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The project overview and achievements in urban planning in Genoa, highlighting data availability, transportation and energy modeling, air quality assessment, public health impacts, and economic indicators. Includes details on data sources, modeling tools, technical workshops, challenges faced, and collaboration with partners.
ARPAL Municipality of Genoa Steering Committee Meeting THESSALONIKI, AUGUST 30/31 THE GENOA CONTRIBUTION
Outline STATE OF THE WORK after one year from the beginning of the project - WP01: Data Availability - WP02: Data Compilation - Trasportation modelling (VISUM); - Energy modelling (MARKAL); - Emission and Street Canyon modelling (VADIS); - Regional Air Quality modelling (OFIS); - Public Health Impacts - WP08: Indicators and Economic Assessment - WP11: Scenario Definition - WP12: Scenario Analysis - Conclusion and plans for the next period Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
WP01: Data availability Available data are summarized in the document “Overview of available data for the City of Genoa” Main interlocutors: AMT: the Public Transportation Company in Genoa; AREL: the Regional Agency for the Energy of Liguria; University of Genoa; Provincia di Genova and Regione Liguria; Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
WP02: Data compilation Transportation modelling (VISUM) • PROVIDED DATA • Privatetransportation network: 758 one – way links; 231 regular nodes; • Private transportation demand: 77 centroids; • TECHNICAL MEETINGS • VISUM training course, held in Genoa (21-24 May 2001). • DIFFICULTIES • Definition of Public Transport scenario. • CONTACTS WITH THE MODELLING PARTNER (PTV) • Licence of VISUM; • Traffic data translation from the EMME2 format to the VISUM one. Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
WP02: Data compilation Transportation modelling (VISUM) Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
CH Heat from Cogeneration 28 GWH ELC ELECTRICITY 2563 GWH COA COAL 2.246.424 TON DSL Light Fuel Oil (olio combustibile) 1.128.510 TON DST Diesel Fuel for Transport 21.356 TON DS Diesel Oil (gasolio oltre trasporti) 148.040 TON GS GASOLINE 194.857 TON NGA Natural Gas for Households 346*106 m3 NGT Natural Gas for Tertiary 12*106 m3 NGI Natural Gas for Industry 237*106 m3 SOL SOLAR ENERGY (heat) 2,67 GWH HYD HYDRAULIC 2 GWH WP02: Data compilation Energy modelling (MARKAL) • PROVIDED DATA Energy Carriers Useful Demand U.D. Transport U.D. Electricity U.D. Heating Conversion and Process Technologies - Coal thermo electrical plant - Combined Cycle Industrial Cogeneration(Operative and Maintenance Costs not available yet) - 3 Hydroelectric Stations Demand Devices - Difficulties in the survey of heating/elec/light DMD Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
WP02: Data compilation Energy modelling (MARKAL) • TECHNICAL MEETINGS • MARKAL workshop, held in Geneva (5-6 february 2001). • MARKAL workshop, held in Geneva (27-28-29 august 2001). • ENCOUNTEREDDIFFICULTIES • Difficulties in accessing some of the Operative and Maintenance Costs • Difficulties in quantifying the DMD • CONTACTS WITH THE MODELLING PARTNER (UGE) • E-mail exchanges for the compilation of the on line database Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
WP02: Data compilation Emission and street canyon modelling (VADIS) • PROVIDED DATA • Traffic flows (hourly average values) from traffic detectors in the modelling domain; • The “Volume-Delay” function for the primary traffic road; • The percentage of each class of vehicles in the urban traffic; • Metereological data; • Domain data (3D). • Airquality data from the local measurement station (available not provided, yet) • TECHNICAL MEETINGS • VADIS training course, held in Aveiro (12-13 June 2001). • CONTACTS WITH THE MODELLING PARTNER (UAV) • During the “Air Quality Modelling Workshop”, in Aveiro, UAV team • showed the application of the VADIS model to the city of Genoa Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
WP02: Data compilation Regional air quality modelling (OFIS) • PROVIDED DATA • Emissions for the urban and suburban part of Genoa and 8 “neighbour cities” and for the rural surface of Liguria (Regional Emission Inventory); • Location of the cities (coordinates of the centre, surface and radius); • Data from the meteorological station. • TECHNICAL MEETINGS • OFIS training course, held in Aveiro (12-13 June 2001). • ENCOUNTEREDDIFFICULTIES • Aggregation of emission data (orography of Liguria) • CONTACTS WITH THE MODELLING PARTNER (AUT) • E-mail exchanges. Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
WP02: Data compilation Public Health Impacts • PROVIDED DATA • Traffic accidents data according to UBG’s requirements (accidents classification, territorial distribution, people involved, ecc.); • Overview of available (or available on demand) studies concerning effects of pollution exposure on public health in the urban area of Genoa. • ENCOUNTEREDDIFFICULTIES • We haven’t any data about marital status, educational level, income and blood alcohol concentration of injured people. • CONTACTS WITH THE MODELLING PARTNER (UBG) • E-mail exchanges. Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
WP08: Indicators and economic assessment Genoa contributes to the discussion about the analysis of the set of indicators • AVAILABLE DATA Demographic data Annual population growth, ageing structure Economic data (not completed yet) Share of teleworkers (study carried out by IST) and service sector on total employment Technological data (not completed yet) Some of the requested data could be supply with reference to national averages. Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
WP11: Scenario definition Objectives • Development of a consistent set of common base scenarios for all cities • Genoa contributes to the definition of urban transportation and development scenario analysis (working notes 3v2 “A summary of scenarios”). Participation in the technical coordination meeting held at FEEM in Milan, May 18, 2001. • Development of a set of future scenarios for each city (specific for Genoa) • At the moment the focus is on future transportation polices, see for instance: • - building of new infrastructure: a tunnel under the sea; • - application of road pricing schemes; • - increment of the number of teleworkers; • - … Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
WP12: Scenario analysis Part 1: simulation • Attendance to modelling workshops • Geneve, 7/9 february 2001: Energy Modelling (MARKAL) • Genoa, 21/24 may 2001: Traffic Network Modelling (VISUM) • Aveiro, 12/13 june 2001: Air Quality Modelling (OFIS and VADIS) • First simulation runs on the baseline scenario • VADIS • VISUM • Software “management” • PTV will support Genoa in performing traffic simulations. • Could the city have a running version of the other models, too? Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001
Conclusion and plan for the next period In this project period, the working team of Genoa concentrated his efforts in the data collection activities and organization of the requested information into proper format. The need of a wide range of data has led us to estabilish profitable network of technical and administrative contacts. The main activities of the next period are related to WP11/WP12: to improve the data set for the baseline scenario; to perform traffic simulation with the support of partners or to analyse results of simulation carried out by partners which cannot provide their tools; to define, following the partner’s guide lines, significant development scenarios; to organize the Mid-term Assessment which’ll be held in Genoa, in the next december. Steering Committee Meeting Thessaloniki, August 30/31 2001