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Brian Nielsen Kim Guldstrand Larsen Arne Skou

Verification & Test Activities @ CISS – Aalborg. Brian Nielsen Kim Guldstrand Larsen Arne Skou. Overview. CISS Verification & Scheduling S/E-machines, UML & visualSTATE Timed Automata & UPPAAL Priced Timed Automata & UPPAAL CORA Markov Decision Processes & RAPTURE Testing

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Brian Nielsen Kim Guldstrand Larsen Arne Skou

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  1. Verification & Test Activities @ CISS – Aalborg Brian Nielsen Kim Guldstrand LarsenArne Skou

  2. Overview • CISS • Verification & Scheduling • S/E-machines, UML & visualSTATE • Timed Automata & UPPAAL • Priced Timed Automata & UPPAAL CORA • Markov Decision Processes & RAPTURE • Testing • Connectivety Testing • On-line Testing & UPPAALTRON • GateHouse, Generic Test Adaptation • visualSTATE Test Extensions

  3. CISS Center for Embedded Software Systems, 2002 – MVTU 25.5 MDKK Regional & City Councils 12 MDKK External collaboration: EE&CS Berkeley Twente U Uppsala U AMETIST ARTIST NASA Ames ICT Companies Aalb. Uni 12.75 MDKK Companies 12.75 MDKK Institute for Computer Scienc Institute for Elektronic Systemer BRICS@Aalborg Modelling and Validation; Programming Languages; Software Engineering Distributed Real Time Systems Control Theory; Real Time Systems; Networking. Embedded Systems Communication; HW/SW Power Management 20 Staff / 12 PhD studens

  4. Focus Areas Applikationer Model Based Development of Embedded Software Home automation Mobile robotter Intelligente sensorer Ad hoc netværk Mobiltlf Audio/Video Konsum elektr Kontrolsystemer Automobile X-by wire Intelligent Sensor Networks Embedded & RT Platform LAB Kommunikationsteori Resource Optimal Scheduling Hybride systemer Test & Validering Effektforbrug Pålidelighed SW-udvikling Algoritmik Modeller Metoder Safety Critical Software Systems Protokoller Design- og Prog.sprog Operativ system HW platform GPS Open source Embedded System Testing & Verification Teknologi Værktøj HW/SW Co-Design, Design Space Exploration

  5. visualSTATE • UML compatible development tool • Automatic code-generation • Check for generic properties. • Patented CBR technique developed in 1998 [TACAS98, TACAS99] • New project: • Extension of visualSTATE w test-case generation facilities • Context dependent code-generation [FASE05] • Improvement of verification engine (handling of signal-queue).


  7. Modus Operandi Theoretical development & validation IDEA e.g. language extension datastructure abstraction algorithm … Prototype implementation & performance evaluation In-house evaluataion Incorporation in official release

  8. Datastructures for Passed and Waiting Datastructures for zones Do we really need to always store in Passed ? Do we really need to add all successors ? Which symbolic state to select from Waiting ? Issues

  9. Passed/Waiting [SPIN03] States Hash table PASSED Hash table WAITING

  10. Passed/Waiting [SPIN03] States Hash table States UNIFIED Hash table PASSED Hash table Waiting queue WAITING

  11. Passed/Waiting [SPIN03] States Hash table States UNIFIED Hash table PASSED Hash table Waiting queue

  12. To-store-or-not 117 statestotal ! 81 statesentrypoint ! 9 states [CAV03]

  13. Datastructures for Zones -4 • DBMs • Minimal Constraint Form • CDDs x1 x2 4 3 3 2 -2 -2 2 x0 x3 1 5 UPPAAL library to be made available Alexandre David

  14. Zone Abstractions [TACAS03,TACAS04] • Abstraction taking maximum constant into account necessary for termination • Utilization of distinction between lower and upper bounds • Utilization of location-dependency

  15. LU Abstraction [TACAS04] THEOREM For any state in the LU- abstraction there is a state in the original set simulating it  LU abstraction is exact wrt reachability

  16. Zone abstractions Classical Loc. dep. Max Loc. dep. LU Convex Hull

  17. Symmetry Reduction [Formats 2003] • Exploitation of full symmetry may give factorial reduction • Many timed systems are inherently symmetric • Computation of canonical state representative using swaps.

  18. Symmetry Reduction [Formats 2003]

  19. Analysis Methods Identified • Techniques identified and implemented: • Zone abstractions (max constant, loc.dep., lower/upper bounds) • Storage techniques • Symmetry reduction • Cost-guiding search and pruning • Distributed exploration • Cycle acceleration • Sweep line reduction • Conclusion: “ Progress by far exceeding expectations ” • Future: “ Consolitation & combination ”


  21. x ¸ 4 x ¸ 5 x:=0 c+=1 C c’=1 c’=5 x · 2 y:=0  y=0 G A B c´=10 c+=7 x:=0 x ¸ 4 C x ¸ 3 UPPAAL CORA Priced Timed Automata • Branch of UPPAAL with support for cost-optimal reachability. • Based on priced zones • Substantial performance improvement by translation to min-cost-flow problems • Competitive with MILP • Possibility of guiding (improving) search by heur and remaining meta-variable. • Fully compatible w UPPAAL (GUI). • Application to AXXOM case-study. • Application to vehicle routing problems w time-windows (Carmen Consulting). • Applied to Dynamic Voltage Scheduling, WCET analysis. • Visualization of generated optimal schedules using Gantt charts (to be finished during beginning of 2005). • New optimization problems to be added: • Optimal Infinite schedules [HSCC’04] • Conditional Optimal Schedules [FOSSACS’05] [HSCC’01, CAV’01, EMSOFT’03, TACAS’04] s = (A x=y=0) !0 (B x=y=0) !0 (C x=y=0)!5,5 (C x=y=5) !1 G

  22. cost E earliest landing time T target time L latest time ecost rate for being early l cost rate for being late dfixed cost for being late d+l*(t-T) e*(T-t) t E T L Aircraft Landing Planes have to keep separation distance to avoid turbulences caused by preceding planes Runway

  23. UPPAAL CORA Source: Baesley et al’2000 PTA versus MILP on Aircraft Landing Benchmark DEC300/700 (225MHz) vs Pentium MMX (200 MHz)

  24. RAPTUREProbabilistic Reachability for Markov Decision ProcessesPedro D’Argenio, Henrik Jensen, Bertrand Jeannet , Kim Larsen PAPM’01, PAPM’02 process A { var x : uint(4); t : uint(10); init #send and x=0 and t=0; loc send: when x>=4 goto { success 0.01 ; wait 0.99 }; when x<5 and t<200 goto send assign {x:=x+1; t:=t+1}; loc wait: when x=8 goto send assign {x:=0}; when x<8 and t<200 goto wait assign {x:=x+1; t:=t+1}; loc success: when true goto success; } system A; initial #A.send and A.x=0 and A.t=0; final #A.success and A.t<200; x:=x+1 send x:=0 x5 x4 x=8 x:=x+1 x8 success wait

  25. Partition/Refinement T 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 0.4 1 0.6 0.5 0.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5

  26. Partition/Refinement T Ta 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.4 1 0.6 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 Theorem 0.5 0.5

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