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Classroom & Daily Procedures. Mrs. Scott’s 4 th Grade 2010-2011. Entering Classroom in the Morning. Line up single-file in the hallway outside the classroom door. Quietly wait there until invited into the classroom.
Classroom & Daily Procedures Mrs. Scott’s 4th Grade 2010-2011
Entering Classroom in the Morning • Line up single-file in the hallway outside the classroom door. Quietly wait there until invited into the classroom. • Sign in using the side white board. Move your student number to the PRESENT column. Use your magnet to answer the Daily Data Question. • Put backpack on top of desk, NOT on floor. • Get all needed things from backpack and put it into the bin. Students will not be allowed to get anything else out of backpacks during the day without teacher permission. • Put snack and lunch in cubby in the back of the room. • Put any homework, class work, or make-up work in the proper trays on the front table. z
Entering Classroom in the Morning (continued) • Put any teacher notes, lunch money, returned forms, etc. in the tray on the teacher’s desk. • Get 2 pencils. • Begin morning work and wait for restroom time. Do not waste time talking in the classroom, hallway, or restroom. • Our math or reading class is supposed to begin as soon as announcements are over. It is imperative that students be in their classroom and finished with morning work by that time. • Stay in your seats. • Absolutely NO talking. • If the teacher has morning duty and is not in the room, sit quietly along the wall in the hallway and wait.
Backpacks, Shoes, Desks, and Personal Items • Put backpacks, shoes, and other personal items in the bins since the classroom is crowded. We do not have room for those items to be kept at desks. • Since 12 or 13 students need to use each backpack bin, please do NOT bring unnecessary personal items to school. • Since space in backpack bins is limited, students’ backpacks should lie completely flat when necessary “stuff” is removed from them. • Students may NOT change shoes for P.E. They need to wear P.E. shoes to school. When in 6th grade and have lockers in which to keep shoes, students will be permitted to change.
Backpacks, Shoes, Desks, and Personal Items (continued) • Students should NOT bring extra money or other valuable items to school. The teacher can not be responsible for money or items misplaced, lost, or stolen. • Our partner class’ students will be coming into our classroom for math and science or reading and social studies. Since they will be using your desks, do not leave anything in them that you do not want someone else to use or look through. Kids DO look in others’ desks. That is just a fact. The teacher does not want to hear complaints about others “messing with” or taking anything left in desks. Put any special pencils, etc. in your “lunch cubby” before leaving the classroom. Better yet, do not bring them to school at all.
Pledge/Announcements • Stop work immediately, stand, and place chair under desk. • Remain standing silently at desk until announcements are complete. • After announcements, sit and quietly continue morning work until other instructions are given. • Moment of silence means just that; be silent and still.
Conduct • Conduct sheets with student names and numbers are kept in a binder on the front table. • When a student has violated one of the rules or not followed a classroom procedure, he or she will be asked to “punch his or her conduct sheet.” • Each student will have a sheet for his or her conduct report each 9 weeks. Each time a student is asked to “punch” his or her sheet, he or she will also note why it was punched. • Each student will be given one “warning” each week without being asked to “punch” his or her sheet. The teacher will put a warning mark on the sheet. • The first time a student is asked to punch his or her sheet will serve as a second warning.
Conduct (continued) • When a student has been asked to punch his or her sheet twice during the same week, he or she will have silent lunch the rest of the week and will sit where the teacher specifies. • A student punching his conduct card for the third time during a week will earn the loss of “free time” and a parent contact. • A student punching cards four times in a week will write a paragraph explaining his or her behavior. He or she will personally deliver the conduct sheet and paragraph to Mr. Copes and/or Dr. Campbell to be signed. The paragraph will also be taken home to be signed by parent(s). It will be signed by the teacher when it is returned to school.
Conduct (continued) • A student will sometimes be sent to “visit” another teacher’s classroom to complete work or for behavior issues. Such “visits” will be noted on students’ conduct sheets. • Conduct sheets will be sent home on Friday of each week. Parents are to sign the sheets and return them to school on Monday. • Students not returning cards on Monday will receive a conduct warning on their sheet for the current week. • Students’ conduct grades will be based upon completed conduct sheets.
