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INQUIRY UNIT. How to. Understand Variables:. Independent Variable. Dependent Variable. Constants. Observable or measureable response to the independent variable change. Variable changed on purpose BY experimenter. All factors that remain the same. ramp, car, release point.

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  1. INQUIRY UNIT How to . . .

  2. Understand Variables: Independent Variable Dependent Variable Constants Observable or measureable response to the independent variable change Variable changed on purpose BY experimenter All factors that remain the same ramp, car, release point Height of ramp Time down ramp

  3. Write a Problem Statement(testable question ): The question _____ be open ended and include the _________ and __________ variable MUST INDEPENDENT DEPENDENT Use ONE of the following formats… • “What is the effect of _____________ on the ____________?” IV DV Ex: What is the effect of on the ? height of ramp time down ramp

  4. Problem statement (testable question) con’t OR IV • “How does changing _____________ affect ____________?” DV Ex: How does changing the affect the ? height of ramp time down ramp Your turn…

  5. Write a Hypothesis: IF THEN An ___…, _____…statement that is based on what you believe will happen or how the problem will be answered. This belief is based on research, observations or previous knowledge. Use the appropriate of the following formats. . . If the is (increased/decreased) then the will (increase/decrease/stay the same) IV DV Ex: If the is increased then the will decrease. height of ramp time down ramp

  6. Write a Hypothesis (con’t) OR If the is changed from ___ to ___ to ____ then the is (increased/decreased/stays the same) IV DV If the is changed from tile to wood to carpet then the is increased. type of ramp time down ramp Your turn. . .

  7. Writing Problem Statements and Hypothesis Problem Statement Formats What is the effect of IV on the DV? How does changing the IV affect the DV? Hypothesis Format If the IV is (increased/decreased) then the DV will (increase/decrease/stay the same) If the IV is changed from ___ to ___ to ____ then the DV is (increased/decreased/stays the same)

  8. Materials & Procedure Materials: List of needed items. Ex: ramp, car, stopwatch, meter stick , tape Procedure: Step by step directions Ex: 1) Gather materials 2) Mark starting point on ramp with tape, measure one meter from end of ramp and mark stopping point with tape 3) Set up ramp so it is 5 cm high 4) Release car and start stopwatch at same time, stop the stopwatch when the car reaches the end point. 5) Repeat four more times. 6) Repeat steps 3-5 for ramp at 10 cm high 7) Repeat steps 3-5 for ramp at 15 cm high.

  9. Create a Data Table THREE • Create a table with ______ columns, center column being wider than the other two • Label the _____ column with the ___ and _____ • Label the ______ column with the ___ and _____ • Divide center column into ___ columns and label with ______ 1-5 • Label _____column with the _______ DV and unit • Fill in the IV column with the _______ of IV • Write the _____ for the data table LEFT IV UNIT CENTER DV UNIT 5 TRIALS RIGHT AVERAGE LEVELS TITLE

  10. Write a Title for Tables and Graphs DESCRIPTIVE • The title should be ___________ of what is in the data table and graph. • The title should be the _______ for ______ data table and graph SAME BOTH • The title should follow _____ of the following formats (same format as the problem statement) ONE “How the affects the “ IV DV Ex: How the affects the height of ramp time down ramp

  11. Write a Title for Tables and Graphs (con’t) OR “The Effect of on the ” IV DV Ex: The effect of on the height of ramp time down ramp Your turn. . .

  12. create a data table (con’t) Title

  13. create a data table -- example The effect of height of the ramp on the time down the ramp As the data is collected, write the _________ in the table. After all the data is collected find the _______ (mean). NUMBERS AVERAGE

  14. Create a Graph • Must have: (1) ________ -same as table (2) The __________ for each axis • The Independent Variable goes on the____/horizontal axis • The Dependent Variable goes on the ____/vertical axis (3) ______ of measure for each axis • The intervals must be ______ and the _______ are numbered! • Use intervals that will make graph ___ ______ half high/wide (4) _____ TITLE VARIABLE X Y UNIT EQUAL LINES AT LEAST DATA

  15. create a graph (con’t) APPROPRIATE • Use ____________ type of graph • _______ - used… • to show comparison • _______ – used… • to show change over time • when both variables are numerical and continuous • ALWAYS graph the _________ (mean) BAR LINE AVERAGE

  16. create a graph (example)

  17. All Graphs Must Have… • 1. Title (Same as the data table) • 2. Variables • IV on X (horizontal) axis • DV on Y (vertical) axis • 3. Units • 4. Data • Appropriate type of graph • Line graph must have points connected • Bar graphs have spaces between bars

  18. Determine the Trend Trend: _________ between the independent and dependent variable: how one factor affects the other. Ex: As the height of the ramp increased the time down the ramp decreased PATTERN

  19. Write the Conclusion Conclusion: At least _______ sentences: 1…State if the ______ supported or did not support the hypothesis 2…State the _______ 3…Give __________ to support the trend THREE DATA TREND EVIDENCE

  20. Conclusion -- example The data supports the hypothesis. As the height of the ramp increased the time down the ramp decreased. When the height of the ramp was 5 cm high the car took 3 seconds to travel down the ramp, but when the height was increased to 10 cm the car only took 2 sec to roll down the ramp. Finally, when the ramp was increased to 15 cm the time further decreased to only 1.5 seconds for the car to roll down the ramp.

  21. Brainpop-7th • http://www.brainpop.com/science/scientificinquiry/scientificmethod/

  22. Mr. Lee Rap • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV8lSmIo4Ac&feature=related

  23. Reference Sheet-Inquiry • Use the following slides to help you with completing all parts of the scenarios.

  24. IV and DV IV…what is the experimenter changing? DV…what is the experimenter measuring to find out if the IV made a difference?

  25. Problem Statement Formats What is the effect of IV on the DV? OR How does changing the IV affect the DV?

  26. Hypothesis Formats Hypothesis Formats If the IV is (increased/decreased) then the DV will (increase/decrease/stay the same) OR If the IV is changed from ___ to ___ to ____ then the DV is (increased/decreased/stays the same)

  27. Title of Data Table/Graph Format The Effect of IV on DV OR How IV affects DV

  28. Trend Format When the IV (increased/decreased) the DV (increased/decreased/stayed the same) OR When the IV changed from ____ to ____ to ____ the DV (increased/decreased/stayed the same)

  29. Conclusion Format Three Sentences 1st…state if the hypothesis was supported or not 2nd…state the trend 3rd…use data to give evidence of the trend

  30. Data Table Skeleton

  31. Graph Skeleton

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