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MDD 1. Orietta Gutiérrez H. Outline. Tarea 1: Educational background Social/ Psychological background Resources Tarea 2: Students ’ background What occurs during an English lesson ? Tarea 3: What must be considered ? Tarea 4: Challenge Information source.

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  1. MDD 1 Orietta Gutiérrez H.

  2. Outline • Tarea 1: Educationalbackground • Social/Psychologicalbackground • Resources • Tarea 2: Students’ background • Whatoccursduringan English lesson? • Tarea 3: Whatmust be considered? • Tarea 4: Challenge • Informationsource

  3. Tarea 1: Educationalbackground. • School: Colegio El Nazareno. • Location: Villa Cap, Dos Sur 287, Concepción, Región del BíoBío. • Students come from: Población Teniente Merino, John Kennedy, Villa Cap, etc. • Facilities: Located in a residentialarea. • Students: Elementary, High school (Nighttime) • PEI – 2016 • PIE – Ley N°20.845… since 2010. Mission “Basically, to empower students through the development of abilities, values and skills through a personalized education driven by affectiveness within a safe and proper classroom environment following Humanist-Christian values, respecting every religion and belief.”

  4. Social/Psychological background • According to the latest report and the night time school’s principal own words, back in 2016: 70% of the Ss come from dysfunctional homes, and 10% of the students had been institutionalized at some point in their lives.  Quit school/Get a job. Most of the Ss can be categorized as individuals with NEE, and among the adults there are different cases that go from mild to severe SEN, drug addiction to liberty under conditions of parole.

  5. Resources Colegio El Nazareno established in their adapted Proyecto curricular, that it was extremely necessary for them as a community to improve their students’ reading skills, problem solving skills, use of TICs/ICTs, and also encourage artistic and sport interests. • Multifunctionalroom • ComputerLab • Library • Kitchen • PIE classroom • Group of professionals: Phonoaudiologist, psychologist, kinesiologist, fourspecialeducationteachersand a social worker.

  6. Tarea 2: Studentsbackground. • 1° and 2° highschool • 14 students: 3 Haitians; agesbetween 18 and 50. • Mixedlanguage? • Specialneeds: Neurological and visual impairment (example). Complication? 2 major issues: a) some students’ lack of interest towards the language; b) none of them never had English classes before (except one).

  7. What occurs during an English lesson? Concerning the attendance at night, none of the students actually gets on time (disruption). English worksheets come directly from the teacher’s hands as she prints every needed material for the class. Assistant’s role Basic grammatical structure and vocabulary; No previous knowledge. No use of course books. But… do theyenjoy English lessons? (x) “Fome” (x) “No entiendo” (50%) (x) “No sirvo para el Inglés” (x) “No participo porque me da vergüenza” Teacher has carriedoutlistening and speakingactivities.

  8. Tarea 3: Whatmust be considered…? • Evaluation (feedback) • ICTs (seizetheresources) • Classmanagement(ideas for a betterclassroom… avoidbehaviorism) Mainchallenge?  Students-Teacher’s gap …Lesson plan considerations? -Encouragetheinterestfor L2; language in context.

  9. Tarea 4: Challenge… • What do I knowbest? Behavior Teenagers, notadults.  Pattern in vulnerable individuals At theend of thedaythey are beingtaughtthroughbehaviorismbutweneedACTIVE LEARNERS. • Whatwould I need/like to know?  Get to know more  Performance and skills.  Educationalbackground  Classmanagement

  10. Informationsource: • Guideteacher (Miss Andrea Montero) • Teachers (Matemática, Lenguaje, Ciencias) • Principal • PEI (Sentby e-mail) • PIE • Directobservation/intervention

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