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Learn how Australia is improving digital accessibility for persons with disabilities. Explore the DARE Index results and Australia's ranking, laws, regulations, and key facts. Discover the impact on inclusive technologies and ICT access.

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  1. DIGITAL ACCESSIBILITYAustralia and the DARE Index Trevor Carroll Vice President AFDO International Coordinator

  2. About Us AFDO is a DPO and the national voice of people with disability and family organisations. Our current policy national priorities are 1. Violence, Abuse and Neglect of people with disability 2. Access to Justice 3. People with disability in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 4. Affordable Housing 5. Better Health for people with disability 6. Public Transport 7. Advocacy and Inclusion

  3. International Work Disabled People’s International (DPI) AFDO is a Full member of DPI, and is privileged to hold the sole Australian representative vote on DPI. 2019 Civil Society CRPD Shadow Report Working Group AFDO is part of the 2019 Civil Society CRPD Shadow Report Working Group preparing Australia’s Civil Society Shadow Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by July 2019. Pacific Disability Forum AFDO is a Full member of the Pacific Disability Forum (PDF) which began in 2004 and has since become a regional peak body that works in partnership with DPOs in the Pacific region. This also gives us membership of the International Disability Alliance (IDA)

  4. The DARE Index and the UNCRPD 177 Countries have ratified the UNCRPD. Responsibilities under Article 9 – Accessibility, to enable persons with disabilities access, on an equal basis with others, information and communications technologies and systems. They also have to identify and eliminate obstacles and barriers to accessibility. The DARE Index is a global benchmark to help assess their progress and identify opportunities to promote and implement digital accessibility regarding Article 7.

  5. The DARE Index The Global Initiative for Inclusive Technologies (G3ict) collects data in an alliance with Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI). An AFDO member completes a questionnaire on Australia’s ICT profile which is then validated by G3ict. Australia’s country evaluation data is posted in the “Country Dashboard” section of the G3ict web site at https://g3ict.org/country-profile along with the results of others.

  6. Australia’s DARE Index Ranking Global Ranking: 12 Regional Ranking: 1 Peer Economic Development Group Ranking: 8 Implementation Ranking: 10 DARE Index Score: 71/100

  7. The DARE Index rates 1. Each country’s commitments to legal, regulatory, policies and programs for digital accessibility for persons with disabilities; 2. Each country’s capacity to implement organization, processes, resources, and digital accessibility for persons with disabilities; and 3. Actual digital accessibility outcomes for persons with disabilities in 10 areas of products and services as follows:

  8. 10 areas of products and services Inclusive ICTs for all in employment; E-Government and Smart Cities for all; Enabling assistive technologies and ICTs for independent living; and Procurement of accessible public goods and services for all citizens Web accessibility for all; TV and Audio-Visual accessibility for all; Mobile communications services accessibility for all; E-books and digital contents accessibility for all; Broadband accessibility for all; Inclusive ICTs for all in education;

  9. Australia’s DARE Index Score 71/100 This score represents the total points measuring the progress of Australia in its commitments, capacity to implement ; and actual outcomes for persons with disabilities This in turn gives Australia a Global Ranking of 12 out of 121 countries and a Ranking of 1 in the East Asia & Pacific Region

  10. Some key facts about Australia • GDP per capita including (4) peer group classification: 43,655 USD per capita • Region: East Asia and Pacific • HDI-Human Development Index Ranking (UNDP): 2 (2015) • ICT Development Index Ranking: 14 Population: 24.0 million (2015) Age: 3.6 million aged 65 and older Life expectancy: 82.5 years (2015) Population of Persons with Disabilities identified by Country Census: 18.3% or 4.3 million persons of the country's total population (Benchmark Percentage of World Population with Disabilities 15%)

  11. Australia’s DARE Index Score Summary Laws and Regulations: 20/25 Capacity to Implement: 25/25 Policies and Programs Outcomes by Areas of ICT Accessibility and Level of Implementation: 26/50 Total Score: 71/100

  12. Australia and Digital in Real Terms HOUSEHOLD INTERNET ACCESS IN 2016-17 https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/8146.0 86% of all households had internet access 97% of all households with children under 16-17 had internet access 91% of connected households used desktop, laptop computers or smart phones 6.2 - mean number of digital devices per household used to access the internet 3 most popular online activities were entertainment, social networking and banking (all 80%)

  13. Australian legislation The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 The Disability Discrimination Act is an act passed by the Parliament of Australia which prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, education, publicly available premises, provision of goods and services, accommodation, clubs and associations, and other contexts. Discrimination is defined to include failing to make reasonable adjustments for the person. Complaints made under the Act are made to the Australian Human Rights Commission. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disability_Discrimination_Act_1992

  14. Implications of the DARE Index rating for e-governance and digital accessibility? AFDO’s Board is elected from both its cross-disability organisations and disability-specific peak membership which includes: Blind Deaf/Blind Vision impaired Autism-Aspergers Deaf Intellectual Disability Hearing impaired Brain Injury Physical disability

  15. AFDO’s E- governance reasonable adjustments Using portable FM hearing loop T-coil induction systems with roving microphones Using captioned video conferencing with a dial in feature to the meeting Our members prefer Zoom https://zoom.us/ Emailing documents 1 week in advance in Word instead of PDF to enable the use of screen readers Providing Sign Language interpreters at meetings or by video conference Using on site captioning by a stenographer or by remote using digital technology

  16. Sources https://g3ict.org/digital-accessibility-rights-evaluation-index/country_classification https://g3ict.org/digital-accessibility-rights-evaluation-index/methodology https://www.afdo.org.au/ https://accessandinclusionindex.com.au/overview/quick-self-assessment/ https://g3ict.org/digital-accessibility-rights-evaluation-index/index.html https://g3ict.org/upload/DARE-Index-Global-Progress-by-CRPD-States-Parties-Nov-5-2018.pdf

  17. Thank you Trevor Carroll DPI Director & Information Officer DPI Chair Asia Pacific Region

  18. Our Members

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