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Current EFA Allocation $1,262,135,590 Equates to a BSC of $2,012 EFA Allocation in House Budget $1,335,811,295 Equates to a BSC of $2,101 Increase BSC to $2,111 $6,007,416 Increase BSC to $2,121 $12,363,734 Increase BSC to $2,131 $18,720,051 Increase BSC to $2,141 $25,076,369
Current EFA Allocation $1,262,135,590 Equates to a BSC of $2,012 EFA Allocation in House Budget $1,335,811,295 Equates to a BSC of $2,101 Increase BSC to $2,111 $6,007,416 Increase BSC to $2,121 $12,363,734 Increase BSC to $2,131 $18,720,051 Increase BSC to $2,141 $25,076,369 Increase BSC to $2,151 $31,432,687
Index Year 2013 Tax Year 2011 Index of Taxpaying Ability State Summary Owner Occupied 0 All Other Real Property 8,444,498,176 Agricultural Property 129,453,685 Personal Property (Locally) 1,985,635,823 Real and Personal Property (DOR) 3,237,437,340 Fee in Lieu and Joint Industrial Park 960,222,147 Tier 1, 2 and 3 Imputed 6,473,512,835 TOTAL 21,230,760,006
Index Year 2013 Tax Year 2011 Index of Taxpaying Ability Abbeville Owner Occupied 0 All Other Real Property 11,512,270 Agricultural Property 1,389,930 Personal Property (Locally) 7,564,055 Real and Personal Property (DOR) 12,394,742 Fee in Lieu and Joint Industrial Park 1,474,288 Tier 1, 2 and 3 Imputed 20,569,231 TOTAL 54,904,516
Example of Index Calculation For Abbeville School District District Fiscal Capacity 54,904,516 Statewide Fiscal Capacity 21,230,760,006 Index of Taxpaying Ability .00259
Current Year House Budget Instructional Materials EIA Recurring $20.9 $20.9 EIA Non-Recurring $13.7 $8.0 Non-Recurring Proviso $3.6 TOTAL $34.6 $32.5 SDE requested $53+ million
Current Year House Budget School Bus Purchases Lottery Unclaimed Prizes $5.9 Excess Lottery Proceeds $6.3 Capital Reserve $10.5 TOTAL $12.2 $10.5 SDE requested $12.1 from the Lottery SDE requested $34.0 from the Capital Reserve
Current Year House Budget Transportation(Fuel and Parts) Other Operating Expenses $33.6 $39.9 EIA Non-Recurring $2.2 EIA Trans Other Operating $17.5 $16.3 Non-Recurring Proviso $6.4 EAA Transportation $3.1 $3.1 EEDA Transportation $0.6 $0.6 TOTAL $56.8 $66.4 SDE requested an increase of $11,850,000