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Paul Chubb Executive Director, Careers England www.careersengland.org.uk paul.chubb@careersengland.org.uk 07976 575536 Acting also as Project Leader for the QUALITY IN CAREERS STANDARD http://www.careersengland.org.uk/quality.php?page=introduction.
Paul ChubbExecutive Director, Careers Englandwww.careersengland.org.ukpaul.chubb@careersengland.org.uk07976 575536 Acting also as Project Leader for the QUALITY IN CAREERS STANDARD http://www.careersengland.org.uk/quality.php?page=introduction
POLICY COMMENTARIES: freely accessible on the Careers England website Tracing every step of the development of the Coalition Government’s policies for CEG since May/November 2010 Implementation of the Education Act 2011 Statutory Guidance, & the Practical Guide HoC Education Select Committee report & HMG response National Careers Council report Ofsted Thematic Survey report & HMG response http://www.careersengland.org.uk/papers.php?page=commentaries
THE EDUCATION ACT 2011 – essential never to forget how the new Statutory Duty for Schools to ‘secure access to independent careers guidance’ is phrased on FACE OF THE ACT [5] Careers Guidance Provided To Pupils At A School Is Independent For The Purposes Of This Section If It Is Provided Other Than By— (A) A Teacher Employed Or Engaged At The School, Or (B) Any Other Person Employed At The School The Act therefore requires SCHOOLS to be COMMISSIONERS of Careers Guidance not providers of it (that’s not to say they will not provide SOME of it, but the new DUTY is to secure external Careers Guidance in addition to whatever a school provides internally)
3 fundamental problems for us all • Money • Test of Sufficiency • Regulation • “Good Intentions • are Not Enough”
CAREERS ENGLAND SURVEY (22.11.12) Over 1500 schools in 40% of England’s LA areas ………… “too much left to chance” Dramatic reductions…. IMPACT ON YPs & economy? Only 16.5% (250) schools had retained this year the level of CEIAG they provided in 2011-12 Circa 4000 secondary & special schools with 14-16 year olds, & if survey result is replicated across all it means that 83.5% of schools had reduced provision……. That’s about 3300 schools in England It’s on the CE website www.careersengland.org.uk
CRISIS? CBI views: “on life support” HoC EDUCATION SELECT COMMITTEE: “regrettable” See the 12 months’ press coverage: http://www.careersengland.org.uk/documents/Public/Careers%20England%20Paper%20by%20MONTROSE%20.public%20version.%20march%202012%20to%20march%202013.pdf WHAT MUST WE ALL DO? PROMOTE QUALITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ….HOW?
THE CAREERS PROFESSION TASK FORCEchaired by Dame Ruth SilverOctober 2010 “Towards a strong careers profession”http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20130401151715/https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderingDownload/CPTF%20-%20External%20Report.pdf Recommendation 10: The Task Force recommends that an overarching national kite mark should be established to validate the different CEIAG quality awards for schools, colleges and work-based learning providers.
