protocolanalysis using zones 2 • ´ V Criticial Section X<10 X:=0 X>10 Init V=1 V:=1 V=1 A1 CS1 B1 Y<10 Y:=0 Y>10 V:=2 V=2 CS2 B2 A2

  16. Fischers cont. X<10 X:=0 X>10 V:=1 V=1 A1 CS1 B1 Y>10 Y<10 Y:=0 V:=2 V=2 A2 CS2 B2 Untimed case A1,A2,v=1 A1,B2,v=2 A1,CS2,v=2 B1,CS2,v=1 CS1,CS2,v=1

  17. Y X Fischers cont. X<10 X:=0 X>10 V:=1 V=1 A1 CS1 B1 Y>10 Y<10 Y:=0 V:=2 V=2 A2 CS2 B2 Untimed case A1,A2,v=1 A1,B2,v=2 A1,CS2,v=2 B1,CS2,v=1 CS1,CS2,v=1 Taking time into account

  18. Y X Fischers cont. X<10 X:=0 X>10 V:=1 V=1 A1 CS1 B1 Y>10 Y<10 Y:=0 V:=2 V=2 A2 CS2 B2 Untimed case A1,A2,v=1 A1,B2,v=2 A1,CS2,v=2 B1,CS2,v=1 CS1,CS2,v=1 Taking time into account Y 10 10 X 10

  19. Y X Fischers cont. X<10 X:=0 X>10 V:=1 V=1 A1 CS1 B1 Y>10 Y<10 Y:=0 V:=2 V=2 A2 CS2 B2 Untimed case A1,A2,v=1 A1,B2,v=2 A1,CS2,v=2 B1,CS2,v=1 CS1,CS2,v=1 Taking time into account Y 10 10 X 10

  20. Y 10 Y X X Fischers cont. X<10 X:=0 X>10 V:=1 V=1 A1 CS1 B1 Y>10 Y<10 Y:=0 V:=2 V=2 A2 CS2 B2 Untimed case A1,A2,v=1 A1,B2,v=2 A1,CS2,v=2 B1,CS2,v=1 CS1,CS2,v=1 Taking time into account Y 10 10 X 10 10

  21. Y 10 Y X X Fischers cont. X<10 X:=0 X>10 V:=1 V=1 A1 CS1 B1 Y>10 Y<10 Y:=0 V:=2 V=2 A2 CS2 B2 Untimed case A1,A2,v=1 A1,B2,v=2 A1,CS2,v=2 B1,CS2,v=1 CS1,CS2,v=1 Taking time into account Y 10 10 X 10 10

  22. Forward Rechability Init -> Final ? INITIALPassed:= Ø; Waiting:= {(n0,Z0)} REPEAT - pick (n,Z) in Waiting - if for some Z’ Z (n,Z’) in PassedthenSTOP - else (explore) add { (m,U) : (n,Z) => (m,U) } to Waiting; Add (n,Z) to Passed UNTILWaiting = Ø or Final is in Waiting Final Waiting Init Passed

  23. Forward Rechability Init -> Final ? INITIALPassed:= Ø; Waiting:= {(n0,Z0)} REPEAT - pick (n,Z) in Waiting - if for some Z’ Z (n,Z’) in PassedthenSTOP - else (explore) add { (m,U) : (n,Z) => (m,U) } to Waiting; Add (n,Z) to Passed UNTILWaiting = Ø or Final is in Waiting Final Waiting n,Z n,Z’ Init Passed

  24. Forward Rechability Init -> Final ? INITIALPassed:= Ø; Waiting:= {(n0,Z0)} REPEAT - pick (n,Z) in Waiting - if for some Z’ Z (n,Z’) in PassedthenSTOP - else /explore/ add { (m,U) : (n,Z) => (m,U) } to Waiting; Add (n,Z) to Passed UNTILWaiting = Ø or Final is in Waiting Waiting Final m,U n,Z n,Z’ Init Passed

  25. Forward Rechability Init -> Final ? INITIALPassed:= Ø; Waiting:= {(n0,Z0)} REPEAT - pick (n,Z) in Waiting - if for some Z’ Z (n,Z’) in PassedthenSTOP - else /explore/ add { (m,U) : (n,Z) => (m,U) } to Waiting; Add (n,Z) to Passed UNTILWaiting = Ø or Final is in Waiting Waiting Final m,U n,Z n,Z’ Init Passed

  26. Canonical Dastructures for ZonesDifference Bounded Matrices Bellman 1958, Dill 1989 Inclusion x 1 2 x<=1 y-x<=2 z-y<=2 z<=9 D1 Graph y 0 9 2 z ? ? D2 x<=2 y-x<=3 y<=3 z-y<=3 z<=7 x 2 3 3 Graph y 0 7 3 z

  27. Canonical Dastructures for ZonesDifference Bounded Matrices Bellman 1958, Dill 1989 Inclusion x x 1 2 x<=1 y-x<=2 z-y<=2 z<=9 1 2 Shortest Path Closure D1 3 Graph y 0 y 0 9 5 2 z 2 z ? ? D2 x x<=2 y-x<=3 y<=3 z-y<=3 z<=7 x 2 3 Shortest Path Closure 2 3 3 3 Graph y 0 y 0 6 3 7 3 z z

  28. Canonical Dastructures for ZonesDifference Bounded Matrices Bellman 1958, Dill 1989 Emptiness x 1 D x<=1 y>=5 y-x<=3 3 Graph 0 y -5 Negative Cycle iff empty solution set Compact

