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Hawaii. Hawaii. House of Representatives: Representative Barbara Marumoto (R) 808-586-6310 repmarumoto@capitol.hawaii.gov Representative John Mizuno (D), Chair, House and Human Services Committee 808-586-6050 repmizuno@capitol.gov
Hawaii House of Representatives: Representative Barbara Marumoto (R) 808-586-6310 repmarumoto@capitol.hawaii.gov Representative John Mizuno (D), Chair, House and Human Services Committee 808-586-6050 repmizuno@capitol.gov Representative Roy M. Takumi (D), Chair, House Education Committee 808-586-6170 reptakumi@capitol.gov Representative Cynthia Thielen (R) 808-586-6480 repthielen@capitol.gov Representative Ryan Yamane (D), Chair, House Committee on Health 808-586-6150 repyamane@capitol.gov Representative Scott Nimshimoto (D), Vice-Chair, House Committee on Health 808-586-8515 repnishimoto@capitol.gov
Hawaii Senate: Senator Suzanne Chun-Okland (D), Chair Senate Human Services Committee 808-586-6130 senchunoakland@capitol.gov Senator Les Ihara, jr., (D) Majority Policy Leader, Vice-Chair, Senate Human Services Committee 808-586-6250 senihara@capitol.hawaii.gov Senator Donna Mercado Kim (D), Chair, Ways and Means Committee 808-586-7200 senkim@capitol.gov Senator David Ige (D), Chair Senate Health Committee 808-586-6230 sendige@capitol.gov Senator Josh Green, M.D. (D), Vice-Chair Senate Health Committee 808-586-9385 sengreen@capitol.gov Senator Gary L. Hooser (D), Majority Leader 808-586-6030 senhooser@capitol.hawaii.gov