Desks • Always sit flat in your chair, facing forward. • “Four on the Floor” - Always have all four chair legs and all four desk legs on the floor. • Repeated violation of this procedure is dangerous and will result in a “conduct punch.” • Students are expected to keep their desks neat and free from loose papers, etc. Continued messiness will result in conduct punches.
Restroom Visits • We will go to the restroom twice per day as a class – once first thing in the morning and once after lunch. Students will be excused from the classroom in rows/tables. All students are expected to TRY to use the restroom during those times – no exceptions. The teacher does not want to hear, “I don’t have to go,” during restroom time. • Students will be allowed two additional restroom visits per day during independent work times. They will obtain a pass from the teacher before leaving the room and will move their magnets to the “restroom” section of the “Sign In” board. Only one boy and one girl will be allowed in the restroom at a time.
Restroom Emergencies • A student needing an emergency restroom visit may ask the teacher for an additional visit. NOTE: A student’s having an emergency because he or she did not TRY to use the restroom during the class restroom time is NOT acceptable and will result in a conduct punch. Extra restroom visits interrupt class instruction time and keep other students from doing work. Some students also use restroom visits to avoid doing work.
Leaving the Classroom • Clear desk tops. • Pick things/trash up off floor around and under desks and chairs whether it belongs to you or not. • Push chairs under desks. • Stand behind desks and wait for instruction to line up.
Lining Up • Students are to line up in ABC order every time. No exceptions except by teacher instruction. This eliminates arguing over place in line.
Emergency Procedures • Line up and wait for teacher instruction. • The requirement to line up in ABC order will not apply to emergencies. • Row 1 will file out first followed by row 2, etc. • Students will follow the line leader down the hall. The last student out of the room will close the door. • Do NOT worry about shutting off the projector, shutting down the computers, or turning off the lights.
Emergency Procedures (continued) • Do NOT go back for personal stuff (like a backpack or purse). • Students will line up in a single-file line once the class reaches its waiting area. • Most Importantly: There will be absolutely NO talking during emergencies such as fires, severe weather, or lock downs.
Hallway Behavior • Walk quietly one behind the other (single file) staying in ABC order. • Keep hands and feet to yourself. • No cutting in line. • No rushing ahead or jumping up to touch objects, doorways, etc. • No messing with lockers. You will be assigned lockers when you get to 6th grade. • No lagging behind (keep up with the student in front of you) or jumping down steps. • No stopping for water without the teacher’s permission. • No walking up/down the ramp in the commons area. • Absolutely NO talking – not even to the teacher or students in another grade or class.
Lunch • Get EVERYthing you need/want the FIRST time through the line. NO going back. There will be another class coming in quickly behind ours. The lunch line is too crowded for second visits. • Sit in ABC order in the lunchroom until further notice. • Stay seated and talk quietly ONLY to those students sitting beside or across from you. Any students talking too loudly will be assigned silent lunch. • Keep trash at your table until told by the teacher to throw it away and line up. • Line up quickly in ABC order and wait for instructions to leave lunchroom. NO talking in line.
Recess/Free Time • Free Time is a privilege, not a right. It must be earned. Students can earn their free time by good behavior and turning in assignments. • When leaving for recess, walk calmly and quietly until past the end of the building. • No fighting/pushing/bullying. • No getting in water/mud/sand. No climbing on objects. • Stay out of places that are not in full view of the teacher. • Move quickly toward the line up area when the teacher blows whistle and waves. • Line up in ABC order and walk quickly and quietly toward the building when instructed to do so. • Any students violating recess/free time procedures, will spend that time the next week working in another teacher’s classroom.
Homework/Class Work • Put name, student number, and date on each and every paper turned in. Use the “paper header” format posted in the classroom. No exceptions. Work turned in that is missing a header will NOT be graded and will be considered late. • Put completed work in the assignment turn-in tray on the front table. • Class work is to be completed and handed in the day it is assigned. • No credit can be given for assignments not turned in.