NATIONAL VALIDATION FOR ENGLAND’S DEDICATED CEIAG QUALITY AWARDS which accredit the FOUR components of CEIAG • Careers Education • Careers Information • Careers Advice & • Careers Guidance • Overseen by the QUALITY IN CAREERS CONSORTIUM BOARD • Established in January 2012 • Initially chaired by Dame Ruth Silver, now by Dr. Barrie Hopson • Details of who serves on the Board and of the National Validation team are on the QiCS section of the Careers England website • http://www.careersengland.org.uk/quality.php?page=consortium-board
DEDICATED CEIAG QUALITY AWARDS 12 Awards now promote & support ALL 4 components of good quality CEIAG in schools & colleges e.g. INVESTOR IN CAREERS = widely across the country & here in Kent e.g. CAREER MARK & INSPIRING IAG = strong regional presence and expanding into other areas The other 9 are currently specific to particular LA areas OVER 1100 SCHOOLS/COLLEGES across England already hold or are working towards one of these dedicated CEIAG quality awards Details of all 12 Awards = available on Careers England website with direct e-mail links to each http://www.careersengland.org.uk/quality.php?page=introduction
SIX CEIAG QUALITY AWARD providers have met the 16 National Validation criteria and on 24th October received their • QUALITY IN CAREERS STANDARD certificates: • C & K Careers Quality Standard • Career Mark • Inspiring IAG • Investor in Careers • Quality Award in CEIAG (Prospects) • Recognition of Quality Award for CEIAG
HoC SELECT COMMITTEE REPORT Unprecedented Enquiry….Published January 2013…..concluded….. “Govt decision to transfer responsibility for CG to schools is REGRETTABLE” Recognises cannot change, but RECOMMENDS actions to make the BEST of the new arrangements Recommends Improved accountability…and Enhanced role for NCS with extra funding
HMG RESPONSE to Committee? • DEFERED: most recommendations pending the Ofsted Thematic Review was published • REJECTED Immediately: most significantly the Annual Careers Plan • So….let’s look at OFSTED
ROLE OF OFSTED“to inspect, not to regulate”“report by exception”++++++++++++++++++++++[KS4 & 5: destination measures]http://www.education.gov.uk/childrenandyoungpeople/youngpeople/participation/a00208218/key-stage-4-and-16-18-destination-measures++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++THE THEMATIC SURVEY which is now completed and published (60 schools/academies)
Ofsted THEMATIC SURVEY (1) On the basis of the evidence gathered, the key findings included: • THE NEW ARRANGEMENTS WERE NOT WORKING WELL • IN JUST OVER 75% OF THE SCHOOLS. • Ofsted (2013). Going in the Right Direction? Careers Guidance in Schools from September 2012. • Only 1 in 5 schools was providing students in years 9-11 with the careers guidance they needed to support decision-making. These schools were characterised by strong support for careers guidance provision from school leaders and managers. • Few schools demonstrated that they had the skills and expertise necessary to provide a comprehensive service. • Few schools had purchased an adequate professional service from external sources; a quarter of schools did not use qualified external careers advisers at all.
Ofsted THEMATIC SURVEY (2) • On the basis of the evidence gathered, the key findings included: • In most schools, careers activities were poorly co-ordinated, poorly monitored/quality-assured and poorly evaluated. • Links with employers were particularly weak; about 66% of schools had cut down their work-experience provision for students in years 10-11. • Most schools were poor at promoting apprenticeships and labour market information. • Awareness of the National Careers Service helpline and website provision for young people was very limited in nearly all schools.
OFSTED THEMATIC REPORT: MY CONCERNS? Highly limited concept of the underpinning importance of careers educationand co-ordinated careers education programmes There is a worrying ambiguity on how far schools can ‘go it alone’ despite the EXPLICIT wording of the EDUCATION ACT /Sufficiency Test??? No reference to school annual “career plans” No significant attention given to inter-school consortia and partnerships
MY VIEW ON THE RESULTANTGOVERNMENT ACTION PLAN • Department for Education and Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2013). Careers Guidance Action Plan: Government Response to Recommendations from Ofsted’s Thematic Review and National Careers Council’s Report. • Concern that too much is expected of employer involvement without proper underpinning Careers Education programme. • VERY FEW REAL COMMITMENTS, EXCEPT: • To Revise the Statutory Guidance for schools • To Extend the role of National Careers Service in relation to school
