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RPMS 101

RPMS 101. David Taylor MHS, RPh, PA-C, RN National Medical Informatics Consultant RPMS EHR Training and Deployment Special Thanks to : Chris Lamer, PharmD, BCPS, CDE National Medical Informatics Consultant Patient Education. RPMS. Resource Patient Management System. OUTPUT.

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RPMS 101

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  1. RPMS 101

  2. David Taylor MHS, RPh, PA-C, RN National Medical Informatics Consultant RPMS EHR Training and Deployment Special Thanks to: Chris Lamer, PharmD, BCPS, CDE National Medical Informatics Consultant Patient Education

  3. RPMS • Resource Patient Management System OUTPUT INPUT STORAGE • A set of integrated computer applications designed to • support the clinical and administrative functions of a • health care program. Really Powerful at Measuring Stuff

  4. What is RPMS?

  5. RPMS Files

  6. Fileman Fileman Labs Pt Ed Vitals POVs Meds

  7. Labs Pt Ed Kernal POVs Vitals Meds Kernal Fileman Labs Pt Ed Vitals POVs Meds

  8. RPMS Inputs Fileman A1c Result Labs Pt Ed Vitals POVs Meds Diabetes Management System

  9. Sample Input Tools PCC Data Entry Pharmacy Package Laboratory Package Radiology Package DM Mgt System Asthma Package

  10. PCC Fileman Labs Pt Ed Vitals POVs Meds Bob’s visit 1/19/07 Mary’s visit 4/26/07

  11. RPMS Outputs Fileman Diabetes Audit Labs Pt Ed Vitals POVs Meds

  12. Sample Output Tools Clinical Reporting System Diabetes Audit PCC Management Reports Case Management Reports QMAN PGEN / VGEN

  13. RPMS Jeopardy

  14. Inputs Outputs Tips & Tricks RPMS History Getting Help 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  15. RPMS History 100 • RPMS runs on the MUMPS programming language. • What does MUMPS stand for? AI/AN Population by State 2000

  16. Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System

  17. RPMS History 200 • Is MUMPS a dead computer language? • Name at least 3 programs or companies that use the MUMPS computer language. • PS- Everyone should get at least one!!

  18. Health Information Systems • Indian Health Service • Veterans Affairs • Department of Defense • Presbyterian University Hospitals • Reference labs • Quest • Dynacare • Ameripath • Care Centric • Team health • Epic Systems Corporation • EMIS • Banks • Credit Unions

  19. RPMS History 300 • Name at least 2 programs that use RPMS.

  20. Over 250 programs around the world! • Indian Health Service • Community Health Network of West Virginia • Presbyterian Hospitals • Hawaii has entered an MOA with IHS • Eastern Europe

  21. RPMS History 400 Three part question: • Who is the current IHS RPMS program manager? (who is responsible for RPMS?) • Who is the current IHS Chief Information Officer? (who is responsible for all health information IT?) • Who is the current RPMS EHR Training and Deployment Lead?

  22. Howard Hays, MD, MSPH RPMS Program Manager, IHS Theresa Cullen, MD, MS Chief Information Officer, IHS David Taylor, MHS, RPh, PA-C, RN RPMS EHR Training & Deployment

  23. RPMS History 500 DAILY DOUBLE

  24. Who developed (created) the MUMPS programming language?

  25. Neil Pappalardo

  26. Where did Neil develop MUMPS?

  27. Dr. Octo Barnett’s animal lab

  28. Inputs 100 • How do you document that your patient checks their home blood sugars? • Note, this patient gets their supplies from another company.

  29. Health Factor

  30. Inputs 200 We often input groups of information into RPMS and call them registries and taxonomies. What’s the difference between a template (aka registry) and a taxonomy?

  31. A registry is a list of people • A taxonomy is a list of things (stuff) such as medication, labs, CPT codes.

  32. Inputs 300 You talk with your patient who has type 2 diabetes about the importance of incorporating some type of exercise in their lives and the patient states that they are going to try to walk for 20 minutes three times a week. What input data element do you use to document this?

  33. DM-EX-G-CL-10min-GS-will walk 20min 3x/wk Patient Education

  34. Inputs 400 What input tool is this, and where does the information go?

  35. Need to ensure it is entered into RPMS as an exam code Retinal ScreenIt goes electronically to PIMC where it is read and interpreted

  36. Inputs 500 As of July 2008 - how many sites have begun using the Electronic Health Record?

  37. 166

  38. Outputs 100 How many areas run the diabetes audit?

  39. All Twelve Area 7 Area 1 Area 8 Area 2 All- Areas Area 9 Area 3 Area 10 Area 4 Area 11 Area 5 Area 12 Area 6

  40. Outputs 200 Name 3 RPMS Output Tools that let you manage and control groups (registries) of patients.

  41. 1) Diabetes management System2) Case Management System3) Asthma Register System4) Women’s Health5) HIV Management System6) iCARE

  42. Outputs 300 What is the difference between CRS and GPRA?

  43. Activities Consistent with Agency Goals Appropriated Dollars Customer benefits or outcomes Return on Investment CRS is the tool used to create outcome reports on many different measures.GPRA is a group of outcome reports that goes to Congress. CRS is used to make this special report.

  44. Outputs 400 What six things need to be documented to get credit for the CRS measure called: Diabetes Comprehensive Care?

  45. A1c checked Blood pressure checked LDL performed nephropathy assessment (estimated GFR and qualitative protein)Retinal eye examDiabetes foot exam

  46. Outputs 500 Name one output report that is specifically designed for patients. Patient centered care

  47. Patient Wellness Handout Data extracted from RPMS Logic used to provide information about results Reviewed with patient by clinician, nurse, educator, or pharmacist

  48. Tips & Tricks 100 • I entered some information on a patient named Myirial Pilkiniskersinin using the diabetes management system, but I forgot to add one thing to her record. • How can I choose her again in RPMS without typing in her name, chart number, or birthdate?

  49. Press the space bar and hit the ENTER key. When you do this, RPMS picks the last patient or item you were using

  50. Tips & Tricks 200 When performing a QMAN search, how can you easily pick all of your diabetes diagnoses? ***** SEARCH CRITERIA ***** What is the subject of your search?// LIVING PATIENTS Subject of search: PATIENTS ALIVE TODAY Attribute of LIVING PATIENTS: DX Enter DX: ??

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