Homework/Class Work(continued) • Every other week, students will be given a science-related book or story to take home. They will be expected to read at home and prepare a report on the material using the Science Book Report form. Reports will be handed in on Friday morning. Books/Articles are to be returned on Friday as well. • Math homework will be assigned on Mondays and Tuesdays every week. Additional math homework may be assigned as needed. • Students will have a paragraph/essay to complete every two weeks. They will take first drafts of their writing home on Wednesdays for an adult to proofread and edit before they write their final drafts.
Homework/Class Work(continued) • All science class work is to be done in students’ science notebooks. Their 9-weeks grade will be based upon the completeness and neatness of those notebooks. • Students will do additional science research projects in the areas of space and inventors and their inventions. Information on those projects will be given out at a later date.
Organization of Work – Students will keep notebooks and folders as follows: • Science: spiral science notebook for class work. • Math: bound graphing notebook – provided by the teacher. Folder for workbook pages. Spiral notebook for math intervention work. • Language Arts and Writing: spiral notebook for Daily Language and writing. • Reading – spiral notebook for vocabulary work.
Classroom Behavior • NO stealing. • NO cheating. • NO getting out of seat without permission. This is NOT PE class. • NO drawing. This is NOT art class. • NO singing/humming/whistling/drumming. This is NOT music class. • NO touching other students. • Keep hands out of other students’ desks. • Stay out from behind teacher’s desk and work area at all times. • Use computers only with teacher permission. This is NOT computer class.
No Complaining/Whining • DO NOT WHINE. Period. • When the teacher gives an assignment, do NOT sigh, comment, roll eyes, or complain. • Do NOT complain that you have been treated “unfairly.” Remember, “fair” does not always mean “equal.” • If you have a complaint you feel you simply must tell the teacher, you may put it in writing. The teacher will read it after school and consider what you have written.
Attitude • Do NOT take an attitude with the teacher. • Rolling eyes, talking back, or other teacher disrespect will NOT be tolerated. It will not only earn a conduct punch. It will also earn an immediate parent contact and/or visit with the vice principal, Dr. Campbell. No other warning will be given. • This is your teacher’s classroom. She promises to treat students with respect and expects them to treat her with respect as well.
Tattling • Do NOT tattle. Before you tell the teacher something about another student, ask yourself, “Why am I telling the teacher this?” If you are telling her something simply to get another student in trouble, it IS tattling.
Bullying • Bullying is NOT tolerated at Calera Middle School. Bullying can be either physical (repeatedly hitting, pushing, kicking, etc.) or it can be mental (repeatedly teasing, name-calling, talking bad about someone). Bullying is serious and will immediately be reported to administration.
ATTENTION Getter • When the teacher wants students’ attention, She will ring a bell or raise her hand and say, “GIVE ME 5.” Students will immediately begin to quietly count “1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . 5” following the 5 steps displayed on the poster. • Consistent lack of attention by the entire class will cause class-wide silent lunch and loss of weekly free time.
Private Conference • A student may hold up one finger to indicate he or she needs help from the teacher. With permission, as soon as there is time, he or she may then speak with the teacher privately if needed.
Cheating • Cheating is stealing - even if another student allows you to copy answers. • Cheating is not only against classroom procedures, it is against Shelby Co. Schools policy. • Any student caught cheating on an assignment, or helping another student to cheat, will receive a zero on that assignment. NO exceptions will be made. • Parent(s) of any student caught cheating will be contacted immediately.
Desks, Cubbies, and Classroom • Students are expected to keep desks and cubbies neat and free from trash. • Students are expected to pick up after themselves since the class does not have a maid service. If you drop something, pick it up right away. If you see something on the floor but didn’t drop it yourself, pick it up anyway so the teacher doesn’t have to. • Students who repeatedly do not keep desks and classroom clean will punch their conduct sheets. • The teacher can and will inspect both the inside and the outside of any student’s desk at any time. A teacher helper will also be assigned to check desks. • The teacher’s work area – including desk, filing cabinets, bookshelves, computer, etc. - are all off limits for students without explicit instruction from the teacher.
