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The Wikipedia Project. Pavel Kurfürst Department of Foreign Languages Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Palacký University Olomouc. Ways to Teaching and Learning - Hradec Králové, September 2006. Wikimedia Foundation.
The Wikipedia Project Pavel Kurfürst Department of Foreign Languages Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Palacký University Olomouc Ways to Teaching and Learning - Hradec Králové, September 2006
Wikimedia Foundation • Imagine a world in which every single person is given free access to the sumof all human knowledge.That's what we're doing. • wikimediafoundation.org
Wikimedia Foundation The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is an international non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual content, and to providing the full content of these wiki-based projects to the public free of charge. The Wikimedia Foundation operates some of the largest collaboratively-edited reference projects in the world, including Wikipedia, one of the 20 most visited websites.
Wikimedia Foundation • founded 2003 • dependent on donations and alternative means of support, including grants and sponsorship • free of advertisements(for the time being)
Wikipedia • a project to build free encyclopediasin all languages of the world • virtually anyone is free to contribute • started by Jimmy Wales in January 2001in one language (English) • currently over 5.1 million articles • over 150 languages • English – 1,370,000 articles • German – 460,000 • French – 360,000
Wikipedia • 100 other languages - at least 1,000 articles • Slovak – 56,000 • Czech – 43,000 • new language editions proposed and launched every month • over 100,000 registered users have made at least ten edits
Wikipedia • the total number of accounts created on the English Wikipedia alone exceeds 1,750,000. • some Wikipedias release or plan to release regular snapshots; the German Wikipedia is released twice a year as a DVD
Wiktionary • a project to create free content dictionaries and thesauri in every language • started in December 2002 • now available in over 50 languages • over 200,000 entries in all • the largest language edition is English, followed by Polish, Bulgarian and Dutch.
Wikiquote • a repository of quotations (taken from famous people, books, speeches, films etc.), proverbs, mnemonics or slogans • started in July 2003 • over 45,000 pages • over 30 languages • the largest is English with over 7,500 pages, followed by German,Polish, Italian and Russian,each over 3000 articles
Other Wikimedia projects • Wikibooks aims to build a collection of free e-book resources, including textbooks, language courses, manuals, and annotated public domain books. It aims to help both (self-)instruction of students, and teachers in high-schools and universities. The project started in July 2003 and has over 22,000 modules from 1000 developing books, across 45 languages. • Wikisource is a multilingual project, started in November 2003, to build a collection of primary source texts that could be distributed as free and open content. It serves Wikimedia's other projects as a useful archive of classics, laws, and other free texts. At the beginning, source texts in all languages (except Hebrew) were all on one site. However, Wikisource now has several editions in many individual languages.
Other Wikimedia projects • Wikispecies is an open, wiki-based project to provide a central, more extensive species database for taxonomy. Wikispecies is aimed specifically at the needs of scientific users, and as of March 2006, has over 30,000 entries. • Wikimedia Commons was launched in September 2004 to provide a central repository for free video, images, music, spoken texts, and other free media that can be easily reused by all Wikimedia projects. As of March 2006, it has over 400,000 multimedia files.
wikimedia.org • wikipedia.org • wiktionary.org • wikiquote.org • wikibooks.org • wikisource.org • wikinews.org • commons.wikimedia.org • species.wikimedia.org
Wiki • A wiki is a type of website that allows visitors to easily add, remove, or otherwise edit and change some available content, sometimes without the need for registration. This ease of interaction and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for collaborative authoring. The term wiki can also refer to the collaborative software itself (wiki engine) that facilitates the operation of such a website. • The first wiki (WikiWikiWeb) is named after the "Wiki Wiki" line of buses in Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii. ("Wiki wiki" means "quick" or "hurry" in Hawai'ian, and also refers to a type of fish native to the islands). It was created in 1994 and installed on the web in 1995.
Navigation • keyword search • basic topics (Arts & Culture, History, Science & Mathematics, Geography etc.) and topics • fields of study (academic disciplines) • A – Z index • hyperlinks • etc.
