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How can MODERNISING AHP CAREERS help you and your organisation?. Jane Glennon Programme Manager- Workforce Modernisation Skills for Health Jane.glennon@skillsforhealth.org.uk. Convergence of Strategic Drivers. Workforce policies Financial /economic Demographic Government policies
How can MODERNISING AHP CAREERShelp you and your organisation? Jane Glennon Programme Manager- Workforce Modernisation Skills for Health Jane.glennon@skillsforhealth.org.uk
Convergence of Strategic Drivers Workforce policies Financial /economic Demographic Government policies Knowledge / technology Other strategic drivers More flexible workforce Competence based workforce planning
CAREER FRAMEWORK The Career Framework provides guidance for NHS and partner organisations on the implementation of the flexible career and skills escalator concept, enabling an individual member of staff with transferable competency based skills to progress in a direction which meets workforce, service and individual need 9 More Senior Staff 8 Consultant Practitioners 7 Advanced Practitioners 6 Senior Practitioners 5 Practitioners 4 Assistant Practitioners 3 Senior Assistants/Technicians 2 Support Workers 1 Initial Entry Level Jobs
Career Framework Common language and currency offering: Consistency – provides an structure that is easy to understand Progression- means of articulating achievements and identify options available for progression Flexibility- national consistency with flexibility for local health organisations
Levelling Jobs • 1.Knowledge, Skills, Training and Experience • 2. Supervision • 3. Professional and vocational competence • 4. Analytical / Clinical Skills and Patient Care • 5. Organisational Skills and Autonomy/Freedom to Act • 6. Planning, Policy and Service Development • 7. Financial, Administration, Physical and Human Resources • 8. Research and Development
What are National Occupational Standards (NOS)? Description of what successful performance of a work activity needs to be like Starting point is patient and service need regardless of who or where delivered Transparent, objective and transferable UK wide Developed through a process of research and consultation within the sector
Outcome model adopted by all Sector Skills Councils Start with defining the goal i.e. what the sector and its customers need – high quality, cost effective health care Focus on what needs to be done – not who does it or where it is done Set at the level of individual performance Describe applied knowledge and skills are called National Occupational Standards (NOS)
Benefits of an outcome model Workforce flexibility rather than entrenched approaches Education and learning focussed on workplace needs Assessment against criteria expected in the workplace Consistency in practice across locations and practitioner groups
What functions can the competence based Career Framework be used for? Personal Development Organisational Development Career Framework for Health Service Improvement
Applications of the Career Framework • Public Health • Allied Health Professionals • Healthcare Scientists • Psychological Therapies • Heath Informatics • Local applications – West Midlands
Wider Healthcare Team Scientists Nurses and Midwives Doctors AHP Other e.g. Public Health / Health informatics etc. Career Framework Model Single database Of Levelled Roles And Jobs = Levelled Roles and Jobs
Applications – Public health Career framework
Diagnostic Radiography Occupational Therapy Physiotherapy Dietetics Director of AHPs Head of Pharmacy & Dietetics 9 Occupational Health Manager Consultant Radiographer Stroke Manager Dietetic Manager 8 Clinical Specialist Advanced Practitioner Radiographer Physio Team Leader Community Food Worker Team Leader 7 Specialist OT Senior Radiographer Specialist Physio Community Dietitian 6 Occupational Therapist Radiographer Physiotherapist Dietitian Basic Grade 5 OT Assistant Assistant Practitioner Radiography Assistant Practitioner (Falls) Support worker for Community Dietitian 4 OT Support Worker Radiography Helper Technical Instructor Community Food Worker 3 Domestic Porter Physio Assistant Healthcare Apprentice 2 Pre-employment 1 CareerFramework for AHPs Director of AHPs
How can it be used? Service Managers/ Commissioners Define the competences that services, teams and individuals must have in order to meet patient needs. Develop the team to reflect these.
How does it help an organisation? • Workforce planning • Workforce modelling • Workforce implications of service redesign • Succession planning
How can it be used? Clinicians and support staff Define their current competences and skills and identify areas for development and potential career pathways.
How does it help an individual? • Illustrates career opportunities • Supports movement in all directions • Skills escalation concept based on competences • Removes the silos and allows for open discussion of workforce challenges
How can it be used? Education planners Identify the development needs of AHPs and plan and provide training and development to meet these.
Case Study- Critical Care Project to identify NOS in relation to activity in critical care units, to inform multi disciplinary education and training
Background 2008 The Cheshire and Merseyside Critical Care Network carried out an extensive training needs analysis to determine if there would be the skills available to deliver safe and equitable critical services over the next ten years. They identified potential skills gaps and skills deficiencies in patient pathways and inconsistencies in critical care education. In addition, the NICE Guidelines for rehabilitation following critical illness have been published, which have implications for the skills needed in Critical Care and beyond
Critical Care Project Identifying Skills gaps across patient pathways Identifying where improvements might be made in patient experience Improve provision of skills ensuring consistent “ best practice” approach to training and development Improving staff satisfaction – increasing opportunities for critical care staff to gain skills and identifying career and education pathways.
Project Outputs Identification of competences in relation to pathways in Critical Care Production of competence profiles for a range of staff working in the Critical Care services A communication strategy including information on Skills for Health website To inform the development of an education programme to support the training and education of staff using packages of learning that can be delivered in a flexible manner. To identify transferable methodology, in order to influence the national agenda for Critical Care services.
Mapping pathways to Competences & C.F. 7 Roles based On C F Level 5 3 Competences Patient Pathway
Benefits realisation Competent staff will be able to provide better patient care as the needs of the service determine content, nature and delivery of training. Patient satisfaction improved Staff receive the right training at the right time Improved staff satisfaction