HMG COMMITMENTS RE: REVISING STATUTORY GUIDANCE (YET TO BE PUBLISHED) Will highlight need to build strong connections with employers ….(must though be co-ordinated into C EDUCATION PROGRAMME) Will be clearer on getting information from all relevant education/training providers (including FE and apprenticeships) Will indicate explicitly that signposting to a careers website is not sufficient……(but what IS SUFFICIENT?) Will emphasise using destinations data in evaluating impact of careers support to students
Revising the Statutory Guidance: OMISSIONS? NO COMMITMENT YET to any of these HoC Select Committee recommendations Ensure a minimum of one careers interview with an independent adviser Achieve a CEIAG Award validated by QiCS; secure independent guidance from a matrix-accredited provider; ensure that professional careers advice is offered by a careers adviser qualified at Level 6 Provide integrated careers education and work-related learning Publish an annual careers plan, with specified components (c.f. FINLAND & ONTARIO)
‘EXTENDING THE NCS ROLE?’ ‘To act as a facilitator to bring schools and employers together so that young people can be inspired, mentored and coached by employers’ Enhancing local LMI on NCS website Marketing NCS website more actively to schools and young people Briefly covered in the current RETENDERING specification, but no real clarity …..and no extra money
Our shared MISSION is THIS: “Do what is Right” Heads & Principals – 3 wise choices Organisations which meet THE MATRIX STANDARD for advice and guidance for learning and work SPECIALIST CAREERS ADVISERS who are qualified and competent to provide CAREERS ADVICE & GUIDANCE (QCF level 6 in Career Development/Guidance)
Tracking Review update November 2013 Rob Williamson Skills & Employability Service Katherine Atkinson ELS Management Information
Local Authority Duties …local authorities must collect information to identify young people who are not participating, or who are at risk of not doing so, to target their resources on those who need them most. The information collected must be in the format specified in the Client Caseload Information System (CCIS) Management Information Requirement6. To meet this requirement, local authorities will need to have arrangements in place to confirm young people’s current activity at regular intervals.
Schools, Colleges and other providers Section 72 of the Education and Skills Act 2008 requires all schools to provide relevant information about pupils to local authority support services. This includes information that helps to identify those at risk of ending up not in education, employment or training (NEET) post 16, young people’s post-16 plans and the offers they receive along with their current circumstances and activities.
Schools, Colleges and other providers continued – ‘Drop outs’ Section 13 of ESA 2008 places a duty on all educational institutions (maintained schools, Academies, colleges, and education and training providers – including Apprenticeship providers) to tell a local authority when a young person is no longer participating. This duty is applicable if a young person leaves an education or training programme before completion (i.e. ‘drops-out’)..
Changes that have impacted on tracking over the last two years. • The Raising of the Participation Age to 18 • The Destination Measure • The responsibility of CEIAG now placed on schools • The role of CXK • Management of tracking process brought in-house to KCC • Significant budget reductions
The Tracking Review KCC undertaking a three year review and implementation plan Stage 1 – To automate the process as much as possible Stage 2 – Improve communication with providers (schools, colleges and training providers), Stage 3 - Establish processes to collect data on those in employment and Higher Education Stage 4 – Improve the quality of data supplied by providers Stage 5 – Improve the way we use data to support learners Stage 6 – Improve internal KCC working Stage 7 – Tracking vulnerable learners All Stages running concurrently
What has been achieved so far • Setting up of B2B with 60% of schools for automated data collection (more setups still being done) (stage 1) • Improved data collection from colleges - data sharing protocols, secure data transfer, timely returns and membership of the KAFEC MI group (stage 1) • Adoption of a revised school privacy notice by schools (37% have confirmed this has been done), that will allow the sharing of individualised destinations data with schools (stage 5) • The development of a Communication strategy with schools and colleges (stage 2) • Improved final September Guarantee return to the DfE this year.