  29. Canonical Dastructures for ZonesDifference Bounded Matrices Future y y Future D D x x 1<= x <=4 1<= y <=3 1<=x, 1<=y -2<=x-y<=3 x 4 4 x x Remove upper bounds on clocks -1 Shortest Path Closure -1 -1 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 2 2 -1 y -1 y -1 y

  30. Canonical Dastructures for ZonesDifference Bounded Matrices Reset y y {y}D D x x 1<=x, 1<=y -2<=x-y<=3 y=0, 1<=x x x Remove all bounds involving y and set y to 0 -1 -1 3 0 0 0 2 -1 y 0 y

  31. Improved DatastructuresCompact Datastructure for Zones RTSS 1997 -4 -4 x1-x2<=4 x2-x1<=10 x3-x1<=2 x2-x3<=2 x0-x1<=3 x3-x0<=5 Shortest Path Closure O(n^3) x1 x2 x1 x2 4 10 3 3 2 3 2 -2 -2 2 2 x0 x3 x0 x3 1 5 5

  32. Improved DatastructuresCompact Datastructure for Zones RTSS 1997 -4 -4 x1-x2<=4 x2-x1<=10 x3-x1<=2 x2-x3<=2 x0-x1<=3 x3-x0<=5 Shortest Path Closure O(n^3) x1 x2 x1 x2 4 10 3 3 2 3 2 -2 -2 2 2 x0 x3 x0 x3 1 5 5 -4 Shortest Path Reduction O(n^3) x1 x2 Canonical wrt = Space worst O(n^2) practice O(n) 3 3 2 2 x0 x3

  33. Shortest Path Reduction1st attempt Idea An edge is REDUNDANT if there exists an alternative path of no greater weight THUS Remove all redundant edges! <=w w Problem v and w are both redundant Removal of one depends on presence of other. v w Observation: If no zero- or negative cycles then SAFE to remove all redundancies.

  34. Shortest Path ReductionSolution G: weighted graph

  35. Shortest Path ReductionSolution G: weighted graph 1. Equivalence classes based on 0-cycles. 2. Graph based on representatives. Safe to remove redundant edges

  36. Shortest Path ReductionSolution G: weighted graph 1. Equivalence classes based on 0-cycles. 2. Graph based on representatives. Safe to remove redundant edges 3. Shortest Path Reduction = One cycle pr. class + Removal of redundant edges between classes

  37. Earlier Termination Init -> Final ? INITIALPassed:= Ø; Waiting:= {(n0,Z0)} REPEAT - pick (n,Z) in Waiting - if for some Z’ Z (n,Z’) in PassedthenSTOP - else /explore/ add { (m,U) : (n,Z) => (m,U) } to Waiting; Add (n,Z) to Passed UNTILWaiting = Ø or Final is in Waiting Waiting Final m,U n,Z n,Z’ Init Passed

  38. Earlier Termination Init -> Final ? INITIALPassed:= Ø; Waiting:= {(n0,Z0)} REPEAT - pick (n,Z) in Waiting - if for some Z’ Z (n,Z’) in PassedthenSTOP - else /explore/ add { (m,U) : (n,Z) => (m,U) } to Waiting; Add (n,Z) to Passed UNTILWaiting = Ø or Final is in Waiting Waiting Final m,U n,Z n,Z’ Init Passed

  39. Earlier Termination Init -> Final ? INITIALPassed:= Ø; Waiting:= {(n0,Z0)} REPEAT - pick (n,Z) in Waiting - if for some (n,Z’) in PassedthenSTOP - else /explore/ add { (m,U) : (n,Z) => (m,U) } to Waiting; Add (n,Z) to Passed UNTILWaiting = Ø or Final is in Waiting Waiting Final m,U n,Z n,Z1 n,Z2 n,Zk Init Passed

  40. Clock Difference Diagrams= Binary Decision Diagrams + Difference Bounded Matrices CAV99 CDD-representations • Nodes labeled with differences • Maximal sharing of substructures (also across different CDDs) • Maximal intervals • Linear-time algorithms for set-theoretic operations. • NDD’s Maler et. al • DDD’s Møller, Lichtenberg

  41. Verification Options • Diagnostic Trace • Breadth-First • Depth-First • Local Reduction • Active-Clock Reduction • Global Reduction • Re-Use State-Space • Over-Approximation • Under-Approximation Case Studies

  42. Definition x is inactive at Sif on all path from S, x is always reset before being tested. S x:=0 x:=0 x>3 x<5 Representation of symbolic states(In)Active Clock Reduction x is only active in location S1 x<7 Case Studies

  43. Representation of symbolic states Active Clock Reduction S Definition g1 x is inactive at Sif on all path from S, x is always reset before being tested. gk g2 r1 r2 rk S1 S2 Sk x>3 x<5 Only save constraints on active clocks

  44. When to store symbolic stateGlobal Reduction However, Passedlist useful for efficiency No Cycles: Passed list not needed for termination Case Studies

  45. When to store symbolic stateGlobal Reduction Cycles: Only symbolic states involving loop-entry points need to be saved on Passed list Case Studies

  46. Reuse State Space Waiting prop2 A[] prop1 A[] prop2 A[] prop3 A[] prop4 A[] prop5 . . . A[] propn Search in existing Passed list before continuing search prop1 Passed Which order to search? Case Studies

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