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PAX. Status and future plan. June 26, 2012 | Alexander Nass. Overview. COSY. PAX. History. 2006 transport of the HERMES polarized target ( Atomic Beam Source ( ABS ) and Breit-Rabi Polarimeter ( BRP )) to Jülich

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  1. PAX Status andfuture plan June 26, 2012 | Alexander Nass

  2. Overview COSY PAX SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  3. History 2006transportofthe HERMES polarizedtarget (Atomic Beam Source (ABS) and Breit-Rabi Polarimeter (BRP)) to Jülich 2006-2009rebuildingofthe ABS and BRP fortheuseat COSY / AD and design & constructionofthetargetchamber 2008-2012Constructionof an openablestoragecell 2009 Installation ofthelow-βsection, commissioning 2010 Installation ofthetargetsectionat COSY, commissioning 2010-2011 Design, constructionandinstallationofthe NEG pump attachedtothetargetchamber 2011transverseSpin Filter experimentat COSY SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  4. The polarizedtarget Productionof a polarizedatomic beamby an ABS Increaseofthetargetdensitybymeansof a storagecell Analysis oftargetpolarizationby a BRP and TGA Calibrationofthe BRP by pp-scatteringdata ABS BRP The polarizedtarget in LKW-Schleuse SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  5. The targetchamber Accomodationofthe (openable) storagecellandmultipurposedetector in a compact design Support ofthetargetholdingfieldcoils High pumpingspeedfortarget gas Fast shut-off valvesto separate andprotect COSY vacuum Large flangestoinstallthecompletedetector / targetcellsetup in oneoperation on a railsystem Fixed flowlimiterstoreduce gas flowintotheadjacentsections SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  6. The (openable) storagecell Storage cellnecessarytoincreasetarget gas densityupto1014atoms/cm2 Storage cellwallsshouldsuppressrecombinationanddepolarization Openablestoragecelltoallowtheuncooled AD beam to pass Teflon foilwallstodetectlowenergyrecoilsandsuppressrecombinationanddepolarization Fixed cellused in the COSY experiments due toproblemswiththedensity in theopenablecell SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  7. The low-βsection Low-βsectionnecessarytoincreasetheacceptance angle toabout6 mrad Small diameter COSY proton beam allowstheuseof a storagecellandtherefore an increasedfiltering rate SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  8. Commissioningofthelow-βsectionandmachinedevelopment Injectionof COSY beam throughthefixedcellpossible Usingframesystemacceptance angle measuredtobe6.1 mrad Establishedsufficientlong beam lifetimes > 7000s withouttarget gas with 1010protonsatthedesiredenergyof 49.3 MeV The framesystem SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  9. The NEG pump High pumpingspeed in thetargetchambernecessarytoreducethepressureoftheunpolarized H2 / D2gas in thetargetchamberandadjacent beam linesections Thereforeallowinglonger beam lifetimesofthe COSY proton beam Commerciallyavailable NEG cartridgesmountedinto a bakeablestainlesssteel box Box iscloseablewith a jalousietoprotectthetargetcellanddetectorfromtheheatwhen NEG isactivated (T=250…400 °C) Measurementsduringthespinfilter beam time showedpumpingspeedsof 13000 l/s SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  10. Installation at COSY Installation ofthetargetsection in COSY in summer 2010 Modular systemtoremoveandinstallthetargetquickly Onesupportstructurefor ABS, BRP andtargetchamberwith NEG pump Railsystemforinstallationoftheflangewithtargetcellandfuturedetector SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  11. Densityofthepolarizedtarget gas Intensitymeasurementofthe ABSusing an absolute baratronpressuremeasurementin thecenter on thestoragecellin comparisionwith a calibratedfluxfrom an unpolarized gas feedsystem IH1 = (6.1±0.3)·1016 H/s In addition target thickness measurement using the beam energy loss method which is deduced from a shift of the orbit frequency of the coasting beam: d IH2 = (3.0±0.1)·1016 H2/s SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  12. Polarizationofthetarget gas Average target polarization: Hydrogen atomic fraction: Atomic polarization: Polarizationinjectedintothestoragecell: Measuredpolarization in the BRP: Assuming the most probable, uniform distribution  SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  13. Transverse Spin Filteringat COSY Successfulspinfilterexperiment in autumn 2011 8 weeksofdatataking All componentsworkedwellwithoutmajorproblemsat a high performancelevel Preliminary Preliminaryresultforthespinfilteringcrosssectionforppinteraction Resultis in goodagreementwiththetheoreticalpredictionsandconfirmsthepresentunderstandingoftheunderlyingprocesses FormoreinformationseetalkofD.Oellers SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  14. Future plan September 2012 TRIC testexperimentusingthe PAX-target October 2012Removalofthe PAX-target from COSY ring 2012-2013ModificationandcommissioningofthepolarizedinternaltargetforrunningwithH and D 2012-2013 Design andconstructionof a multipurposedetector 2013 Installation oftheSiberianSnakeat COSY PAX sitefor ANKE experiment(s) with longitudinal beam polarization 2014 Installation oftheSiberianSnakeat COSY ANKE siteandreinstallationofthe PAX targetwithdetector 2014-2015 Longitudinal Spin Filter experimentatCOSY 2015-2017 TRIC andpdbreakupexperimentswith PAX 20?? Spin filteringwithantiprotonsat AD/CERN or FAIR SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  15. Modifications on thepolarizedtarget TRIC andpdbreakupneedD target Preparationofhardwareandsoftwarefor D Comissioningoftargetsectionwith D outside COSY Deuterium p filteringrequiresH & D in shortsequence Prototype ofnew type RF cavity (dual cavity) was producedandtestedwith RF-generator bridge Hastobetestedwith H / D beam Hydrogen SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  16. The Multipurpose Detector Silicon stripdetectorwith3 layers Readoutelectronicsconnecteddirectly in vacuum Liquid coolingsystemfordetectorsandelectronics Openablecellincluded in the design Completesetupattachedtooneflangeofthetargetchamber FormoreinformationseetalkofC.Weidemann SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  17. Openable Flow Limiters Flow limitersnecessarytoreduceflowof hydrogen (target) gas intoadjacent beam tubeswith high β-functionsofthe (anti)proton beam High gas pressuresleadtoreduced beam lifetimesofthe (anti)proton beam Openableflowlimitersnecessarysinceuncooled (anti)proton beam is large (upto 100mm diameter) After beam cooling (diameter <10mm), closingofflowlimiterstoacceptancelimitandinjectionoftarget gas SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  18. The SiberianSnake Will allowfor flexible use in twolocations Fast ramping (< 30 s) withinjectionofPy Cryogenefreesystem Snakeshouldbeavailable in 2012 / 2013 ANKE ANKE PAX PAX SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  19. Preparationsfor PAX @ AD/CERN Siberian snake Electron cooler PAX target section SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  20. Preparationsfor PAX @ AD/CERN Target chamber: Detector system + storage cell Atomic Beam Source Breit-Rabi Polarimeter Six additional quadrupoles SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  21. Preparationsfor PAX @ AD/CERN PAX low-βsectionfor AD readyforinstallation SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