Snack Time • Snack time is a privilege, not a right. The teacher can remove snack time from any student who does not earn it. • Since it is during instructional time, it will be a working snack. Students will be expected to continue working. If they cannot do so, snack time will be discontinued. • Students should bring only healthier snacks to eat in the classroom. No candy, please, including Fruit Roll Ups or Fruit- by-the-Foot. Fruit juice or water are the best snack drinks. • Since snacks will be eaten in our partner classroom half the time, students should bring snacks in throw-away containers like paper or plastic bags, etc .
Answering Questions, Asking Permission, etc.During Class • Give a quiet “thumbs up” to be recognized to give an answer. • Students appearing/sounding like they are “in pain” in order to get the teacher’s attention while raising their hand WILL be ignored. • “Equity sticks” will sometimes be used to recognize students to make sure everyone has a turn to participate. • Students talking out in class without permission or giving answers without being recognized to do so, will punch their conduct sheets.
Answering Questions, Asking Permission, etc.During Class(continued) • Other “permissions” will be requested and granted as follows: • Student holds up pinkie finger – restroom visit. • Student holds up index finger – need help with work. • Student holds up 2 fingers – need pencil or paper. • Teacher holds up full hand – “No.” • Teacher holds up “OK” symbol – “Yes.” • “Hand Signals” are displayed on poster on wall.
Supplies • Paper, pencils, crayons, and markers will be taken up and used as a class. • No student will keep crayons or markers in his or her own desk at any time – not even if brought from home. Students do not need to bring special pens, pencils, markers, etc. The classroom has anything needed. The teacher will not be responsible for special supplies lost or stolen. • Classroom supplies will be available whenever needed and will be handed out by the teacher.
Textbooks • Textbooks will be kept on shelves or in desks until needed. • Students will write their names and student numbers neatly in the books assigned to them.
Group Work • Working with a group is a privilege not a right. • Students are expected to work well in groups when instructed to do so. Those students who consistently cause problems in their groups will lose the privilege of group work and will be asked to complete assignments by themselves.
Early Finishers • All students are expected to have chapter books in their desks at all times – NO picture books or “I Spy” type books will be allowed during classroom reading times. • Early finishers will do any “Early Finisher” work the teacher provides. If that work is finished as well, or if no such work is provided, without being reminded, students are expected follow Early Finishers instructions listed on poster. • Do NOT ask permission to do something else. Read without whining. • Early finisher work and/or reading is to be done only after assignments are completed and turned in. • asked to punch conduct cards.
Computer/Library Time • Computer and library times are privileges. • Computer and library time will be given according to our classroom schedule. • The teacher reserves the right to make exceptions to computer and library time as needed. • When visiting the library, students will check out at least one chapter book that can last all week. Students will be allowed to leave class to visit the library only one other time during the week. • Any student misbehaving in the library or abusing his or her computer time will lose that privilege until further notice and will punch his or her conduct sheet.
Leaving for P.E. • Students will pack up for the day before leaving for P.E. class. • Car riders will leave backpacks, etc. along the wall just outside the gym doors. • Bus riders will leave backpacks, etc. along the wall just inside the gym doors. • Once in the gym, students will sit as directed by the P.E. coaches.
After P.E. • Bus riders will retrieve their backpacks. Car riders will pick theirs up when the car rider bell rings. • Students will sit in ABC order along the wall at the near end of the gym as directed by the teacher. • They will wait with the teacher for the end-of-day dismissal. • Restroom visits during this time will be with teacher permission only. • Quiet talking will be allowed only with students sitting close.
End of the Day • The teacher will release students from the gym according to the following schedule: • The “car rider bell” rings at 2:55. • The “early bus rider bell” rings at 3:00. • “Late bus riders” will leave when their busses are called – but not UNTIL their busses are called.