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Riga: European Capital of Culture 2014 - Community Energy in the Baltics

Discover the biggest challenges and opportunities in our world of transition, presented by Dr. Elmar Römpczyk during a conference in Riga. Explore the impact of community energy, including challenges like contamination, climate change, and land destruction. Learn how globalized food production and mass transport affect energy practices and the importance of addressing lobbyism and corruption. Gain insights on promoting a sustainable lifestyle, regional food production, and green communities. Find out how strategic changes and innovative technologies can drive the shift towards a green economy, enhancing public esteem and achieving communal transformation for a cleaner, more sustainable future.

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Riga: European Capital of Culture 2014 - Community Energy in the Baltics

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  1. Riga – European Capital of Culture 2014 COMMUNITY ENERGY in the BALTICS biggest CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES in our world of transition Dr. Elmar Römpczyk, Riga 2013

  2. Baltic Energy Balance community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  3. energies & contamination Challenge community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  4. Challenge community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  5. Challenge energies & climate IPCC 2013 community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  6. Challenge energies & land destruction community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  7. Challenge globalized food - production community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  8. Challenge globalized mass transport community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  9. Challenge globalized mass transport community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  10. Challenge lobbyism in Brussels : 20.000 in Berlin : 5.000 in Riga ? community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  11. community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  12. corruption Challenge The Baltic Times, Aug, 8-21, 2013 community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  13. sum-up challenges : demand versus supply or how civil society promotes new Lifestyle community energy, challenges E. Römpczyk, 2013

  14. adequate LIFESTYLE Yasuní community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  15. energy save Regional food community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013 EU BSR S for whom? Dr. Elmar Römpczyk, 2012

  16. energy save Regional marketing community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  17. energy save mobility community energy, opportunities 2008 E. Römpczyk, 2013

  18. community energy, opportunities 2013 E. Römpczyk, 2013

  19. energy save Green Communities Amatciems: CHP ? solar panels ? just beauty community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  20. to benefit from opportunities we need a Strategy of Change Heating + Power Food / processing Housing / construction comprehensive sustainable lifestyle Communication Mobility Participation Education community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  21. a strategy needs Participation Jühnde(Germany) target: autonomy in decentralised energy production via CHP Inter-generational Strategic linkages (technical-social services; food; culture; communication) International networking community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  22. Strategy needs INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY Strategy needs IMPLEMENTATION Green Communities& Green Economy& decoupling of growth - resources to grid el. power BioGas el. power CHP 75% of Jühnde´s households join short distance heating net heat central short distance heating grid

  23. strategy for BUSINESS City of Schönau (2.500)transformed itself into Energy Cooperative; by now a self-sustained regional utility (100.000 clients) a strategy needs PUBLIC ESTEEM like highest European endowment :German Environment Award 2013 like highest US award : Goldman Environmental Prize 2011 community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  24. Why such honour to Schönau? The Schönau-Cooperative is not anymore located only in the Black Forest. Through a small extra charge from the customers the Cooperative (EWS in German) promoted 1.450 new, ecological power generators all around Germany, on windy fields, sundrenched rooftops or in basements in the form of washing machine-sized heating aggregates. This helps to decentralise power generation and reduces carbon dioxide emissions by s.th. like 11.000 tons a year. Schönau is a concept of peaceful rebellion of engaged citizens who show that our energy policy really can be transformed and climate change can be slowed down. Besides, there is proof that nuclear power is of no need at all. EWS is an inspiring example of how small- or mid-size towns can generate their own clean electricity and stand up to the unclean energy imposed by the big energy suppliers.  community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  25. Re-communalisation as NATIONAL PROCESS Sector Strategies plebiscite Energy Water Sewage Waste Local mobility Hospitals, clinics Re-communalisation has much to do with Re-democratisation It´s not only money… community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  26. clean energies installed smart supply – demand-based decentralized – compact Inhabitants 1.000 - 50.000 Wind Water Sun http://www.kommunal-erneuerbar.de/ community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  27. Affluence core element of Philosophy of Change Växjö (Sweden) Fossil Fuel Free City since 1996 reduce the use of electric energy per inhabitant by at least 20 % by the year 2015 compared to 1993 reduce the fossil CO2 emissions per inhabitant by at least 50 % by the year 2010, and by at least 70 % by the year 2025, compared to 1993 community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  28. Energy- reduction: local administration, civic participation; international networking Formation of the energy transition, conference in Växjö 24-26 of April, 2013 Annual Meeting Energy-Cities and Klimatkommunernas community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  29. Community Energy ? yes, possible Lessons learnt from Jühnde, Schönau, Växjö and others : • Local and regional strategy for change needs: • a “driver” and a roadmap with intermediate stages & targets • definition of responsibilities (individual, institutional) • provision of qualified staff and financial resources • monitoring & evaluation of successes and failures during process • Contents of the Strategy: • Regional co-operation & co-ordination (networking) • Comprehensive spacial development • Promotion of local / regional economies • Natural resources management (sustainable) • Eco-tourism & preservation of cultural identity community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  30. Re-communalisation Energy Water Sewage Waste Local mobility Hospitals, clinics Re-communalisation promotes Re-democratisation

  31. lessons learnt extend beyond energy…. Freiburg community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  32. urban areas play an important, but underestimated role in our food system. Change needed & possible: short distribution channels; new producer-consumer networks community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  33. food farm in abandoned factory, Dresden Ex-airport, Berlin urban food farm in abandoned factory Dresden; ex-airport, Berlin energy & food urban food farm, Linköping / S

  34. energy & food & biodiversity Andernach „Edible City“ urban gardening community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  35. my lessons learnt from a dynamic process : re-communalisation of energies is a change–agent for new lifestyle • The best kilowatt-hour is the one that is not used • Saving energy has to do with • smart technologies, • social and cultural innovations & • change of our lifestyle • Rebel energy projects are viable • (Jühnde, Schönau, Växjö, Hamburg, Freiburg …) • We are learning from rebel energy projects • for other segments of a new lifestyle (food, green economy, communal democracy …) community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

  36. community energy, opportunities E. Römpczyk, 2013

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