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English as a Second Language. In-service October 10, 2008 Mrs. Liz Milo Mrs. Patty Wilson. SCSD ELL. Immigration Then and Now. The Law. Best Practices. Research and Theories. Immigration Then and Now. “Give me your tired, your poor,
English as a Second Language In-service October 10, 2008 Mrs. Liz Milo Mrs. Patty Wilson
SCSD ELL Immigration Then and Now The Law Best Practices Research and Theories
Immigration Then and Now
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
America: The Melting Pot/Salad Bowl Washington Norwegian Danish Swedish Minnesota Swedish Norwegian Massachusetts French Irish Rhode Island French Michigan Scottish Polish African California Japanese Scottish Chinese Danish German Norwegian Swedish African Irish French Russian Mexican New York Russian Italian German Scottish Irish African Chinese Polish French Illinois Irish Norwegian Swedish Polish Italian Mexican German Danish Slovak Russian African Wisconsin Norwegian German Polish Pennsylvania Slovak Irish Russian African Ohio Slovak German Utah Danish Texas Mexican Hawaii Japanese Chinese
SCSD Jordan Speak Arabic Kindergarten Grades 1,2,4,6
China Mandarin Chinese and Fujianese Grade 6
Serbia Grade 4 Serbian
Sharon Middle School/High School Jordan China Puerto Rico Guyana Mexico Grades 7-12
SCSD Planned Instruction for Listening and Speaking Level 1 • Tell name and age • Identify family, school personnel, classroom objects, basic body parts, common pets, fruits • Use present tense of verb “to be” • Use regular plurals • Answer simple yes/no questions appropriately • Follow simple directions involving basic positions in space
Listening and SpeakingLevel 2 • Identify common occupations, clothing, farm animals and food • Expression using present progressive tense of common verbs • Use negative and subject pronouns correctly • Use mass pronouns appropriately • Follows teacher’s directions related to identifying positions on a page • Repeat simple sentences correctly • Comprehend and remember major facts of a simple story
Speaking and ListeningLevel 3 • Identify modes of transportation and household items • Name the days of the week • Describe common weather conditions • Use possessive nouns correctly • Ask simple future tense questions • Understand and express comparative and qualitative concepts • Follow teacher’s directions involving movement in space • Repeat complex sentences correctly • Understand and identify moods in a simple story • Expression using present and future tenses • Express creative thoughts in complete sentences
Speaking and ListeningLevel 4 • Identify content area vocabulary • Use superlatives and past tense correctly • Understand and name opposites of key words • Ask past tense questions • Discriminate the difference in closely paired words • Describe and organize the main properties of common objects • Identify main ideas and descriptive details of a story or show
Speaking and ListeningLevel 5 • Identify seasons and unusual occupations • Use conditional tense of verbs • Discriminate the difference in closely paired words • Expression using past tense correctly • Comprehend and predict the outcome of a story • Recall and retell main facts of a story • Explain positive and negative attributes of friendship • Share meaningful, personal experiences
Writing • Is intelligible • Addresses the topic • Expresses complete thoughts • Makes sense and organization of ideas is logical • Uses vocabulary and syntax that are appropriate for student’s grade level • Uses writing conventions with few errors • Satisfactory quality and sufficient quantity to meet grade level expectations
ReadingVocabulary • Given a visual stimulus the student will select the most appropriate label, descriptive word or action • Inference • Sight vocabulary includes nouns, adjectives and verb forms
ReadingVocabulary in Context • Given a sentence, the student will select the most appropriate word to complete it correctly • Inference • Comprehension • Vocabulary includes nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verb form
ReadingReading for Understanding • Given a paragraph to read the student will complete a statement which: • Demonstrates comprehension • Expresses/describes feelings • Notes details and infers • Elicits cause and effect relationships • Predicts behavior
ReadingLanguage Use • Given a phrase, the student will select that form which completes it correctly: • Verbs-regular and irregular past form, progressive past and present • Pronouns-possessive and contractions • Nouns-irregular and possessive • Adverbs
ReadingReading for Life Skills • Given a representation of a book the student will: • Use a table of contents • Identify the topic • Note details • Identify the author • Given a representation of an invitation, the student will • Infer from details • Draw conclusions • Given a time schedule, the student will: • Use a schedule • Infer and predict from details
Communication with ParentsFederal regulations require districts to provide information about assessment, academic achievement and related issues to parents in their native language or in their preferred mode of communication. This means that it is the district's/charter school's responsibility to provide for translation and interpretation services
Federal Law OCR Title VI Civil Rights Act(1964) • “No person shall on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be denied the benefits of or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal Financial assistance.”
Federal Law Equal Educational Opportunities Act(1974) • Schools need to take appropriate measures to overcome language barriers that impede students’ participation in programs.
Federal law No Child Left Behind (2001) • This act makes federal funding for states dependent on student progress. According to the act: “States that do not meet their performance objectives for LEP students could lose up to 10 % of the administrative portion of their funding for all ESEAS state administered formula grant programs.”
Classroom teachers provide content area instruction Aligned to the PA Academic Standards And adapted to meet the needs of Limited English Proficient students
State Code 22 Pa. Code §4.26, BEC (2001) • Every school district shall provide a program for each student whose dominant language is not English for the purpose of facilitating the student’s achievement of English language proficiency and the academic standards under §4.12(relating to academic standards). Programs under this section shall include appropriate bilingual-bicultural or English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction.
Research and Theories
Second Language AcquisitionResearchers and Theories Jim Cummins Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency
Affective Filter Comprehensible Input Steven Krashen
Applying Tiered Questions Preproduction --Show me the wolf. Where is the house? Early Production: --Did the brick house fall down? Speech Emergence: --Explain why the third pig built his house out of bricks. What does the wolf want? Intermediate Fluency: --Why do you think the pigs were able to outsmart the wolf? Advanced Fluency --Accurately summarize the story
Best Practices
What should I do if an ELL uses incorrect English? Word-MES –Provide vocabulary Words –Model correct usage –Expand by using adjectives, adverbs, new vocabulary –Help students “Sound like a book” (use academic language)
Model (Restate with correction) What student says. What teacher says. He runned. Oh, he ran. (grammar error) I like eschool.I’m glad you like school. (pronunciation error) They bought a carro. That’s nice they bought a (vocabulary error.) car.
Contextualize Use realia Diagrams Technology Charts
Resources • Pictures: • www.google.com (select images) • Microsoft Word-insert picture • www.Altavista.com (select image) • Diagrams • www.enchantedlearning.com
Build Vocabulary • Introduce new vocabulary. • Provide time and activities to read, write, speak and listen to new vocabulary. • Review vocabulary. • Arrange authentic learning activities for students to interact using new vocabulary.