Lessons learnt so far • Technical issues with the B2B process • Need to improve the quality and speed of data returns • Need to improve communications, keeping them simple and consistent • Need for a glossary of tracking terms • Need to ensure that providers understand this is a developing process and some lessons will inevitably be learned through experience • Need to ensure providers understand that data collection has a direct impact on support for learners and that it should inform their work in schools and colleges
Statutory returns to the DfE Tracking is a continuous process for those in the Year 12, 13 and 14 age groups. Each month the Local Authority has to submit a return to the DfE on their current activities and those up to the age of 25 with a learning difficulty. There are three additional specific reports that must also be returned. • The Intended Destinations of Year 11s • The September Guarantee for Year 11 and Year 12 • The Year 11 Activity Survey (what learners are doing in the November after Year 11)
Tracking Years 12,13 &14 learners A continuous process with a focus in November, to coincide with the Year 11 Activity Survey and to establish how often young people need to be followed up. • NEET or unknown young people are followed up every 3 months • those in full time education need following up every year
Tracking Years 12,13 &14 learners cont.. Requirement on providers • Information on leavers and joiners in Year 12, 13, 14 can be collected from schools via B2B if they are transferring between schools • Movement to/from colleges can be collected by their data returns • The LA requires intelligence from schools on Year 12, 13 and 14 learners they know who are in who are moving from school into • Employment/apprenticeships • Higher Education or • in danger of becoming NEET. • Data collected on pre-defined spreadsheets. This is a process that will be reviewed for 2014 and communicated to schools.
Specific tracking reports Year 11 Intended Destination Survey • This records what a Year 11 learner is considering in very broad terms after the end of the academic year. • New data collection process this year (replacing the old What Next? Forms) • In December 2013 Schools will receive a spreadsheet including all their Year 11 • For each learner, schools will need to select options from a drop down list. There will be approximately 5 questions. • Spreadsheets to be returned by end of January 2014, with a final deadline of 11th February
Specific tracking reports Year 11 and 12 September Guarantee • This records offers of further learning made by schools, colleges, training providers and employers. • Data is collected from all providers on offers they have made to both internal and external applicants. • Data collected this way, so that is verified by providers and not based on learner declaration • Data is then collated in the Client Caseload Information System (CCIS – the database used to report to the DfE) • Those without an offer then identified
September Guarantee timeline • 1st November, Year 11 learners receive log in details to KC4U • Year 11s make post 16 applications though KC4U • Year 12s receive guidance from their current school/college and if appropriate make paper applications • Providers make offers to learners by 31st March • Offers made through KC4U automatically extracted on 31st March • Offers made to learners outside KC4U submitted to Local Authority in a spread sheet by 31st March • Details of late offers (after 31st March) sent at least monthly to the Local Authority • If sufficient data provided by providers the Local Authority informs schools which of their learners do not have an offer and are in danger of becoming NEET. • Those without an offer contacted by phone over the summer
Specific tracking reports 4. Year 11 Activity Survey This records where Year 11 learners have gone post compulsory education. • Those schools (60%) who use B2B, enrolment data collected automatically • Those schools not using B2B send enrolment lists to the LA • Schools send lists of learners who they think have found employment or are in danger of becoming NEET to the LA • Colleges send enrolment returns to the LA • Data to be returned by end of September then collated on the CCIS • This leaves 6-8 weeks to telephone ?000 Year 11 learners to establish what they are doing on 1st November and ?000 Year 12,13 and 14 learners
Why track young people? – Impact for schools Yes – No action required Yes – No action required Yes – No action required Yes – No action required Intended Destination – Does the learner have appropriate one? Kentchoices4u - Is the learner making appropriate post 16 application(s) September Guarantee – Does the learner have appropriate offer(s) of further learning? Activity Survey Yr11 – Continuous tracking Yr 12,13,14 – Is the learner participating No – Intervention required No – Intervention required No – Intervention required No – Intervention required
How the Local Authority intends to use tracking data in the future • Fulfil our statutory duty to report monthly to the DfE • To provide schools with individualised learner destination information and other data to help them support learners • To focus KCC resources where there is need • Identify provision needs through the District Data Pack process
What next? • Sue Dunn to send a letter to Head Teachers • Collection of school contacts involved in tracking • Collection of Intended destination data to begin
Vulnerable GroupsContract Vanessa Henneker Assistant Director