Wikipedia vs Britannica • if anyone can edit entries, how do users know if Wikipedia is as accurate as established sources such as Encyclopaedia Britannica? • However, an expert-led investigation carried out by Nature — the first to use peer review to compare Wikipedia and Britannica's coverage of science • The exercise revealed numerous errors in both encyclopaedias, but among 42 entries tested, the difference in accuracy was not particularly great: the average science entry in Wikipedia contained around four inaccuracies; Britannica, about three. • As well as comparing the two encyclopaedias, Nature surveyed more than 1,000 Nature authors and found that although more than 70% had heard of Wikipedia and 17% of those consulted it on a weekly basis, less than 10% help to update it. • Nature, December 2005
Wikimania Conference • Wikimania 2006, the second annual international Wikimedia conference, was held August 4–6 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, hosted by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at the Harvard Law School campus. Both a scientific conference and a community event, Wikimania brought together members of the various Wikimedia projects in order to exchange ideas, build relationships, and report on research and project efforts. It also provided an opportunity for Wikimedians and the general public alike to meet and share ideas about free and open source software, free knowledge initiatives, and wiki projects worldwide.
Controversies, criticisms • criticised by representatives of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Microsoft (Encarta) • attacks both from within the community and from outside • www.wikipedia-watch.orga critical look at this encyclopedia and the people behind it
Wikipedia & ELT • source of information in English • interesting as a phenomenon(the community, controversies etc.) • comparing English and Czech versions of entries (including computer-assisted translations) • etc.
Simple English • simple.wikipedia.org • 11,000 articles • for different people with different needs: students, children, and adults with learning difficulties. • articles should use only the 1000 most common and basic words in English, less complicated grammar, for example shorter sentences. • simple.wiktionary.org • simple.wikibooks.org • en.wikiquote.org
Wikipedia in Czech (Wikipedie) • cs.wikipedia.org/wiki • wikipedia.infostar.cz (navajo.cz) • computer-assisted translation from English (Eurotran) • very poor quality • published by Microton (Czech company, producer of the software)
kardiální zastavit který je také nazvaný klinická smrt je nepřítomnost systoly: to je, nedostatek ventricless srdce ke kontraktu. Kardiální zastavit je life-threatening lékařská pohotovost to bude vést k pravdivý smrt během několika minut. • V dětech, kardiální zastavit je typicky zapříčiněný hypoxia od jiných příčin takový jak blízký -topit se. S léčbou výzvy míry přežití jsou vysoce. • Hovor pro pomoc bezprostředně; nejlépe, poslat někoho jinde dělat tak. Počet sekund. Cardiopulmonary vzkříšení (“CPR”) by měl být dáván bezprostředně. CPR jen koupí čas na pokročilé responders přijít; to nerestartuje srdce. Jestliže automatizovaný externí defibrilátor (AED) je dostupný, aplikovat to na pacienta najednou a následovat instrukce na zařízení. • V případech kde člověk zemře přímo ke konečné chorobě, oni mohou rozhodnout se vyhnout se hrdinným mírám a umřít mírumilovně. Projevit toto přání známý, pacient zeptá se jejich lékaře pro nekřísí (DNR) nařídí, že který předejde pokročilé srdeční životní podpoře od bytí použitý jestliže pacient jde do kardiální zastavit.
Kouření tabáku je praxe kreslení tabákový kouř do úst. V případě cigaretového kouření, to také zahrne inhalovat tabákového kouře. • Nejvíce rozšířená forma kouření tabáku je kouřící cigaret, následovaný kouřením roury a kouřením doutníku. • Zapálení cigarety etc. je hotový s zapalovačem nebo zápasem. • Jeden z nejvíce obyčejných laskavostí položených od cizince je pro světlo; to je také používáno dostat se do kontaktu s někým.
Resources • wikimedia.org • www.nature.com/news/2005/051212/full/438900a.html • tools.wikimedia.de/~leon/stats/wikicharts • www.inforum.cz/inforum2006/pdf/Kadlec_Petr.pdf
pavel.kurfurst@upol.cz www.ucjlf.upol.cz