  22. Collaborationmembers in PAX@COSY W.Augustyniakr, L. Barionc, S. Barsovd, U. Bechstedta,b, P. Benatic, S. Bertellic, V. Carassitic, D. Chiladzee, G. Ciulloc, M. Contalbrigoc, P.F. Dalpiazc, S. Dymovg,h, R. Engels a,b, W. Erven i,b, M. Fiorini c, M.Gaissera,b, R. Gebel a,b, P. Goslawskij, K. Grigoryevd,a,b, G. Guidobonic, A. Kacharavaa,b, A. Khoukazj, A. Kulikovh, G. Langenberg a,b, A. Lehracha,b, P. Lenisac, N. Lomidzee, B. Lorentz a,b, G. Macharashvilih, R. Maier a,b, B. Marianskir, S. Martin a,b, D. Mchedishvilie,S. Merzliakovh,a,b, I.N. Meshkovh, H.O. Meyer k, M. Mielke j, M. Mikirtychiantsd,a,b, S. Mikirtychiantsd,a,b, A. Nass g,a,b, M. Nekipelova,b, N.N. Nikolaeva,b,l, M. Nioradzee, D. Oellers a,b,c, M. Papenbrockj, L. Pappalardoc, A. Pescec, A. Polyanskia,b,f, D. Prasuhna,b, F. Rathmanna,b, J. Sarkadia,b, R. Schleicherta,b, A. Smirnovh, H. Seyfartha,b, V. Shmakovah, M. Staterac, E. Steffens g, H.J. Stein a,b, H. Stockhorsta,b, H. Straatmannm,b, H. Ströher a,b, M. Tabidzee, G. Taglienten, P. ThorngrenEngblomo, S. Trusovp,q, A.Trzcinskir, Y. Valdaua,b,d, A. Vasilyevd, Chr. Weidemann a,b,c, K.M.vonWürtembergo, P. Wüstner i,b, P. Zupranski r aInstitut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52425 Jülich, Germany bJülich Center for Hadron Physics, 52425 Jülich, Germany cUniversità di Ferrara and INFN, 44100 Ferrara, Italy dSt. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, 188350 Gatchina, Russia eHigh Energy Physics Institute, Tbilisi State University, 0186 Tbilisi, Georgia fInstitute for theoretical and experimental physics, 117218 Moscow, Russia gPhysikalisches Institut II, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 91058 Erlangen, Germany hLaboratory of Nuclear Problems, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia iZentralinstitut für Elektronik, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52425 Jülich, Germany jInstitut für Kernphysik, Universität Münster, 48149 Münster, Germany kPhysics Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA lL.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia mZentralabteilung Technologie, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52425 Jülich, Germany nINFN, Sezione di Bari, 70126 Bari, Italy oRoyal Institute of Technology, Physics Department, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden pInstitut für Kern- und Hadronenphysik, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, 01314 Dresden, Germany qSkobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia rNational Centre for Nuclear Reserch, 00681 Warsaw, Poland SPIN Physics Workshop in Gatchina

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