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The European Union

The European Union. Jean Monnet. Robert Shuman. “Faire L’Europe C’est Faire Le Paix” Jean Monnet. Europe United. The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), 1952 The European Community (EC) Treaty of Rome (1957) Single European Act (1986) – common market European Union (EU)

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The European Union

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  1. The European Union

  2. Jean Monnet Robert Shuman “Faire L’Europe C’est Faire Le Paix” Jean Monnet

  3. Europe United • The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), 1952 • The European Community (EC) • Treaty of Rome (1957) • Single European Act (1986) – common market • European Union (EU) • Maastricht treaty (1992)-monetary union • Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe (2004)

  4. Levels of Economic Integration • Free Trade Area (FTA): • North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) • Customs Union: • European Community before Single European Act • MERCOSUR • Common market: • European Community after Single European Act (1986) implemented • Economic and monetary union • European Union after Maastricht treaty (1992) implemented

  5. European Union Enlargement • 1973: Britain, Ireland, Denmark (9) • 1980s: Greece, Portugal, Spain (12) • 1994: Austria, Finland, and Sweden (15) • 2004: 8 CEE countries, Malta, and Cyprus (25) • Bulgaria, Romania – bid for 2007 membership • Turkey, Croatia – started membership negotiations

  6. European Institutions(Supranational Institutions) • European Council • Heads of States • Council of Ministers • Government officials/Ministers • European Parliament • Directly elected country representatives • European Commission • 25 commissioners, civil servants • Directorates Generals: Environment, Trade, Justice, External Relations, etc. • European Court of Justice • European Central Bank

  7. EU Legislation Case Study • Directive 2001/80/EC limiting emissions of certain air pollutants large combustion plants (SO2, NOx, dust) • European Commission • 1997 Acidification Strategy • Proposes directive to tighten emissions for power plants • Council of Ministers and European Parliament adopt directive in 2001 • European Commission monitors

  8. ECJ: Cassis de Dijon • Germany bans import of Cassis de Dijon liqueur • German import company Rowe-Zentral AG takes case to the ECJ • Precedent for the “mutual recognition” principle

  9. European Budget • Total (2005): 106bn Euros • Agriculture (46%): • “with the amount of EU agricultural subsidies you can fly every EU cow across the Atlantic first class” • Regional and Structural Funds (30%) Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/europe/04/money/html/other.stm

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