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Explore how a church-led program transformed Tucson neighborhoods, fostering unity and empowering residents through asset mapping and community-driven initiatives. Learn about the impactful results and future expectations for Tucson's community development.

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  2. Tucson • Tucson, AZ is a city of 500,000 • 100 miles southeast of Phoenix about 50 miles north of the Mexican border. • It is a diverse city ethnically and economically. • Program started by Pantano Christian Church • The east side of Tucson, 3 miles from target area • 2000 members. • Members are primarily Anglo middle class. • Living Waters Baptist Church • In Roberts neighborhood • African American • 200 members

  3. Choosing a Neighborhood • Most churches work in a neighborhood they already have contacts and are doing something in therefore they chose the 29th Ave Corridor since they had been doing work days there and going to neighborhood meetings. • Pantano Christian Church is the main church • It is best to form a truly unilateral partnership with a group in the neighborhood such as a church. Pantano works with 3 other churches

  4. Neighborhood • The Target Neighborhood is: • 29TH St Corridor is a Zip Code with eight Census Tracks and three elementary schools and five neighborhoods.

  5. Ethnic Mix 29th St. Corridor 29th St Tucson • Hispanic 52% 36% • Anglo 37% 54% • African American 6% 4% • Asian 2% 1% • Native American 1% 2%

  6. 29th St Corridor Five Teams Working in Five Neighborhoods (15,699) • Julie Keene with an elementary school (5,806) • Myers with an elementary school (5,453) • Roberts with an elementary school (2,614) • Naylor (1,072) • Alvernon Heights (304) • Plus Fairgrounds not in 29th St Corridor (1200) one elementary School • Six existing Neighborhood Associations • 29th St. Corridor received Weed and Seed funding as a result of the five neighborhood associations working together to get it.

  7. Pantano Structure Neighborhood Transformation Fairgrounds Team Julia Keen Team Alvernon Team NT Coordinator Roberts Team Naylor Team Myers Team

  8. First Activities Done • Started doing Acts of Love in the 29th Street Corridor 3 years ago ie such as work days in the area. • Sermons given on wholistic empowering ministry. • Two champions arose, Sr. Pastor Tim Coop and layman Ted Cates. • Small group study on wholism using On Earth…. • 25 local trainers equipped to do NT over 7 Saturdays. • Broken into six neighborhood facilitation teams (five in 29th Street and one in Fairgrounds) who began entering their neighborhoods. Start with three to five facilitators per neighborhood with a goal of 10 to 12.

  9. Learned Where to Find Assets In Their Chosen Neighborhood Individual Skills And Abilities Identify skills and assets of individuals and what they are willing to share. Association Identify what informal groups are already involved in the neighborhood Institutions Identify formal organizations; government, for- profit and non-profit organizations.

  10. Asset Mapping and Networking • Trainers participated in their neighborhood associations developing relationships and fitting in. • Trainers asked eight Questions to identify assets with individuals in their assigned neighborhood. • Over six months did Asset Mapping of individuals in the six neighborhoods (500 surveys) • About half done through one on one interviews • Half through take home by school children, hanging questions on a door knob and through fun neighborhood activities

  11. What Was Done with Assets Found • For Individuals: Started multiple small group classes simultaneously different topics desired by residents. • In each neighborhood one to three such short term trainings were done. • For Neighborhood: Presented the findings to the neighborhood associations to start discussions on what the neighborhood might want to do. • Had a large group meeting where those in attendance focused on: • What good things have happened in their neighborhood • Generating a list of peoples dreams from the large group • Prioritizing their list of dreams • Creating teams to work on accomplishing their highest priority dreams.

  12. Multiplying the Ministry • Began to solicit more neighborhood churches involvement. (Had only one initially) • Started a second stream of facilitator training with some coming from the neighborhood. • Used Neighborhood Transformation to assist in planting a new church in an underserved neighborhood of Sierra Vista, 45 miles away.

  13. Expectations • Transformed neighborhoods from the inside. • People know neighbors and helping each other. • People knowing and growing in Christ. • People taking responsibility for their own lives. • Healthy growing churches. • Improvement in employment and living conditions. • Reduction in disease, crime, drug and alcohol addiction. • Other Neighborhoods in Tucson began to implement Neighborhood Transformation. (Fairgrounds and Horizon de Pueblo)

  14. Transform Tucson • Neighborhoods throughout Tucson using Neighborhood Transformation will be networked together to learn from and encourage each other. • As the teams come together they find common interests which begin to transform Tucson as a whole thereby changing it from the inside out.

  15. An Affiliate of Alliance for Transformational Ministry 6420 W. Beverly Lane Glendale AZ 85306 www.neighborhoodtransformation.net stan@neighborhoodtransformation.net

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