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Michigan Merit Curriculum

Michigan Merit Curriculum. Standard 3: Health Behaviors 4.12 Assess one’s personal behavior and how one demonstrates character traits. 5.6 Describe health practices that can prevent the spread of illness.

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Michigan Merit Curriculum

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  1. Michigan Merit Curriculum • Standard 3: Health Behaviors • 4.12 Assess one’s personal behavior and how one demonstrates character traits. • 5.6 Describe health practices that can prevent the spread of illness. • 5.7 Apply knowledge about symptoms of illness to determine whether medical care is required. • 4.1 Identify the characteristics of positive relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family and community health. • 3.10 Assess characteristics of hypothetical relationships for warning signs of harm or abuse.

  2. Self Esteem Notes in the workbook. Self-esteem: *One’s belief about one’s self worth *Pride in & acceptance of yourself

  3. Two Types of Self-esteem: • Positive Self-esteem: belief one is worthy & deserves respect. • Negative Self-esteem: belief one is not worthy & does not deserve respect.

  4. How self-esteem develops • Develops early in life. • Parental attitudes. • A decision we make about our own worth. • Based on how we think others see us. • Decision can change later in life.

  5. Characteristics of high self-esteem • More likely to practice life skills. • Take responsibility for health by keeping body, mind, and relationshipsin top condition. • More likely to be proactive when making decisions. • Do not go along with the crowd rely on own judgment. • Do not worry about failure.

  6. Characteristics continued: • More willing to take calculated risks. • Know the difficult times will pass. • Expect others to treat them with respectbecausetheir actions are worthy & they have respect.

  7. The Factors that influence self-esteem • Yourself • Your peers/friends • Your family • School • Media

  8. Take out paper and # 1-6 • Directions: • If the statement makes you feel good/happy, put a + sign • If the statement makes you feel sad/unhappy, put a – sign • If the statement makes you feel indifferent, put an = sign

  9. Statements: This is the only information I have! • You are talking to your friends & they start talking to each other more than you. • It’s your birthday and nobody remembers. • You are at a party and you notice someone of the opposite sex staring at you. • You apply for a job and after a long interview process, you are turned down.

  10. 5. You hear some friends got together without inviting you. • 6. You date someone for the first time and they barely talk to you all night.

  11. More definitions • Self-respect: is a high regard for oneself because one behaves in responsible ways. • Conceit: is NOTself-respect but an excessive appreciation for oneself. • To improve self-esteem: one should have a set of belief statements that motivate him/her to behave in positive and responsible ways.

  12. Body Image • The view a person has of his/her body image • Teen years are difficult due to common changes in the body. • Magazine and Ads show “perfect” image, when in reality there is no perfect image. • <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OXf8fr0Kp3Q"frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  13. Self Esteem video • www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lTTZQwQgAE

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