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Bedding Lime Benefits Carn Quarries, Ederney

Learn how lime bedding can help prevent bovine mastitis, an infection that affects cows' udders and reduces milk production. Lime has an alkaline effect that inhibits bacterial growth and a drying effect that keeps the bedding clean and dry, reducing the risk of infection. Discover the results of a lime bedding trial and explore other potential uses of lime in farming systems.

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Bedding Lime Benefits Carn Quarries, Ederney

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  1. Bedding Lime Benefits Carn Quarries, Ederney 29th June 2013

  2. Bovine Mastitis • Bovine Mastitis is infection caused by bacteria entering the cows udder section, causing a loss in production from a particular teat(s). • Bacteria enters the udder when animal is lying, and is contributed mainly by wet, dirty bedding. • Traditional bedding methods consist of sawdust/ straw which harbours harmful bacteria.

  3. Lime as a Bovine Bedding Additive • Limestone Filler consists of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) • This material has an alkaline effect which inhibits bacterial growth. • The Ph for this material is in the range of Ph. 9 • This material has a significant drying effect which also has a detrimental impact on bacterial growth.

  4. Examples of bedding systems. • Combination of sawdust and lime provides dry comfortable bedding system. • Dry and clean,making it less hospitable for bacteria growth.

  5. Examples of bedding systems. • Udder exposed to dirt and bacteria. • Possible infection risk

  6. Limestone Bedding Trial • Four farmers were selected in the local area, all employing different bedding systems. • A free sample of the material was delivered to them and were asked to carry out a month long trial. • After the month, a questionnaire was carried out to confirm the results they had noticed from using the material.

  7. Feedback – Benefits and Advantages • Works well in two most common bedding systems, either mattress system or in combination with sawdust. • “Very powerful drying effect” – keeps bedding clean and dry for longer; consequently this keeps bacteria counts lower. • More user friendly to animals and farmers alike, due to a lower alkaline effect. • One customer had test results showing a lower bacterial cell counts after using the lime bedding.

  8. Further possible use’s for Lime Bedding. • Silo pit coverage systems are moving away from waste tyres due to legislation. Possible use as a ballast material for “Securicover” system. • Feasibility as acidity regulator in grassland systems to be checked.

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