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Steps to Respect. Bullying Prevention Program. Respect . What does respect mean? Treating people the way you want to be treated Do you need to treat people with respect even when you are upset or frustrated? - Yes, it is always expected that you treat people with respect .
Steps to Respect Bullying Prevention Program
Respect What does respect mean? • Treating people the way you want to be treated Do you need to treat people with respect even when you are upset or frustrated? - Yes, it is always expected that you treat people with respect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B1jsVKto9k
How do people feel when they are left out? • Angry * Hurt • Mad * Disappointed • Upset * Sad How do people feel when they are included? • Happy * Calm • Excited * Content
Peers wanting to join in an activity • When are times to include them? • Group games in the classroom or on the playground • Lunch discussions 2. When are times it’s okay to politely say that you aren’t interested right now? • Having a private conversation • At the end of a game when a person tries to join
What are polite ways to respond to requests to join in? • Sure • Maybe later • Now isn’t a good time, maybe tomorrow • Can we finish this game first? Joining In Responses Worksheet
Read “Joining In” Cards • Is the person being expected or unexpected? • Do others want to be around him/her?
Bullying is when someone….. • Bullying is unfair and one-sided. It happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose. • http://www.pacer.org/bullying/video/player.asp?video=43 What is bullying? • http://www.pacer.org/bullying/video/player.asp?video=40 How bullying feels • Repeated, Imbalance of Power, Purposeful
To recognize bullying, ask: • Is it fair? • Is it one-sided? Is one person trying to hurt someone who is not trying to hurt back?
To recognize bullying, ask: • Is someone using power in a hurtful way? • What are ways people have or use power? * having more friends/ more people * being older * better job/position/toy etc.
Examples of how others may use power in a hurtful way • A girl has an electronic game that many students are interested in, but she will only let certain people play with it. - The girl controls who uses the game to gain power over the others. • A boy says, “You can’t play with us because you’re not in our club.” - Being part of a club gives the students in it power over others who want to join
Bullying- using power • People may get their power from: • Having games (or other things) • Having certain friends or more friends • Being bigger or older • More popular than someone else None of these things are bad, unless they are used to try to hurt or control others. When a person tries to hurt or control others using these things, then that person is bullying.
Bullying- Clip • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q2vrY6NsSQ (0- 1.15) • Is this bullying? • What power is being used to bully?
Let’s look at scenarios and determine if it’s bullying using R I P R – Repeated (more than once) I– Imbalance of Power P - Purposeful (intent to do harm) • Scenario #1: Every day during lunch, AJ pushes Junior out of line to get ahead of him. AJ is older and louder than Junior, who is usually shy and quiet. Junior asked him to stop several times, but AJ keeps doing it.
Scenario #1: Every day during lunch, AJ pushes Junior out of line to get ahead of him. AJ is older and louder than Junior, who is usually shy and quiet. Junior asked him to stop several times, but AJ keeps doing it. • R: It happened every day during lunch. If it happened twice, it would be enough to meet the repeated requirement. • I: AJ is older and thus may have more power. Imbalance of power can also include who has more friends, or different personality types. For example AJ is loud and Junior is shy and quiet. • P: Junior asked him to stop, and AJ didn’t. This shows that AJ knew it was unwanted behavior and it was hurting in some way. Junior continued to be hurtful on purpose.
Scenario #2: A week ago Allie got a new haircut, and since then, a group of girls at her school have been telling her she looks ugly. Allie told them that it hurts her feelings and even started to cry one day. The girls didn’t stop and continued to make fun of her. • R: The incident started a week ago, and it’s implied it’s happened several times since then. Even if an incident happened in the morning and on the same day another incident happened in the afternoon, it would be considered repeated. • I: A group of girls has more power than a single girl; this is called social status or social power. • P: Allie told the girls it hurt her feelings and they continued to make fun of her. They knew she didn’t like it and they continued to be hurtful on purpose.
Recognizing Bullying • Complete Round 1: place each situation in the “bullying” or “not bullying” pile
Recognizing Bullying- Three Not Bullying Cards • Card 4: Natalie’s remark was about the game, not about Meredith • Card 8: Sam might be rude to Matt, but we don’t know if he is being unfair or threatening to him • Card 12: Sarah tells Steve to stop copying her paper, but she is not threatening or hurting him
Face-to-Face Bullying Easiest type of bulling to recognize • More obvious to the person being bullied and to others • The person being bullied and the person doing the bullying are both present • The person being bullied knows that it is happening and usually knows who is doing the bullying
Examples of Face to Face Bullying • Repeatedly: - hitting, poking or shoving someone • Yelling at someone • Refusing to let someone join • Making rude gestures like rolling your eyes Why is this type of bullying easy to recognize? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVcJknydelM (bullying example)
Behind the Back Bullying Harder to recognize this type of bullying • Less obvious to the person being bullied and to others • Person being bullied might not be there when the bullying is happening • The person being bullied might not know that is it happening or who is doing the bullying http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUQqrFEyLsw (What is gossiping?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiGXTv6QWcc (What happens when you gossip?)
Examples of Behind the Back Bullying • Secretly trying to exclude someone • Gossiping • Spreading rumors • Setting someone up to look foolish **Just as bad, hurtful, and unfair as face-to-face bullying Why is this type of bullying harder to recognize?
Draw a picture of each type of bullying • Fold your paper in half • On one side draw a picture of face-to-face bullying • On the other side, draw a picture of behind the back bullying
Three people involved in Bullying: • The person bullying • The person being targeted • The bystanders (people who watch/witness the bullying)
What can you do? • http://www.stopbullying.gov/videos/2013/04/be-more-than-bystander.html (be more than a bystander) • http://www.stopbullying.gov/videos/2013/04/be-the-hero.html (be the hero) • Be their friend • Tell a trusted adult • Help them get away • Don’t give bullying an audience • Set a good example
Telling/ Reporting vs. Tattling
Is it Telling or Tattling? • Kelly tripped me on purpose in the hallway • Bob didn’t do his homework • Billy says if I don’t let him copy off my test, he’ll beat me up. • Sofia took out her cell phone during class even though we’re not supposed to • Kim’s desk is messy. • Jose told us not play with the new kid